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Convincing the Rancher

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“They can get a lease from the Bureau of Land Management, just like we do for grazing,” Jack answered. And it’s easy for them to do it, because the federal government is all about developing domestic sources of energy right now,”

“But here? It’s going to mess with this whole area,” Bob Allen said worriedly. “It’ll change everything.”

“Well, I’m new at this,” Slaid told him. “But it seems to me that if the feds are allowing fracking all over BLM land, a wind-energy project must be a no-brainer for them. It’s a lot less invasive and damaging.”

Jed Watkins leaned forward. “I just don’t get it. We’re a small town. We don’t need that much energy. Why us?”

“We’ve got the wind,” Slaid answered. “And it’s a straight shot down Highway 395 to Southern California.”

“We’re pretty sure they’ll just sell the extra power to LA,” Jack explained. “Or run it across the desert to Las Vegas or some other big city.”

The quaver in Gus’s voice betrayed his distress, “What do we do? No way can we let this happen.”

“Well, we’ve got to run a campaign.” Jack glanced around the table. “Try to get some outside support for our cause. Involve the media and environmental groups.”

“Jack thinks we’ll get a lot of public sympathy on this,” Slaid added. “Especially if we remind people of the struggles folks in this area have endured since LA got its hands on our water.”

“Sounds like a good idea overall,” Sue said.

“Well, there’s another part to this idea,” Slaid’s nervousness was gone now. So far not one person had protested, or extolled the economic benefits of windmills. “Jack and I were talking earlier.” Slaid nodded in his friend’s direction. “He had this idea about using solar energy to fight this thing. If we got solar panels installed all over town, we’d be making most of our own power. Then we can prove that we have no need for a wind farm.”

“But how will we afford all these solar panels?” Jed asked. “Those things are pricey.”

“Well, there are rebates from the federal government, and we’ll try to work with the state for a grant, too. Plus, I was thinking we could try to find a big solar installation company that might consider a group discount.”

The ideas started flying. One of the benefits of a small town was that the council knew every homeowner in it. They made a list of who would be on board, who might get on board with some convincing and the few people who probably never would. Then they made a list of people who might need a little financial assistance.

The council members got so fired up about the solar-power idea that they decided to forego the new holiday decorations this year, and instead use the income from the fund-raisers they’d just planned for “solar scholarships” to help people get their panels installed. Slaid felt a rush of pride. An issue that he’d feared might divide his town was actually going to bring its citizens closer than ever.

His worry about Tess nagged at him, though. If the town came together, they would hand her a big defeat on this thing. And even though he knew that this wasn’t her project, and it wasn’t her defeat, as the project spokesperson, this would be a blow to her career. It might even jeopardize her job.

He’d promised Jack he’d let Tess know their plans and give her a chance to come up with a counterstrategy. But he’d done a little researching on the internet these past few days and learned that Tess was considered one of the best in her field. With a heads-up she might still find a way to kick his butt.

“Slaid, are you on board with all these fund-raisers?” Gus asked.

He looked around the table, embarrassed that he’d been caught with his mind wandering. Luckily his assistant, Erica, had made a chart with all additional fund-raising plans on it, and he was a fast reader. He nodded. They were going to be busy, but it would be worth it. “We’ll need to schedule a few extra meetings, folks, if you want to make all this happen. And I would call in all the favors you can with friends and family, because we will have to form some new committees. Fund-raising, outreach, technology... It’s gonna take the expertise of everyone we know to make this plan a reality.”

An hour later, they all stumbled down the steps of the town hall and out into the dusk. The sun set early these days, earlier still because it went behind the mountains so quickly. Waving goodbye to the council members, Slaid relished a sense of accomplishment. This was why he was mayor—for moments like this. When people worked together to make something happen that was way beyond what any one individual could do.

And now it was just a matter of getting it done. They had their plans in place, meetings on the calendar, and if everyone did their part, they could win this fight.

If they did, he might even end up grateful to Renewable Reliance. Earlier today he and Jack had spoken about his legacy—all that inherited family expectation that sometimes felt like a burden. Well, right now it felt like an opportunity. He had the chance to turn Benson into America’s first solar-powered town. That could be his own legacy—one he could be proud of.

CHAPTER SEVEN (#ulink_1cedf0c5-5cff-5797-a9a9-7f465f5ad555)

WALKING TO HIS TRUCK, Slaid’s mind went straight back to Tess. He needed to apologize for the way he’d treated her out by his pasture yesterday. He figured he’d bring some flowers. At least they might keep her from slamming the door in his face. Maybe they’d also soften the blow he was about to deliver—that Benson was trying to go solar powered.

