craquelures. poems, volume II

poems, volume II
cyril ioutsen
I say
Photograph anna lenina
© cyril ioutsen, 2021
© anna lenina, photos, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0053-2054-4 (т. 2)
ISBN 978-5-0053-2049-0
Created with Ridero smart publishing system

“after the concert…”
after the concert a symphony of ringtones“after the music…”
after the musicsilence is stillcatching up“always cheerful…”
always cheerfulbank manageranother loan“another death…”
another deatha dried flower on a grave“another year…”
another yearthey call it new“art & craft…”
art & craftthe linein a poemgets fixed“ ashes…”
ashesto the windto beeverywhere“at the end…”
at the endat peaceat last“at the start…”
at the start sorrowat the end regretfloating world
“at a station…”
at a stationa lone train– yet full“autumn…”
autumn thingsthat come to mind“back from…”
back fromthe burntthe ashes“ between…”
betweenthen and nowalways“between trains…”
between trains neither has arrived yet“birthday…”
birthdaypresentin email“blackout…”
blackout onlysounds“bookstore…”
bookstoreone bookwarm tothe touch“border…”
border nothingbut the sign
“burning history…”
burning historynewspapersin a fireplace“ bus drives on…”
bus drives onanother afternoon left in the past“but a gap…”
but a gapbetweendreamsyet huge“calendar…”
calendarthinningas daysadd up“a calendar…”
a calendarall the daysthat mightnever come“candlelight…”
candlelightand flowersboth smellover-sweet“cat in the mirror…”
cat in the mirrorcalm knowingit is still there“childhood…”
childhoodfragmentscollectibles on eBay“choices…”
choicesnowhereto go butsomewhere
“city life…”
city life early buslate passengers“the clock ticking…”
the clock tickingthe sunrise awaywhat if it stopped“cold fireplace…”
cold fireplacein the ashesidea for a poem“computer crash…”
computer crashwithout a sound on its part“connecting cities…”
connecting citiesthe road cutsthe forest in half“counting…”
countingraindropsso manyways tobe wrong“a crack…”
a crackin the wallclosed bycobweb“ crossroads…”
crossroadsyet another wayto somewhere else“crumpled…”
crumpled pillowremainsof a dream
curious made-up storiesmostly setin the past“dark…”
darkand darkerwith lights on“day and dream…”
day and dream in-betweensomething else“dead…”
deadfreshflowers“deadline done…”
deadline donebreaking dawnbreaking down“different…”
differentin twilightsame poem“different books…”
different booksnot so differenton a bookshelf“discarded…”
discardedgift-wrapsno longerfestive“ a distant…”
a distant memory up closean oldphotograph
“dog days…”
dog daysall the samefor the dogs“dried flower…”
dried flowerin a bookuntold story“ a duet…”
a duetinsidethe piano outside the rain“each stone…”
each stonewith a namegraveyard“the edge…”
the edgeof the mapthe roadgoes on“endless rooftops…”
endless rooftopsso many yetonly one home“eulogy…”
eulogy heartfelt wordsthat haveto be said“eyes…”
eyesclosedthingsseemcloser“falling dusk…”
falling duskfading clockkeeps tickingnonetheless
“ familiar…”
familiar scentits absence clearereach time“family…”
familyfuneralreunion“family album…”
family albumblank pagesin the middle“fed by…”
fed bypoemsthe fire“finally…”
finallyenoughmoonlightto makea haiku“first up…”
first upthen oldgrowing“ flying…”
flyingfirst class outsidesame view“ freight train…”
freight trainlosing the countof the carriages“ full…”
fullof ideastrash bin
“game of chess…”
game of chessside by sidethe victoriousthe vanquished“Grandpa’s…”
Grandpa’sphotographs strangers everyone“ graveyard…”
graveyard in a bookan old album“growing older…”
growing olderthe days seem shorter“guiding light…”
guiding lighta cigarette tipin the dark“haiku…”
haikufull-timelockdown“haiku manual…”
haiku manual300+ pagesabout 3 lines“hard to tell…”
hard to tellthem apartthis worldreflectionin a mirror“hard words…”
hard wordssoft papermakes themno less hard
“ heavy mist…”
heavy mistblurred edgesblurred words“hospital…”
hospitaloutsidethe life“in a crowd…”
in a crowdlingeringechoesof glances“in a few…”
