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Storm Clouds

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David shrugged. “It obviously doesn’t have anything to do with money. I don’t think they knew who I was.” He was glad Angelina didn’t pick up on Steve’s mention of him owning the land or ask him why he was working at such a job if he was so rich. It was a God thing. He needed this time to search and the job gave him joy—a break from his former life while he considered his future.

“Well, if Angelina is here and Marcus is missing and I’ve somehow been brought into this, I guess I’d better call my work and tell them I won’t be in for a while.”

Steve smiled softly. “Think maybe all this time off searching is finally leading you to your destiny?”

David scoffed, “I’m not called to the ministry and no, Marcus’s sister is definitely not my destiny. I do think, however, that maybe, since Marcus is like a brother to me, I should watch out for his sister until we can find him.” He knew he was contradicting what he’d said, but he wouldn’t admit to Steve that he felt protective of this strange woman.

Steve simply smiled and David found himself scowling much as Angelina had done only a short time before. No, his destination was still his own. He knew what God wanted him to do. Working alone in the reserve by himself was fine. Why Steve insisted that there was more he didn’t know. But he did know, as much as Marcus meant to him, he couldn’t let Angelina run around his country unattended—and he had a feeling if someone didn’t keep an eye on her that was exactly what would happen.

So God had sent her his way and he was going to make sure she was safe until they could find Marcus.

He only wondered if Angelina would comply. He doubted she was complying with whatever the nurse was doing right now, either.

Chapter Four


You don’t know who they are, do you? But nowyou know someone is after you as well.

It won’t be those same men, though. No, Angie,doll. One of them is being disposed of right nowbecause you made me lose my temper.

You won’t best me again. This isn’t just aboutmy plan now, but it’s about you as well.

You now know your brother is missing. Yes, Isaw you pull up to the compound. And you didn’teven recognize me. I thought I was going to haveto kill you immediately. Amazing. You’re slippingup. Just how much are you still with the game?Will you find the clues left behind? Clues that willlead you far from your brother? Come on, Angie,look hard. Find the little crumbs of bread I’ve laidout for you to follow…Right into my trap.

Chapter Five

She’d endured the nurse’s ministrations. She’d needed two small stitches in her hairline—not the first time she’d had that happen. She’d actually had to sew herself up a couple of times when she’d been out in the field. And once her partner had needed stitches.

She’d had little time for the nurse—especially as she’d prattled on and on about God.

Her boss and her friends mentioned religion but never pushed. But that was all they talked about here. She didn’t remember it being like this ten years before—but then she’d been running and scared, so anything would have been better than where she’d come from. And back then, she might have actually been interested—before her brother had turned her away, before she’d gone back and faced her uncle.

She forced her mind away from the past. She’d gotten over that. She’d gone through therapy and knew it wasn’t her fault. She could handle herself fine.

“Find anything?”

She heard the voice behind her and jumped. How had he sneaked up on her? Turning, she lifted an eyebrow. “What are you doing here?”

David smiled that gentle smile that unnerved her. “I brought you here remember?”

She scowled. “You know what I meant.”

His smile turned crooked. “I called my boss. He’s quite upset about the Jeep.”

He was trying to make her feel guilty, she realized, and it was working. Turning back to her brother’s room, she went back to searching his dresser.

“But don’t worry, I explained everything,” David continued. He hadn’t moved from by the doorway. “My boss thinks I’m suffering hallucinations so he’s given me some time off.”

She whirled back around.

He chuckled. “Not really. I did take some vacation, however.”

Her eyes widened. “Why?”

“You need help.”

“I do not need assistance,” she informed him. “I used to work in security.” She didn’t want to tell him Secret Service. “I can handle myself.”

She returned to searching and heard his soft tread as his feet crossed the tiled floor and hit the carpet.

“Are all Americans this stubborn?”

His voice was deep and melodic. He could be an announcer for a radio. She looked up in the mirror at his reflection. “That’s so cliché.”

He shrugged. “I’ve never been to America.”

“And all Australians live in dusty wastelands and have kangaroos as pets, I assume?” she replied.

He chuckled. “As a matter of fact, we do have a few kangaroos on the property here, but sorry, back at my flat in Fleting, I have no kangaroos.”


“Not too far from Wallabee actually,” he informed her.

Realizing she had been distracted, she focused back on the dresser.

“Where have you searched?” he asked and backed off.

“All of the usual places. I haven’t found anything.” She jerked open the top drawer where she remembered her brother’s cuff links being stored and blinked.

“What have we here?” David asked, curiously and moved forward.

“Looks like an address book. But why wouldn’t the police have found this?” She pulled it out and opened it. It wasn’t an address book, but had notes jotted in it. People’s names, descriptions of places and such.

“Perhaps because they wouldn’t expect something to be stored in there—other than men’s tie tacks?”

“Sloppy police work,” Angelina muttered.

She went over to a bench that ran under the window and sat down. David followed. Slowly she flipped through page after page. “There’s a lot in here I don’t understand.”

David reached for the book. She allowed him to take it; the professional part of her understood that as a local, he might see something she didn’t.

And he did. “Cowboy lingo.”

She blinked. “What do you mean by that?”

“That’s what you call it isn’t it? Ranchers?”
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