Late fall wasn’t the ideal time to find fresh flowers, but he headed to the grocery store and managed to grab a few of the least-wilted bunches. The hardware store was just closing but he begged his way in and, though they didn’t have a vase, he found a large mason jar—it would have to do. Once he’d wrestled the flowers into some kind of decent-looking arrangement, he drove to Tess’s cottage, wondering what kind of reception he would get. Part of him couldn’t wait to see her again. The naive, optimistic part that was still excited that the woman he’d dreamed about was right here in Benson. Another part of him kind of hoped she wasn’t home. He wasn’t looking forward to their conversation. If she was gone, he’d simply write a note of apology, leave the flowers on her doorstep and make his escape. He could deal with delivering the news about the solar panels another day.

When she answered his knock, he knew the easy way out wasn’t an option. But suddenly it didn’t matter, because she took his breath away. Without makeup, her face had a softness he’d never imagined. Her wide blue eyes were rimmed with soft gold lashes that he realized now were usually covered in black mascara. A smattering of freckles decorated her translucent skin. Her hair hung past her shoulders in soft waves. Dressed in a plum-colored sweater and black knit pants, she looked relaxed, much younger and way more beautiful than ever.

Her eyes widened at the sight of him. “Slaid, what are you doing here?”

“Apologizing,” he said softly. “May I come in for a moment?”

Her expression was guarded, and she glanced down with evident regret at her casual clothing, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear in a self-conscious gesture that was out of sync with the Tess he knew. “Okay.”

She opened the door wider for him and he stepped into the entry, feeling like a fool standing there with flowers in his hands. But after the way he’d acted, he knew he deserved to feel like a fool. And worse.

“These are for you.” He handed her the bouquet.

“Why?” she asked sharply, taking the jar.

“Because I was an idiot. I took that whole windmill thing out on you when I know it’s not your fault. Hell. You wouldn’t even still be here if I hadn’t put pressure on you to stay. I had no right to act like that, Tess. And I’m sorry.”

He waited for her smile, wanting to see the corners of her lush mouth tilt up. But it didn’t come. Instead she looked troubled.

“I don’t need flowers. We’re professionals, Slaid. You were just reacting to some bad news. I’m a big girl. I can take it. I definitely don’t need an apology.”

Her words and tone jarred him out of his thoughts, which had been stuck on her mouth and the realization that he wanted to kiss her. He yanked his eyes away.

“Maybe you don’t need to hear it, but I need to give it. I messed up and I know better.”

“You really are a Boy Scout, aren’t you?” She set the flowers down on an end table next to a white armchair.

“Eagle,” he said automatically before realizing how stupid that sounded.

“Right. Well, Scout, apologies are for personal relationships, and we’re not personal. We’re business. So you do what you need to do, and I’ll do what I need to do, and we’ll just try our best to keep it civil. How’s that?”

Scout. Her nickname had him feeling like a little kid. It didn’t help that she sounded as if she was explaining the ways of the world to a child. He’d come here with flowers, stood on her doorstep struck speechless by her beauty, and that was how she saw him. Some Boy Scout country boy who needed her to school him in being professional. Irritation ran up his spine and he stiffened. “That’s fine. And since we’re being civil, I think I owe you a heads-up.”


“The city council just voted to pursue a plan to make Benson the first one-hundred-percent solar town in the country.” He waited for her reaction, but if she was worried, he couldn’t tell—she was that good. She just stood a little straighter, tipped her chin up a little more proudly.

“Well, I appreciate you telling me. I’ll need to let my client know, as well... You understand?”

Hell, he hadn’t thought of that and neither had Jack. Renewable Reliance might be able to pull strings and put obstacles in their way that Tess on her own could not. “Of course,” he said, trying to play it as cool as she did.

“Is there anything else?”

“Um. A thank-you? For the flowers?”

“I didn’t realize I had to say thank you for an apology.”

Damn. If there had ever been anything between them after their night in Phoenix, she was making sure it was buried under about a mile of ice...and he was slipping and sliding like a fool without skates. He tried one last time. “Look, if you want to go back to San Francisco and get someone else to take your place in Benson, I’ll be okay with it. I should never have tried to make you stay.”

“I can see why you’d rather I was gone now, but I don’t back away from a fight, Slaid.”
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