Millionaire in Command / The Bride Hunter: Millionaire in Command / The Bride Hunter
He eased away slowly, thank goodness, so she had time to regain her balance. She clutched her bouquet, the floral scent teasing her with romanticism, and she opened her eyes. Kyle stared back at her for just an instant and then offered his elbow along with his typical lighthearted grin. She couldn’t help smiling in return. Maybe, just maybe they could wade through this tangled mess.
As they turned toward the gathered family, Ginger held Nina out for them to hold. Kyle hesitated. Only for a second but long enough to bring her back to reality.
Phoebe thrust her bouquet of roses and lilies toward him and took the baby from Ginger. “Come here, sweetie. You were so good, so quiet.”
She smoothed Nina’s floral pinafore, adjusting the bonnet and booties until it seemed the momentary awkwardness had passed. But she hadn’t forgotten. In spite of his speed in stepping up to the plate—honorable though that was—she could see he hadn’t connected with Nina in any real way.
Not exactly the dream wedding day she’d fantasized about as a child, although she did feel like she was playing dress-up. She wore a knee-length gown borrowed from her new sister-in-law. The woman had graciously offered for Phoebe to keep the simple drape of pale yellow—with a Versace label. Marianna had insisted it didn’t fit her anymore since she’d given birth to her son.
Nina grasped the strand of pearls resting on Phoebe’s collarbone, Roger’s gift to her the day they’d exchanged vows. Their wedding had been a simple affair, as well, but she hadn’t minded. There’d been so little money in those days. He’d sold one of his first-edition books to pay for the necklace.
A fresh ache stabbed through her over the thought of never having Roger’s baby. Nina was her one chance at motherhood, for however long that lasted.
A camera flash went off from a corner of the room, taken by a photographer hired by the Landises and soon to be released to the press. She blinked against the continuous barrage of flashes. At least the pictures had been staged by them, along with a story stating simply that Kyle had married his daughter’s guardian.
She’d never seen such choreographed control before.
Kyle angled down conspiratorially. “Welcome to living with a family full of politicians. Watch what you say, and don’t ever, ever chew with your mouth open. Well, unless you want it plastered on some Internet blog before you’ve swallowed your food.”
Nina reached to pat his face, more of a thumping actually with her drool-covered palm, then she giggled and stuffed her plastic panda teething toy into her mouth. He was so charming with adults, why did he freeze with Nina? Or was it all children?
Regardless, he would be jetting off again soon to his base for some mission and she would be alone again with Nina. She just had to make it through a few days, not much time to ache for another kiss.
Ginger gave her a one-armed hug that seemed genuine and not just for the photo op. “Welcome to the family, dear.”
“Thank you.” Phoebe paused, lowering her voice. “But you know this is only temporary.”
Her new mother-in-law gave her shoulder a final squeeze. “You’re a Landis and you’re an important part of my granddaughter’s life. We’ll worry about tomorrow when it gets here.”
Panic constricted her breathing and the diamond-studded band on her finger seemed suddenly too tight. She should be happy. Everything was going just as Kyle had said it would, with his family accepting her even knowing the full circumstances.
Once the photographer had been ushered out, Marianna stepped alongside her with a supportive smile. “You look exhausted. Let’s finish up the paperwork so you can get out of those heels.”
If she could just go back to her apartment for even a little while and regroup. “You’re so thoughtful to have loaned me your clothes, but I can’t keep borrowing from you forever. I’ll need to go back to Columbia. Nina and I are out of—”
Ginger waved a manicured hand. “No worries, dear. I’ve already taken care of everything. There are clothes waiting for you at the house. You can choose whatever you like. Marianna arranged for a complete nursery to be set up closer to your room and ordered clothes for the baby.” She ticked through the list with a thoroughness that likely made governmental issues run more smoothly but felt a little steamrollerlike at the moment. She clapped her hands together. “Now if you’ll pardon me, I need to pop in upstairs to speak with a judge friend of mine about something that came across my desk last week.”
Ginger strode out of the office and into the hall with a fast, efficient click of her high heels.
Phoebe sagged with an exhale and turned to Marianna. “She set up all of that to happen while we were here?”
