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Our chieftain so brave and so true;

We’ll go for the great Reformation—

For Lincoln and Liberty, too!”

The song ended and the crowd cheered.

Will moved to the front of the platform. Leah searched the gathering of men, easily spotting a pretty dark-haired young woman watching with rapt interest. Was she Will’s fiancée?

“Our newest residents have had a long trip,” Will began. “So we’re going to get them settled in their rooms at the boardinghouse. Their belongings should have been delivered by now.” He turned back to their guests. “Welcome to Cowboy Creek, ladies and Reverend. We hope you’ll find your accommodations comfortable. Our town is safe for women and families. We enforce a no-gun law in town, so if any of you are carrying a weapon, you will have to check it with Sheriff Davis.”

A rumble of male laughter rolled through the crowd at Will’s announcement. A broad-shouldered, lean-hipped fellow with a huge mustache gave a mock salute from the corner of the platform.

“That’s our sheriff, Quincy Davis,” Will continued.

Willowy little Pippa Neely made a show out of patting her pockets and checking the roll of reddish-gold hair on the back of her head as though searching for weapons. She peered into the beaded reticule that dangled from her elbow, then shrugged and shook her head. Even traveling by train she’d managed to make her hair and clothing look lovely. Leah had felt rumpled and dirty since the second day out of Chicago.

The men in the crowd loved Pippa’s pantomime and laughed uproariously. The vivacious young woman had been great fun on the trip west. Always cheerful and often playful, she made the best out of every situation and had bolstered the spirits of the other passengers when the trip grew long and tiresome. Reverend Taggart just shook his head and grinned at her antics. He’d grown accustomed to Pippa’s mischievous showmanship.

“How about you, Reverend?” someone called from the crowd. “Are you packin’ a gun?”

The reverend raised both hands in the air as if prepared for a search.

Daniel stepped forward. “We figured you’d be tired after the long journey, so the Cowboy Café will bring a meal to each of your rooms. After today, Aunt Mae will be planning on your eating at the boardinghouse, unless you tell her differently. Let’s go get you settled.”

The crowd applauded as the newest residents made their way down the stairs onto the boardwalk and headed to the next block. Eden Street boasted several businesses. On the right was a telegraph, a barber and a doctor’s office. They passed the sheriff’s office and a newspaper office before reaching Aunt Mae’s boardinghouse. It wasn’t a fancy structure, but it was two stories with an abundance of windows and two sets of stairs, one leading to a balcony that covered the front of the whole upstairs and the set on the side leading to a second floor entrance. The building was freshly painted and someone had planted fledgling rose bushes on either side of the entrance.

The short stocky woman who greeted them was every bit of sixty, with a square face. Her gray hair held a few remaining streaks of reddish brown. She wore a green dress with a white collar and white trim. When she smiled her cheeks folded into wrinkled pleats to match her lined forehead.

“Welcome! Welcome to Cowboy Creek. Oh, just look at the lot of you. You’re as welcome here as a rain on an August day. Tell me now, who is who? You’re the reverend, of course.”

“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“Shoosh now, not ma’am. Just Aunt Mae.”

The women introduced themselves and Aunt Mae greeted them as though they were family, exclaiming over their dresses and hair.

“You’ll meet my permanent boarders soon enough. Gus and Old Horace spend their days sitting on benches in front of the mercantile, but they never miss a meal.” She explained about meal times and continued, “There’s a bathing room beside the kitchen. You can heat water on the kitchen stove. I have a lad who brings in wood and empties the tub. I figured you’d all want baths today, so I have water ready and will keep the kettles full.”

Aunt Mae gave them their room assignments. “Mrs. Swann, you’re on the south corner in front. Miss Hannah, you’re right beside her. The fellows carried up your trunks. There’s soap and toweling ready. If you need anything else, just let me know.”

Hannah, looking especially tired, thanked their hostess and trudged up the stairs.

“I’ll help you settle in, dear.” Aunt Mae gathered the hem of her skirts and followed. Pippa thanked everyone and climbed the stairs behind them.

