Pete wondered why he was wasting so much thought on this issue. The important thing was that he and Myra had an understanding. Well, sort of. Deep down he believed she felt the entire subject had been ridiculous since she wasn’t the least bit interested in him, and he shouldn’t be the least bit interested in her.
But he was, though. The best thing to do when she moved in was to stay out of her way and make sure she stayed out of his. His home didn’t have split levels. His master suite was at the end of a long hall and Myra should have no reason to venture that far down the hall since the bedroom she would be using had its own private bath and Ciara’s room was next door to hers. There was another guest room and his office next to Ciara’s room.
On the other hand, he would have to walk down the hall and pass by both bedrooms to get to the living room and other parts of the house.
“When will Myra be moving in?”
“We agreed on Friday. That will give you time to pack and take care of things you need to handle at your place since you’ll be gone for a while. If you need me to do anything while you’re gone, let me know.”
“I will and I appreciate it.” Bonnie glanced down at Ciara who’d fallen asleep in her arms. “Let me lay her down. It’s not even her nap time yet. What did you do to her to tire her out?”
“I didn’t do anything. In fact, once she saw Myra Hollister, Ciara forgot I was alive.”
Bonnie chuckled. “You sound jealous.”
Did he? Was he? Possibly. He wasn’t used to Ciara being so taken with anyone she wasn’t accustomed to seeing on a regular basis. “I have no reason to be jealous, Bonnie.”
“Oh, by the way,” Bonnie said as she headed down the hall, “Zane’s here checking on the horses. Told me to tell you he would stop by before leaving.”
“Fine.” Zane was one of Derringer’s older brothers. Although he was a married man now, Zane once had a reputation as one of Denver’s most notorious womanizers. But then so had Derringer and Riley. Only difference was that Zane’s reputation had been a lot worse. He’d also been dubbed an expert when it came to women and was known to give out advice on the topic.
Pete removed his jacket before walking over to the window. Snowfall was predicted tonight. He couldn’t wait until Ciara got older and he could build a snowman with her like he’d done with Matt while growing up. Those had been fun times when both of their parents had been alive and their only worry was making sure their homework was done before going to bed.
He saw a movement out the window and recognized Zane walking toward the house. Zane, Derringer and their cousin Jason were partners in a lucrative horse breeding and training business, along with several of their Westmoreland cousins living in Montana and Texas. The partnership was doing extremely well financially, with horse buyers extending all the way to the Middle East. One of their horses, Prince Charming, had placed in the Kentucky Derby a few years ago. Since then, potential clients had been coming out of the woodwork in droves. As a result, they’d needed more land to hold the horses. Since Pete had more property than he knew what to do with, he’d leased a portion of it to the Westmorelands.
Pete had never sought out Zane for advice on the topic of women before, but maybe he should run this situation regarding Myra by Zane. Hell, doing so couldn’t hurt.
Myra glanced around her bedroom. Although she had four days to pack, there was no use waiting until later. Like she’d told Pete, she didn’t have much stuff and the majority of her items could fit into her luggage.
She couldn’t stop remembering the exact moment he’d suggested she call him Pete instead of Sheriff. She knew his real name was Peterson but that he had been called Pete since he was a baby. That information had come from Miss Bonnie, who’d told her a lot about him.
Myra also knew he’d been engaged once and his girlfriend from high school had died just weeks before their wedding. She’d been participating in a local parade when she was thrown off her horse.
Myra had been saddened by the story and a part of her heart had gone out to the man who’d lost the love of his life so close to their wedding day. That had been twelve years ago and she wondered if he was now seriously involved with anyone.
She picked up her phone when it began ringing, recognized the ringtone. “Hello, Bella.”
“Myra, how are you?”
“I’m fine. What about you?”
“Doing okay but I hear there will be a snowstorm beginning tonight. I hope you’re prepared,” Bella said.
“I am. Besides, staying inside will give me a chance to work on my thesis.”
“How is that coming?”
“Great. I’m hoping to turn it in around this time next year.”
“That’s outstanding. Another reason I’m calling is to invite you to the Westmorelands’ chow-down on Friday night.”
“Oh, thanks for thinking of me again, but I’m moving on Friday.”
“Yes. I’ve been hired to be Sheriff Higgins’s temporary nanny while Miss Bonnie is away.”
“That’s wonderful. You’ll be perfect, and Pete will go to work each day knowing Ciara is in good hands. The girls will be disappointed not to see you on Friday.”
Myra laughed when she thought of Bella and Jason’s twins. She had won them over, along with a few other Westmoreland kids, with her magic tricks when she’d attended their Friday night chow-down a few weeks ago.
“Well, I’m going to have to pay them a visit once I get settled at the Higgins place. Then I can bring Ciara along.”
“Oh, they will enjoy that, and we’ll look forward to your visit.”
“So, what’s on your mind, Pete?”
Pete glanced over at Zane Westmoreland, whose long legs were stretched out in front of him as he took a sip of his beer. His wife, Channing, was expecting their first child and yet Zane had just finished telling Pete that Zane was the one craving stuff.
“I need your expert advice on something.”
Zane lifted a brow. “What?”
“Not sure if you heard that Bonnie’s sister has cancer and she needs to be in Texas for about two months.”
“Yes, Bonnie mentioned it when I first got here. I told her that I was sorry to hear that.”
“Her leaving means I have to hire a nanny until she returns. I found one, a woman name Myra Hollister, but I detected possible problems.”
Zane raised a brow. “What kind of problems?”
“She’s a very beautiful woman.”
Zane nodded. “I met Myra a couple of weeks ago when Bella invited her to one of the Westmoreland chow-downs, and you’re right, she’s a beautiful woman. She’s also single and so are you, so what’s the problem?”
“She’s younger than me by twelve years.”
Pete took a sip of his own beer. “I want things to remain professional between us while she’s living here.”
Zane lifted a brow. “Why wouldn’t they? Or, why should they if you’re attracted to her?”
Pete frowned. “Who said I was attracted to her?”
Zane chuckled and then shook his head. “Oh, you want to be one of those, do you?”