Marianna leaned closer, jostling her baby son more securely on her hip. “Money, influence and a personal assistant make things move much faster.” Like with that overnight paternity test. “She means well and is usually right. You might as well go with the flow for now. If you have a stand you want to make, you’ll be better equipped to do so well-rested and with a full stomach.”
“You’re encouraging me to leave?” She hadn’t expected to find such total support within the Landis camp for whatever decision she made.
“I’m simply telling you that if you intend to fight, you would be wise to choose your timing well. The Landises are all charming—and stubborn. Of course, you’re a Landis now.”
Marianna didn’t answer.
Realization seeped in with the full weight of what she’d done. The sense of claustrophobia she’d felt on her first night at the family compound squeezed tighter. The Landises had accepted Nina because of her blood tie. However, it was also a double-edged sword.
They didn’t know Nina. So they didn’t love her, not really, not yet. But they wouldn’t let her go.
Kyle tossed the bouquet on the clerk’s desk and picked up the pen.
The final paperwork sealing this marriage waited in front of him by the blob of yellow-and-orange flowers. Today should have taken care of all problems by securing Nina’s future. His kid. His child. He still hadn’t sorted through all that in his head, beyond moving ahead and taking care of his responsibilities. However, instead of smoothing out his life, this ceremony had introduced a new problem—not totally unexpected—but certainly surprising in the magnitude.
He wanted his wife. One kiss had made that more than clear.
His grip tightened around the pen, darkening the stroke of his scrawl. It was all he could do not to send everyone away so he could seal a deeper, fuller imprint on Phoebe’s mouth and in her memory. The scent of her lingered on his shirt from the brief brush of her breasts against him and left him aching to explore. He’d found her attractive from the first time he’d seen her at the welcome-home bash. He’d even wanted to ask her out on a date.
Then they’d started talking, he’d met Nina and here they were.
At least Phoebe looked as stunned as he felt by the kiss. Thank God, he’d scrounged up enough control to keep his hands to himself so he wouldn’t give the photographer an unexpected headliner. He glanced up from the paper over to Phoebe standing with Marianna. The yellow silky dress hugged the subtle curve of Phoebe’s breasts, gliding over her slim hips in a way that made him wonder what she wore underneath.
Kyle checked over his shoulder fast to make sure the photographer hadn’t slipped back in.
He’d been lucky to stay out of the spotlight this long, but now that he was out of the military, he was fair game for the media hounds. Although he had to admit Phoebe certainly made for a beautiful subject for the photographer with her cool, blond good looks.
Phoebe shuffled Nina over to Marianna and glided toward him, drawing his eyes to her legs. He flipped the pen between his fingers. Maybe this marriage could have some unexpected benefits. Who could fault him for sleeping with his own wife?
Her heart might well be buried along with her dead husband, but if that kiss was anything to judge by, her sensuality was alive and well.
Phoebe held out her hand. “May I have the pen, please?”
“Yeah, right.” He passed it over and she leaned by him, a whiff of her floral shampoo drifting from her loose blond hair. An image flashed through his mind of the silky straight strands splayed across a pillow while he peeled her clothes away.
He tugged at his suddenly too tight tie.
Phoebe nudged aside the bouquet to rest her wrist on the table as she signed her name. She tucked her tongue in her cheek. He could still taste the hint of coffee from her lips.
Coffee, for crying out loud. Who would have thought the simple brew would taste so sexy? His heart rate spiked.
She finished her signature with a curly flourish at odds with her no-nonsense air.
Regardless, it was official. They were married. His eyes narrowed. And he fully intended to consummate this union as soon as he could romance his new wife into his bed.
Kyle slid the papers across the table toward his mother’s assistant and focused his full attention on his wife. “Have you eaten anything today?”
The family would understand if he and Phoebe opted out of any scheduled big gatherings for some time to get to know each other. He seemed to recall a quiet little café near the courthouse. He’d eaten there before with his mother’s judge friend, later took the judge’s daughter there for a date.
Hmm…perhaps not a good idea to take the new wife to an old date site. Moving on to plan B.
