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The Texas Cowboy's Baby Rescue

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* * *

IN INVITING HER to stay, Cullen hadn’t meant to do anything but clear his own reputation and help Bridgett out. He hadn’t figured what it would be like to have her, and the baby and puppy, in his home. Or how much he would quickly come to admire her fierce desire to help others, even as she shortchanged herself.

Was it possible she really had no idea how beautiful and desirable she was? How worthy of having?

It seemed so. And that was something he couldn’t let stand unchallenged, as all thoughts of being a gentleman fled. She had to know how captivating she was. So he did what he’d been wanting to do since they had first caught sight of each other; he kissed her. Kissed her to discover how soft and supple and sweet-tasting her lips were. Kissed her to fulfill a yearning deep inside him that he hadn’t known existed.

And, most of all, he kissed her to show her that they could simply enjoy each other without the false illusion of love or emotional promises that would most likely end up being short-term.

But he was the one who was surprised. Because this kiss, holding her like this, didn’t feel like any normal clinch. It felt different. Unique. Amazingly unique, as it turned out.

And who was the naive fool now?

* * *

BRIDGETT HAD KNOWN from the moment that she walked into the kitchen, hours after dinner, that a kiss, a touch, an embrace, something might be coming. It was in the way he looked at her. The way she felt when she looked at him.

It was in the leftover adrenaline still sizzling nonstop in her veins. In the building emotions and aftereffects of this crazy, crazy day. Of having her dreams start to come true, but not. Of realizing she still wanted it all. Maybe could have it all. If only she could find the right man.

She never would have imagined it could be Cullen Reid McCabe. But then, she had never really imagined kissing him. Now that she had, well, suffice it to say her whole world had turned upside down.

Which was why it was a very good thing when a short, loud, high-pitched cry split the silence of the ranch house. Followed by a single urgent bark.

Destiny once again, Bridgett thought, pulling away from the sexy cowboy who held her in his arms. But this time it was telling her not to go down this particular path.

Chapter Four (#u82cf4962-05cf-5fe9-815a-a31ce4b6f28e)

“So, he kissed you?” Bess asked the next morning at Bridgett’s apartment.

“Shh!” She cast a look over her shoulder at the guys helping her move out. “Yes.”

Her sister grinned. “Did you kiss him back?”

“What does that matter?” she whispered, flushing. Unfortunately, yes, she had kissed him back! For way too long a time! “It was obviously a mistake.”

Bess grinned again. “Sure about that? From what I’ve seen, he’s very sexy. Well regarded in the community. Single and obviously interested in you. And the baby.” She taped shut another box. “And where is Riot, anyway?”

“With Cullen. He took him to work in his truck.” Bridgett selected the clothes she needed to take with her when she left versus those that were going into storage. “Well, the puppy couldn’t be here, obviously, after what happened yesterday with the landlord, and quit looking at me like that!”

Bess chuckled. “What is it they say? Life happens while you were making other plans. Well, while you were trying, rather unsuccessfully, I might add, to adopt a child on your own, a baby and a puppy and a kind, great-looking cowboy all drop in your lap!”

Bridgett thought about what a great and gallant thing it was that Cullen was doing. Not just inviting her to stay with him at his ranch but helping her out with both infant and puppy, too. She looked at her sister. “It’s almost crazy spooky, isn’t it?”

“Fated is the word you’re looking for.”

Bridgett paused. “It may seem that way.”

“I’m telling you...it most definitely is.” Bess pointed at the well-dressed Realtor coming up the walk. “Oh, and speaking of fate...”

Bridgett met Jeanne Phipps at the door. “Did you get the answer from the sellers?”

“Yes.” Jeanne flashed a regretful half smile. “Unfortunately, Bridgett, it’s not the one you want to hear.”

* * *

“WHAT’S WRONG?” CULLEN ASKED, coming through the ranch house door at five that evening.

Bridgett eased the sleeping Robby into the carrier sitting on the kitchen island, strapped him in and brought him into the adjacent family room. “What do you mean?” She knelt down to greet an equally tuckered-out Riot.

He nuzzled her palm, licked it once and then went into the back of his crate and promptly fell asleep.

“You look like you just lost your best friend.” Cullen strode over to the kitchen sink, rolled up his sleeves and washed his arms up to the elbows.

She waited until he’d grabbed a towel and then moved in to wash up, too. “Not exactly,” she murmured.

“Then what, exactly?”

She drew a deep breath. “My plan to be out of here—maybe as soon as this evening—fizzled. At least temporarily.”

He kept his eyes locked with hers.

“The house I have put an offer on is currently empty. I was hoping the owners would allow me to rent it from them until I can close on the property. They told my Realtor, Jeanne Phipps, they would consider it, but only after all the inspections are done and my mortgage application is approved.”

“How long do you think that will take?”

“Three, four weeks minimum. Which means I have to come up with a new plan to get us out of here.”

“Maybe not,” he corrected with a smile.

She regarded him quizzically.

“You could continue to stay here.”

She pressed a hand against her trembling lips and drew a deep, bolstering breath. “After what happened last night?”

He leaned close enough for her to inhale the brisk fragrance of sun and man. “What happened last night?”

She gave him a droll look. He gave her one back.

Ignoring the warmth of his body so close to hers, she reminded wryly, “You kissed me.”

His mouth quirked in masculine satisfaction. “And you kissed me back.”

Boy, had she ever. In fact, she had spent the night dreaming about it. She scowled in renewed embarrassment. “We can’t do that.”

He threw his arm around her shoulders and gave them a companionable hug. “Why not?”

Tingling everywhere he touched and everywhere he didn’t, she averted her glance. “My life is complicated enough as it is.”
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