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The Garrisons: Cassie, Adam & Brooke: Stranded with the Tempting Stranger

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“You’re welcome and I’m glad you enjoyed everything.”

“You never did answer the question I asked earlier, about why you’re still single. Was I out of line in asking?” he asked, studying the contents of his glass before glancing back at her.

She met his gaze. “No, but there’s not a lot to explain. After high school I left home for London to attend college there. I spent my time studying, more so than dating. I didn’t see going to college as a way to escape from my parents and start proclaiming my freedom by exerting all kind of outlandish behavior.”

“You mean you didn’t go to any naked parties? Didn’t try any drugs?” He meant the comment as a joke and he could tell she had taken it that way by the smile he saw in her eyes.

“No, there were no naked parties, no drugs and no eating of fried worms just to fit in with any group.” She grinned and added, “I mostly hung alone and I lived off campus in an apartment. Dad insisted. And the only reason he agreed that I have a roommate was for safety reasons.”

“So you never dated during college?”

“I didn’t say that,” she said, taking a sip of her wine. “I dated some but I was very selective when I did so. Most of the guys at college enjoyed a very active sex life and didn’t mind spreading that fact or the names of the girls who helped them to reach that status. I didn’t intend to be one of them. I had more respect for myself than that.”

Brandon stared down at his wine, considering all she had said. He then looked back up at her. “Are you saying you’ve never been seriously involved with anyone?”

She smiled warmly. “No, that’s not what I’m saying.” She paused for a moment before adding softly, “There was someone, a guy I met after college. Jason and I dated and thought things were working out but later discovered they weren’t.”

“What went wrong?”

The memory of that time filled Cassie’s mind and for some reason she didn’t have a problem sharing it with him. “He began changing in a way that wasn’t acceptable to me. He would break our dates and make dumb excuses for doing so. And then out of the clear blue sky one day he broke off with me, and it was then that he told me the reason why. He had taken up with an older woman, a wealthy woman who wanted him as a boy toy, and he felt that was worth kicking aside what I thought we had.”

Brandon stared at her. “How long ago was that?”

“Almost four years ago.”

“Have you seen him at all since that time?” he asked.

She took another sip of her wine and suddenly felt quite warm. “Of course we haven’t dated since then, but yes, I’ve seen him. He was thoughtful enough to attend my mother’s funeral.”

And then Cassie said, “And when I saw him I knew that our breakup was the best thing and I owed him thanks. That was a comforting thought and I no longer could hate him.”

Brandon stared down into his wine, absently twirling the glass between his fingers, wondering if she ever discovered the truth about him—who he was and why he was there—would she end up hating him, too.

“You’ve gotten quiet on me,” she said.

He glanced back up at her, held her gaze and then reached across the table and took her hand in his. “Have I? If so, it’s because I can’t imagine any man letting you go,” he said softly, tightening his hold on her hand.

A shiver ran down Cassie’s spine. She felt the sincerity in Brandon’s words and they touched her. She stared at him, totally aware of his physical presence, and with his hand holding hers she felt his strength. Warmth flooded her from the heat she saw in his eyes and for a tiny moment a wealth of meaning shone in them.

“And while you were telling me about your ex-fiancée,” she said, her eyes holding steady on his face, “I couldn’t help thinking the same thing. I can’t imagine any woman letting you go, either.”

It seemed the room suddenly got quiet. The only sounds were that of their breathing in a seemingly strained and forced tone. And he was still holding her hands and she felt his fingers move as they brushed across her hand in soft, featherlike strokes. The beating of her heart increased and his gaze continued to hold hers. The expression on his face was unreadable but the look in his eyes was not.

He slowly stood and pulled her out of her seat. Wordlessly, he brought her closer to him. Heat was thrumming through her and she drew in a slow breath. She slid her gaze from his eyes and lowered them to his lips. He leaned in closer, inching his mouth closer to hers.