Phoebe pushed her hair behind her ears with a sigh. “It’s been a busy day.”
Was she thinking about her first wedding? Understandable, but he needed to divert her thoughts of the man who still had such a prominent place in her mind.
“I would offer to take you out, but I imagine you’re exhausted. The rug rat looks like she needs to stretch her legs. What do you say I pick up some takeout along the way and we spend the afternoon on the beach at home? There’s plenty of space away from the rest of the family so that it will be just the three of us, relaxing by the shore, getting to know each other.”
“That’s really thoughtful of you.” Wariness lit her dark eyes. “I would like that, very much.”
“Then let’s get moving. Once we’re past the press no doubt waiting outside, we’ll be home free.”
Smiling reassuringly at her, he palmed her back. This time he prepared to steel himself for the jolt of awareness sparked by the feel of her under his palm. He ushered her out of the office, into the long corridor toward the elevator. He vaguely registered the footsteps of his family following and talking with each other. Cameras started clicking again from a small pack of reporters clustered behind a security guard blocking them from pressing closer.
His oldest brother, Matthew, broke away and started speaking with one of the reporters, diverting their attention by offering up a couple of sound bites. Apparently an interview with a U.S. senator trumped snagging more photos of a surprise wedding.
Kyle smiled. Thanks, bro.
He focused his attention forward, intent on getting Phoebe and Nina home. Anticipation ramped inside him. For the first time since Phoebe Slater had blasted into his world, he had control of his life.
Nina’s future would be secure.
And for however long this marriage lasted, he and Phoebe could have one hell of a totally legal affair. No worries about emotional entanglements for either of them.
He stopped in front of the private side elevator designated for employees and special guests. He jabbed the button just as the door slid open to reveal one person already inside.
A leggy redhead in her twenties blinked in wideeyed surprise. Then smiled with recognition.
The timing couldn’t have been worse to run into one of his exes. The judge’s daughter. The one he’d dated briefly in the past.
Leslie? No. Lucy took the bouquet from him. “Okay, Kyle Landis, you’re officially forgiven.” She lifted the flowers to her nose and inhaled deeply, thrusting her breasts out none too subtly. “These are just gorgeous, you charmer. Calla lilies and roses, no less. I didn’t know you were so romantic.”
Phoebe bristled visibly beside him, stepping away from his palm at her waist. He needed to implement damage control before some reporter with a telephoto lens and great hearing put together a new headline.
He rushed Phoebe and Nina into the elevator with Lucy and pushed the Close button. “Uh, Lucy, I’d like for you to meet—”
Lucy laughed, talking right over him. “I was just going to leave you an ‘eat dirt and die, you scumbag’ message, but since you’ve apologized so nicely with flowers,” she lifted the bouquet to her nose briefly, “I’ll forgive you for breaking my heart.”
Stuck in the elevator with Kyle, most of his family and a towering redhead holding Phoebe’s bouquet, she mentally thumped herself for being so gullible. Bianca had warned her of Kyle’s ladies’-man past, damn it.
Phoebe resisted the urge to back into a corner. Pride starched her spine. Pride, and a need to carry this off for Nina’s sake.
He braced his shoulders, his uniform stretching over his chest. “Phoebe, this is a friend of the family, Lucy Cooper. Lucy, this is my wife, Phoebe.” He gestured to his daughter and said simply, “And this is Nina.”
The bubbly redhead turned…well, as red as her hair. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times, and Phoebe actually felt sorry for the woman.
Lucy’s eyes dropped down to the flowers in her hand. Her mouth went tight. “I guess these must be yours. My mistake.” She thrust the bouquet toward Phoebe. “Congratulations. And good luck.”
There was no missing the sarcasm coating her words more thickly than her cloying cologne soaked the enclosed space in the elevator. Phoebe couldn’t bring herself to be angry at the woman for spoiling the day. She’d found out firsthand today how quickly a single kiss from Kyle Landis could persuade a woman to ignore warning signs.
The elevator doors swooshed open again blessedly soon and Lucy didn’t even offer a good-bye before making tracks out into the back hall, toward a glowing exit sign.
