17 With which musical instrument is Vanessa Mae associated?
18 What, according to the proverb, is better than no bread?
19 Which actress played Lucy in the 1985 film A Room With A View?
20 What is a trumpet-quietening device known as?
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QUIZ 22 – Communications (#ulink_9f852fd2-70a6-5263-98f1-bce96a619f6f)
1 What does the “C” stand for in the initials BBC?
2 Who invented the World Wide Web?
3 Which word represents the letter “T” in the standard radio phonetic alphabet?
4 Which was the first programme to be broadcast on Channel 4?
5 What was the name of the world’s first adhesive postage stamp?
6 What does DAB stand for in relation to radios?
7 Which is the most frequently used letter in the English language?
8 What was the world’s first teletext information service, started by the BBC in 1974?
9 In which year did the UK complete the switch to digital television?
10 By what system is a letter sent if labelled “par avion”?
11 What does SMS stand for in relation to texting?
12 Who invented the telephone?
13 What does “fax” stand for?
14 Which country developed emojis?
15 Which letter is represented in Morse Code by a single dash?
16 How much did a standard first class stamp cost in the UK at the beginning of 2018?
17 Who was the first person to produce a printed book in English?
18 On a standard keyboard, what is the topmost left letter?
19 Which London thoroughfare was traditionally associated with newspapers?
20 In 1973, which company became the first to mass-produce the handheld mobile phone?
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QUIZ 23 – Pot Luck (#ulink_05b38a0f-78f9-5387-9a6c-695973af1804)
1 Which city is the capital of India?
2 Who was the Greek goddess of retribution?
3 What term is given to the central part of a wheel?
4 In which Welsh county is Bangor?
5 Who had a hit in 2009 with Bad Romance?
6 What title is given to a person who owns a large estate in Scotland?
7 Which English naval hero was commander of HMS Victory?
8 The football ground of Elland Road is in which city?
9 What is the term for an official who leads prayers in a mosque?
10 What is the American term for a narrow rocky valley?
11 Who was the composer of The Planets suite?
12 What is the state capital of Tennessee?
13 In the 2012 film Les Misérables, who played Jean Valjean?
14 Where does an arboreal creature live?
15 In which county is Loughborough?
16 What is the medical term for short-sightedness?
17 Which Ealing comedy was remade in 2004 with Tom Hanks in the starring role?
18 What is the word of Indian origin for an equestrian show?
19 Which peach variety has a smooth yellow and red skin?
20 What is the capital of Japan?