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Review Questions for MRI

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the fastest growing modality in diagnostic imaging. There are now thousands of MRI facilities across the United States and around the world, employing huge numbers of technologists. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists has, with the help of experts in the MRI and educational fields, devised a multiple choice examination that is intended to ensure that all technologists have the required level of knowledge to practice MRI safely and competently. Carolyn Kaut and William Faulkener, experts in the field of MRI education, have compiled this book to help students prepare for the registry examination. The questions follow the structure of the syllabus and are intended to help readers test their understanding of the subject and identify any gaps in their knowledge. The book is extremely comprehensive, covering all the aspects of the examination, including patient care and safety, imaging procedures, pulse sequences and data acquisition, and imaging artifacts and options.
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