Jonah inched forward, scratched his head. “At least she didn’t ask about the kid.”
Sebastian coughed into his hand. Or laughed. But Phoebe wasn’t feeling the love. She couldn’t avoid Kyle—they were married, after all.
However she could damn well resist his charming smile. “Kyle, I’ve changed my mind about dinner. I don’t think I’m in much of a beach mood anymore.”
Seven hours later, Phoebe dropped back onto her bed in the guest suite with an exhausted—exasperated—huff. At least she’d made it through the large family dinner, even if she hadn’t been able to bring herself to eat much. Tempting thoughts of how they could have spent the evening tormented her. Images of lazing the hours away together on the beach, getting to know each other. After the Lucy debacle, he hadn’t bothered bringing up cozy meals together.
She rolled onto her stomach and picked at the white piping around the dusky-rose-colored pillow sham.
Just a family friend.
How clichéd.
It was obvious Lucy had expected more out of Kyle, from the way she’d gushed all over the flowers. Phoebe’s flowers, now discarded on the other pillow. She plucked a rosebud from the bouquet, releasing a fresh whiff of the fragrant perfume.
Stroking the bloom along her mouth, she glanced through the open side door to the connected sitting area Ginger had converted into a permanent nursery just for Nina. All that trouble and money, as if she and Nina would be staying here, made her nervous.
At least the local judge had been able to connect with a Columbia judge and they’d worked out an agreement granting temporary custody to Kyle and Phoebe Landis. Even thinking of her new last name made her shiver. She’d been Phoebe Slater since she’d married Roger. She’d kept his name even after he’d died. Before that, she’d been Phoebe Campbell. Phoebe Campbell wouldn’t have been able to make things move so quickly, either, and right now she couldn’t bring herself to resent the Landises for their privileged ways when it kept Nina secure.
The rest of the day had been a blur after leaving the courthouse. Ginger had had a meal ready back at the house, and neither Kyle nor Phoebe had asked to be alone.
It shouldn’t matter that Kyle was a flirt with a vast dating history. She didn’t intend to stay married to him. She only cared because of Nina, damn it, and didn’t want a constant parade of countless women marching in and out of Kyle’s life. Phoebe swung her feet off the edge of the bed and padded across the hardwood floor to Nina’s new nursery, so much nicer than the little dressing-room nook back at Phoebe’s apartment and more personal than the luxurious green nursery down the hall for visiting Landis and Renshaw grandkids.
Nina wasn’t a visitor anymore.
Did she miss her tiny space back in the apartment? Phoebe had poured her heart into creating the little garden haven, complete with painted puckish fairies that reminded her of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
This space was tastefully decorated in pinks and browns to coordinate with the already rose-colored walls. Little ballet-shoe accents rounded out the decor. Without a doubt, the Landises had more to offer Nina financially. But what about love?
Her fingers tensed along the cherrywood crib railing. Losing her husband had taught Phoebe too well how priceless and precious—and fragile—love could be. All this money wouldn’t mean anything to Nina if she wasn’t wrapped in affection, as well.
Ginger Landis Renshaw might be a loving grandmother, but she’d given no indication she intended to be anything other than a grandparent. And Kyle? Phoebe had definite questions and concerns about his ability to take care of Nina, if he even wanted to beyond some sense of appearances. She took her responsibility to Nina seriously.
The room darkened and she glanced up to find Kyle standing in the opening as if conjured from her thoughts. He’d changed from his suit into well-fitting jeans and a white button-down shirt with a South Carolina palmetto tree stitched on the pocket. His rolled-up sleeves exposed tanned forearms sprinkled with dark hair. Masculine arms. Even out of uniform, he made her mouth dry right up with want.
She tore her gaze away from him and gestured around the transformed sitting area. “This is lovely. The little ballet shoes are precious. Your mother and Marianna went to a lot of trouble to create this space just for Nina, when there’s already a nursery here in the house.”
“Marianna’s an interior decorator. In fact, she decorated the whole house.”
“She obviously knows her way around little-girl fashions.” She trailed a finger along the tiny pinksatin slippers hanging from the wall over a mirror. “Did you need something?”