Cassie felt the heat within her intensify just seconds before he brushed his lips across hers, causing a colossal sensation that she felt all the way to her toes, before spreading to areas known and unknown. And when a sigh of pleasure escaped her lips, easing them apart, with a ravenous yet gentle entry he began devouring her mouth.

Brandon felt the rush of blood that started in his head, and when it got to his chest it joined the rapid pounding of his heart. This was what energized passion was all about. And as he deepened the kiss all kind of feelings reverberated through him, searing awareness in his central nervous system. When he took hold of her tongue, he was filled with intense yearning and a craving that for him was unnatural.

He slightly shifted his stance and brought her closer to the fit of him, and to a body that was getting aroused by the minute. By the moans he heard coming from her he could tell she was enjoying the invasion of his tongue. That realization had him sinking deeper and deeper into the taste and texture of her mouth.

Her body pressed against his hard erection, making him want to sweep her into his arms and carry her to the nearest bedroom. He knew it would be sheer madness. And it would also be wrong. She deserved more than a man making love to her for all the wrong reasons, a man who had walked into her life without good intensions. A man who was even now betraying her.

That thought had him ending the kiss but he couldn’t let her go just yet, so he pulled her closer into his arms. How had he allowed himself to get into this situation? How had he let Cassie get to him so quickly and so deeply?

She pulled slightly back, glanced out the window and then back at him and smiled. “Do you want to take a stroll on the beach before it gets too dark?”

“I’d love to,” he said, releasing her.

“It will only take a minute for me to get my shawl. You can wait for me on the terrace if you’d like.”

“All right.”

She shifted to move past him and he suddenly reached out and gently locked his hand on her arm. Then he raised his hands to her hair and brushed back the strands that had fallen in her face. He felt the shiver that touched her body the moment he leaned down and brushed a kiss against her lips. “I’ll be waiting,” he whispered.

A few moments later Cassie quietly slipped out on the terrace to find Brandon standing with his back to her, staring out at the ocean with both hands in the pockets of his trousers.

His stance radiated so much sex appeal it should have been illegal. He seemed to be in deep thought and she couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking about. Had talking about his ex-fiancée opened up old wounds? Having someone you loved betray you wasn’t easy to take. She had discovered that with Jason.

“I’m ready.”

He turned at the sound of her voice and across the brick pavers she met his gaze. He then looked at her from head to toe, zeroing in on her bare feet for a few seconds.

She laughed. “Hey, don’t look surprised. You never walk on the beach with shoes on. That’s an islander rule, so please remove yours.”

He chuckled as he dropped into a wicker chair to take off his shoes and socks. She thought the feet he exposed were as sexy as the rest of him. Placing his socks and shoes aside, he stood and smiled at her. “Happy now?”

“Yes, extremely. Now we can make footprints in the sand.” She held her hand out to him. “Let’s go.”

Brandon took the hand she offered and together they walked down the steps toward the private beach.

“So, tell me about your life in Orlando.”

Her question reminded him of the lies he had planted, as well as those he had to continue to tell. He glanced over at her and asked, “What do you want to know?”

Smiling curiously, she asked, “Is there someone special in your life waiting for your return?”

“No,” he responded with no hesitation. “I date occasionally but there’s no one special.”

Seconds ticked by and when she didn’t say anything he decided to add, “And it isn’t because I mistrust all women because of what my ex-fiancée did. I got over it and moved on. I buried myself in my work because while with her I spent a lot of time away from it. That’s what she wanted and what I thought she needed.”

“But you found it wasn’t?”

“Yes, I found it wasn’t, especially when it wasn’t for the right reason. Jamie had an insecurity complex and I fed into it. But that wasn’t enough. She had to feel doubly safe by having someone else in her life, besides me.”

“Did she not care how that would play out once you discovered the truth?”

He shrugged. “I guess she figured she would never get caught. She even went so far to admit that she would not have given up her lover after we married.”
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