in a fewstrokessilence“in a library…”
in a librarythe silenceof voices“in the park…”
in the parka bench that isalways vacantis occupied“in the space…”
in the spacebetween wordsmore words“insomnia…”
insomniatoo slowtoo soon“just taking…”
just takingthe edge offanother glass
“leaving behind…”
leaving behindor letting godifferenceexaggerated“loneliness…”
lonelinesswhen you talkto yourselfwhen you don’t listen“lost…”
lostin a parkin thoughts“loud music…”
loud musicless silence within“a love…”
a lovelettera lovelypapercrane“melting the ice…”
melting the icespring thawpeace talks“mid-life crisis…”
mid-life crisiswhy not call it half-life?“a minute of silence…”
a minute of silencebut really aboutforty-two seconds“modern art gallery…”
modern art galleryevacuation planrather ancient
“a moment…”
a momentan infinityin a few lines“morning bus…”
morning busuneven paceof the streets“morning chill…”
morning chillstreet musician warms up“never…”
neverenoughtime to donothing“new…”
newhomeoldsmells“new teeth…”
new teethquite a bitedentist’s bill“ news again…”
news againbut there’s also spring“ night bus…”
night buslooking outsideseeing oneself“night sky…”
night skyon tiptoesbetter to see
“ nighttime…”
nighttimefrom the window still inside“no words…”
no wordsto say of it silence“odd physics…”
odd physicsthe darkerthe louder“ old grave…”
old gravefresh flowersmade of plastic“old painting…”
old paintingnot enoughcraquelures“old photos…”
old photosbelongingto me nowsomeone’smemories“optimistic…”
optimisticworse thanyesterdaybetter thantomorrow“ order…”
ordereach objectrandomlyin its place“page after page…”
page after pagethe time goesat book’s pace
paradox beforethe next timeanother“passage of time…”
passage of timefewer peoplethat never visit“ the pathways…”
the pathways we never takewhere they leadwhen we go back“ paused…”
paused to check the timeand missed the train“peace conference…”
peace conferenceeveryone looking for casus belli“peaceful summer…”
peaceful summerdespite the war somewhere“a petal…”
a petalin a cupan idea“a progress…”
a progresseach stepmore sure of less“quite telling…”
quite tellingbirthday giftstill unwrappednext birthday
rainstormmusic offto listen“ rainy day…”
rainy daydrought newsfrom somewhere“ reasons…”
reasonsto leave it reasonsto keep it anything“road gridlock…”
road gridlockour thoughtsand the traffic“same route…”
same routeyesterdaythroughtoday’sstreets“self-education…”
self-educationto the museumto make selfies“a short bio…”
a short bio a hyphenbetween dates“snowstorm…”
snowstormairport fulllockdown“so many…”
so many peopleso much solitude
“some hopes…”
some hopesnot unfoundedsunrise again“somehow…”
somehowmore prettygirls around summer“sometimes…”
sometimesnothing isall there is“spontaneity…”
spontaneityhaiku momentrevised later“spring at last…”
spring at lasthospital room still white“stardust…”
starduston papera poem“ still…”
still wetrainstormwatercolor“still forward…”
still forward the clockin the mirror“stillness…”
stillnessnot quiteright withno sounds at all
strangerson a trainno secrets“street noise…”
street noiselouder whenthe light is off“streetlamps…”
streetlampshalos aboveour heads“subway…”
subwaythe trainsand violin“suggestive…”
suggestiveblank pageblank stare“sumi-e painting…”
sumi-e paintinghidden colors within black and white“ sundial…”
sundialdoes it workfor the moon?“ sunrise…”
sunrisea wallpaperon a screen“supermarket…”
supermarkethome-madefood discount
“ surely…”
surelyan oxymoron silentloudspeakers“symbiosis…”
symbiosisa live cata plasticmouse“symmetry…”
symmetryno one getswhat onewould give“teacup empty…”
teacup emptybut for the tealate evening“ team work…”
team workarguing aboutcollaboration“tempting…”
tempting a viewfrom above a longway down“things done…”
things donetime leftfor regret“the time…”
the timeit takesto earnluxurywatch“time being…”
time beingall the timeКонец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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