“I noticed you didn’t eat much at supper. I’ve brought you food.”
She thought of earlier, when they’d planned a picnic on the beach and considered a polite no thanks, but she was hungry. She simply needed to keep her guard in place. “Thank you. That’s very thoughtful.”
“I promised you a meal and I keep my promises.” He nodded his head for her to follow him. “Let’s step out onto the porch off of your room. The food is set up there so you can hear Nina if she needs you, but we won’t wake her by talking.”
He turned without waiting for her to answer, a man used to people following his orders, damn his broad shoulders and perfect butt. Need crackled to life inside her again with a reminder of just how much he’d moved her with one quick kiss. And she had gone so long without more than just kisses.
Stay strong. She needed to keep things simple between the two of them. Complications could spell big trouble down the line when it came time to say their farewells.
He swung the double French doors wide, out onto the veranda. “Prepare to feast.”
Phoebe blinked in surprise, stopping short of the wrought iron table set with linen, silver, roses and the warm glow of a candle protected from the ocean wind by a hurricane globe. A wooden rail surrounded the balcony, the waves rolling hypnotically only a staircase away. Her dress from the wedding swirled around her legs in sensual swipes.
“This is so much more than I expected.” She peeked under a polished cover and found a steak and lobster dinner, the scent of warm melted butter steaming lightly upward. “Much more.”
The table was set so beautifully she’d expected some dainty, tiny offerings, and while the food was still decoratively presented, she was surprised at the hearty portions.
Kyle held out her chair. “I thought you might be hungry.”
She edged past him to take her seat, her shoulder brushing him briefly before she settled into the chair. His forearms skimmed her side as he tucked her under the table, the crisp tanginess of his cologne drifting on the breeze and more enticing than any finely cooked fare.
She had to fight off the sudden urge to tip her head back against his shoulder, to revisit the taste of his mouth on hers…
“I am hungry.” Ravenously so, suddenly.
Well, if she couldn’t feed her senses the way her body craved, at least she could enjoy this meal. She draped a linen napkin across her lap, eyeing the cup of creamy crab soup.
Kyle motioned toward two wine bottles in silver ice buckets. “Would you prefer chardonnay or merlot?” He smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m not planning to get you soused and press for my marital ‘rights.’ The cook just wasn’t sure which kind of wine we would prefer with a surf-and-turf meal.”
Marital rights.
The words brought to mind an image of the two of them tangled in Kyle’s sheets, taking the attraction to a heated conclusion. Blinking back the thought, she spooned up a taste of the creamy soup instead—and held back her moan of appreciation. Then again, maybe she’d just needed an excuse to release the tension inside her at the thought of a physical relationship with the man seated across from her.
Her senses sang to life begging for more of this, of everything. “I really should keep my head clear to listen for Nina.”
And to be sure she didn’t get soused and claim her marital rights.
“One glass then?”
She couldn’t resist everything. “Chardonnay, then, please.”
He filled her wineglass halfway, then poured the merlot into his. He held her eyes with his while she tasted. Damn. There was a difference in the good stuff. How much of this would it take to ruin her for cheap wine for the rest of her life?
He set his glass back on the table. “I’m sorry about the mix-up with Lucy at the courthouse.”
Phoebe tucked her tongue against her cheek while she considered what to say. She was upset, but probably not for the reason he thought. And she couldn’t change anything. Better to take the high road. “You have nothing to apologize for. It’s not like you were seeing some other woman while we were engaged for all of twenty-four hours.”
She tried a smile, hoping the conversation would veer away from the woman.
“You’re being very reasonable.” He watched her through narrowed eyes.
“Did you expect me to throw a jealous fit? I seem to recall you already warned me against falling in love with you.” She leaned forward on her elbows. “I’m a very good listener.”
He threw his head back and laughed, that sexy sound of pure Kyle winding around her with the wind. “Just so you know, the wedding ring on your finger put an end to my friendship with Lucy.”
“I noticed how fast she ran out of the elevator.”
“I meant that as long as you’re wearing my ring, I won’t be seeing anyone else.”
Now, that surprised her…If she could even believe him. “Bianca warned me you were a charmer.”