still silence. poems. volume I

still silence
poems. volume I
cyril ioutsen
Dark again.
Over trees —
a nightfall.
Beneath —
the starry skies.
Looking at
the silence
of things
we cannot hear.
Listening to
the silence
of things
we cannot see.
Photograph anna lenina
© cyril ioutsen, 2021
© anna lenina, photos, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0053-2048-3 (т. 1)
ISBN 978-5-0053-2049-0
Created with Ridero smart publishing system

“abandoned railway…”
abandoned railway still goingsomewhere“abating storm…”
abating stormleftover rainabandonedon the grass“ above…”
abovethe summit the sun keeps rising“above the sea…”
above the seathe seagullscarry the rain“ absorbed…”
absorbedin a daydream a young frog alone by the leaf“across the fog…”
across the fogsilence driftsto the forest“adjusting…”
adjustinga pebbleon a beachlooks outof place“after dark…”
after darkreturningwith a catchof moonlight“after dusk…”
after duskdarknessgoes too
“after the rain…”
after the raintoo much skyon the streets“after rainfall…”
after rainfall floodedby sunlight“after the snowfall…”
after the snowfallleft on the ground the clouds“all of the sky…”
all of the skyin a tiny pondstill summer“alone…”
aloneamongothersforesttrees“already gone…”
already gonebefore I saw ita perfect view“ always…”
alwayssummer far awaysomewhere“ancient ruins…”
ancient ruinsoutlasting themmodern garbage“another spring…”
another springor perhapsthe last one again
“as if never…”
as if neverbefore andyet againautumn“at cliff edge…”
at cliff edgea butterflyand meit goesfarther“ at dusk…”
at duskcolors fadingone by one…wary to be seen?“at the edge…”
at the edgeof the leafthe snail is lost“at the window…”
at the windowon the dry sideof the rainstorm“autumn…”
autumnafterglowof spring“autumn…”
autumnat lastso soon“autumn…”
autumnforestbrightshadesof decay“autumn…”
autumnthe lastleaf fallsand thenanother
autumnseeing itfor what it is“autumn forest…”
autumn forestand beyondall there is“autumn rain…”
autumn rainsound of dropsstill in the air“an autumn leaf…”
an autumn leafin my mailboxsome message“ awaiting…”
awaiting the dusk the snow lingersstill winter“awash with…”
awash withthe soundof waveswaterfront“ Bach…”
Bachby the pond frogs wait for the cue“back and forth…”
back and forthon a forest floorrestless shadows“balance…”
“bare branches…”
bare branches few leavesfree to share dark skieswith stars“Beethoven…”
Beethovenin the stormthunderclap steps infor timpani“between stars…”
between starsand beyondlooks the same“ beyond…”
beyondthe silence beyondstill silence“a bird…”
a birda treesharingsolitude“birds in the sky…”
birds in the sky never lost in thought“birdsong…”
birdsongleavingno echo“bitter cold…”
bitter colda sentinelfor a pinean old raven“ bizarre…”
bizarrewhen up close fire in the fog
“ bonfire…”
bonfirein its midsta shape ofsomething“both black…”
both blackand whitethe snowin the dark“a breeze…”
a breezea breatha breadthdreamingof a beach“briefly…”
brieflybefore sunrise silence“bright sun…”
bright suncity shadowsalmost dark“brightest of all…”
brightest of allon a forest floor a beer can“budding flower…”
budding flowerwithout a thoughtsweet fragrance“burning leaves…”
burning leavessmell of autumnon my clothes“bus stop…”
bus stoprainstormarrives first
“a butterfly…”
a butterflya blossomalmost one“by the fire…”
by the fireunder the starsfiery sunrise“a canvas of time…”
a canvas of timebrush strokessunrise bit by bit“change of season…”
change of seasonnever the sameand yet again“children’s…”
children’s voicesplaying on the grasstree shadows“city fog…”
city fogno moreskyscrapers“city into sky…”
city into skystarry nightwithout end“city park…”
city parka lamp postamong trees“ city park…”
city parkmy ringtone a bird answers
“city stars…”
city starsbelow morethan above“clear water…”
clear waterall the junkI can see“ cliff edge…”
cliff edgebeyond the sea falling stars“cold autumn…”
cold autumn the leavestrembling in the wind“the color of fire…”
the color of fire in the dark of nightembers in the storm fireflies“colors into…”
colors intoshapes intoshadows is darkness“cooling…”
coolingin the heatbirdsong“ coolness…”
coolness in the airnothing elseacross the dark meadow“countless…”
countlessstars andone lampdimmingthem all
“country road…”
country roada dog growlswhen I stare“crescent moon…”
crescent moonwondering about the rest of it“crickets…”
cricketsfall silentthe nightremains“crossroads…”
crossroadseverywhereeveningone waysunset“a crow…”
a crowin the skytrappedin a poem“crusted snow…”
crusted snow the crow the tree one shadow“dancing…”
dancingto a tuneI cannothear stillthe snow“dark again…”
dark againover treesa nightfall“dark night…”
dark nightdeep insideemptiness
“ dark skyline…”
dark skyline dark cloudssunset in-between“darkness…”
darknessbetweenthe starsnight sky“dawn…”
dawnmisttakesshape“ dawn…”
dawnone bird is all“dawn…”
dawnstarsintomist“dawn and dusk…”
dawn and dusk late spring early fallnearly the same yet not quite“daybreak…”
daybreak amidstthe echoes stillness“daylight and dew…”
daylight and dewluminous withinthe spider’s web“deep breath…”
deep breathtrying to inhale the forest
“deep down…”
deep downfor the daydawn stars“deep winter…”
deep winterfrozen stillthe sounds“descending…”
descendingshade by shadewinter sunset“ a desert…”
a desertabove my head starry skies“different…”
differentyet notso muchtwilightand rain“disentangling…”
disentanglingfrom the night the raven“distance…”
distancespectersdim inthe rain“distant…”
distantsmokeits scentmuchcloser“distant…”
distant voicesthe night quieter
“ downcast…”
downcastfrom heavensa broken kite“dragonfly…”
dragonflyat its backthe field“dreaming of snow…”
dreaming of snowarrested in flight a lone raven“drowned…”
drownedin raina brookis nowa river“dusk…”
duskdownthe roaddancesthe leaf“ each moon…”
each moon same windfrom somewhere“each morning…”
each morningthe same citythe new sky“eclipsed…”
eclipsedthe sunsunflower“embraced…”
embracedby the windold willow
embracingthe woodit burns the fire“empty…”
emptystreetnot evenemptyenough“empty forest…”
empty forestfull of lightwind echoesas if distant waterfall“empty sky…”
empty skymore emptywith stars“the end of it…”
the end of itlike all things autumn“endless meadow…”
endless meadowskylark’s songeverywhere“enhancing…”
enhancingthe bloomsun beamsrain dropsbutterflies“ entangled…”
entangledin the branchescrescent moon“exploring…”
exploringthe leavesthe wind
“fading light…”
fading lighteverythingfades too“fallen leaves…”
fallen leavesheavy withsummerlong gone“fallen leaves…”
fallen leavesthe tree and Iare at peace“far away…”
far awayheadlightsclose bythe stars“ far from…”
far from its treescarlet leaf“ fireflies…”
firefliessnowflakes how comethey never meet?“ the first…”
the firston his last journeyautumn leaf“ flatlands…”
flatlandslooking sharpgrass spears“flourishing…”
flourishingwith frost winter windowКонец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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