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James Bravo's Shotgun Bride

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“I don’t...get what you get out of this. I really don’t. It’s not fair to you, to take advantage of you this way.”

His square jaw hardened. “Didn’t we already clear up the whole ‘taking advantage’ question when you finally let Walker and Rory help you out with the animals? No one is taking advantage of me. I’m doing what I want to do. And that is to be here and help out however I can. I like helping out.”

She really needed just to say it outright and she knew that she did. “You do get that you and me, that’s never going to happen, right? I’ve got a whole lot to deal with in my life right now, and a man is the last thing I need.”

He leaned even closer. Every nerve in her body went on red alert. “I do get that, Addie. Yes.” Something deep inside her ached with loss when he said that. Which was absurd. It was a simple fact and they needed to be on the same page about it. And then he smiled, so slow and sweet and tender. “Nothing is going to happen. Not unless you ask me real nice.”

Warmth slithered through her, followed immediately by annoyance. “Oh, very funny.”

“Was I funny?” he teased. “I didn’t mean to be funny...”

“This isn’t a joke.”

“And I wasn’t joking.” His voice was so serious. His eyes were not.

She decided she’d better just let it go. “Good, then. Hold that thought. And...well, you need to remember that I’m pregnant, James.” She thought of Brandon then, with a sharp ache of loss. Brandon, too thin, too pale, the light fading from his green eyes. She made herself put it right out there, blunt as you please. “I’m pregnant with my dead best friend’s baby.”

“I am very clear on that.” He took her hand. His was so warm and big and strong. It felt way too good and she should pull away.

But she didn’t.

Across the waiting area, Carm was watching her, a sly smile on her face.

That did it. Addie tried to jerk free.

But James held on. “Hey.”


“I want to help and I think you could use the support. It doesn’t have to mean anything more than that.”

“But you know that it does. People...think we’re together. My grandpa is still sure of that. And Carm thinks so, too, and so does Dev.”


She did pull her hand from his then. “Do you need everything spelled out for you?”

He just wouldn’t give up. “Look at me. In my eyes.” The man was impossible.

She puffed out her cheeks with a hard breath. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Come on...”

“Fine.” She met that gorgeous blue gaze. “What?”

“It’s so simple. I want to be here and I don’t expect anything from you. Can’t you just take my word on that?”

Why not just let him stay?

He wanted to help and she liked having him here. She felt...safe and protected with him around. No, it couldn’t go anywhere. And yeah, the way he hovered over her, taking care of her, gave her family the wrong idea. But if it made PawPaw happy right now, if it took a load off his mind when he needed to be focused on getting well...

How could that be bad, really? How could that possibly hurt?

She groused, “You’re way too convincing.”

He seemed amused. “You mentioned that before.”

“Yeah, well, I’d hate to see you in court. You’re probably responsible for a whole bunch of murderers getting off scot-free.”

He gave her that smile of his, the one that warmed her up from her head to her toes and just about everywhere in between. “I’m in business and family law. Trusts and estates, real estate, asset protection. Not a single murderer ever got off because of me.”

“I am so relieved to hear it.”

He leaned closer. “So, then. Are you going to let me stay?”

She made a humphing sound. “Is there any way I can get rid of you?”

He pretended to think it over. “Nope. Give it up. There’s no way I’m leaving, not until I’m sure you don’t need me anymore.”

What if I never stop needing you? The crazy question just popped into her head.

And she quickly banished it. Because it really wasn’t a question of need. Uh-uh. Not at all. She didn’t need him. She didn’t need any man. She could take care of herself and her coming baby just fine on her own. They’d get through this rough patch, get her grandfather back on his feet, and her life would go back to the way it had always been.

James didn’t even wait for her to say he could stay, just went right on as though it was all settled—which, she supposed, it was. “I think your sister is right. You should get some rest. Let me take you to the hotel and get you settled in.”

“I hate to leave Carm and Dev here to deal with everything on their—”

“Shh.” He put a finger to her lips, so lightly, causing a bunch of silly butterflies to start flapping their wings low in her belly. “You’ll be right down the street. Carmen can call you if there’s any news.”

Addie gave in and confessed, “I am kind of tired...”

He took her hand again. “Come on. You’ll be rested and back here at the hospital before you know it.”

* * *

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