Leah met Daniel’s piercing green eyes. Looking at his tanned face and chestnut hair bleached gold from the sun, she noticed a few lines that hadn’t been there last time she’d seen him. He was broader and more muscled than Will, his strength unrestrained by the fabric of his neatly pressed shirt, but his features were harder, leaner than she remembered. The war had seasoned his still-handsome face, but it was now a man’s face. No doubt they’d both lived a lifetime in the years that had separated them.

Overshadowing her relief at seeing his familiar face was a rush of regret and loss. As youngsters the three of them had been close until Will had declared his feelings for her. He had seemed a good choice for a husband. His family were merchants, and he had a head for business and figures. Daniel had been the adventurous one, the one talking about heading west and starting a ranch. Back then thoughts of the unknown seemed reckless and frightening. She’d sought only security and familiarity.

She’d had no idea what was coming. None of them had.

When the two friends had joined the army, she had implied that she would wait for Will. Time and distance had quickly come between them, and through sporadic letters they’d agreed to end their courtship. That’s when Leah met and married an academy graduate. At the time a future in the east, living the life of an officer’s wife, had seemed safe, protected—glamorous even. However, Charles had turned out to be shallow and self-centered. His assignments had taken them to truly uncivilized parts of the country.

She’d been terrified. In the ensuing years, she’d had plenty of time to regret her choices. She’d come here to make a fresh start, but how could she plan for the future or hold on to a shred of dignity when she had to face both men who’d known her when she’d still had hopes and dreams? That had been a lifetime ago. Everything was different now—everything except the fact that she was still looking for security, but this time for two.

Daniel gave her an awkward nod. “Send for me if you need anything.”

“I will.” She wanted to bury herself in his strong embrace and seek comfort and safety, but she had no right. They’d once been the best of friends, but now they were estranged friends with years between them. She was going to have to move on as planned.

He exited the boardinghouse, and she felt as though a light had gone out. Turning, she made her way up the stairs.

Aunt Mae had shown Hannah to her room and now opened the door for Leah to enter hers. “It’s freshly cleaned and gets morning sun.”

“It’s perfect, thank you.”

Leah was strong and determined. She would find work. She would select a kind and thoughtful husband. Feelings were too complicated, and she couldn’t trust them. She was here to rest and take care of herself. Because this baby was going to live. She would take no risks. No more travel. Cowboy Creek was her new home, and she was going to make the best of it.

* * *

Daniel entered the Cattleman Hotel and glanced into the restaurant. Will sat at a table with Reverend Taggart, so he joined them. The reverend stood and shook his hand. “That was quite a welcome, Mr. Gardner.”

“Call me Daniel, please. And we’re honored you and your daughter chose our town. How is your room at the boardinghouse?”

“It’s more than adequate, thank you.”

“Will and I want to show you the church. We’ve been meeting on Sunday mornings, and those willing to take turns have led services. It will be good to have a real preacher. Your house is being finished and should be ready to move in to by the end of the week. Maybe you or Hannah would like to pick out the furniture.”

“I’m a simple man, and my daughter won’t be staying with me for long once she finds a suitable partner. I don’t need much, but if it makes your job easier, I’d be happy to select a few items.”

“There’s an adequate furniture store at the corner of First and Grant,” Daniel said. “Select what you need and put it on my account. Irving will know you’re coming.”

“That’s mighty generous.”

“It’s our job to take care of the man God has called to our town. We appreciate your willingness to come.”

“When we saw the advertisement for brides, Hannah and I felt we should write you. I didn’t want to send her off alone, and she was determined to come. It felt right.”

“Did you have a church in Chicago?” Daniel queried.

“Indiana, actually. Lafayette.”

“Wasn’t that where a man set out in an air balloon to try to make it to New York City with mail several years back?” Will’s eyes lit with interest.

“Yes, indeed. That was quite an event. Due to weather, the fellow landed in Crawfordsville, however, and the mail was delivered the rest of the way by train.”

“Have to give him credit for trying,” Daniel added. “Would it work for you if I show you the church and your house tomorrow morning?”

“That sounds good. I’ll meet you outside the boardinghouse?” The reverend stood and extended a hand.
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