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A Brother's Honour

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Victoria took it out of his hand and placed it back on the nightstand. “You should go, Dalton.”

He frowned at her. “Why?”

“Because he is your grandfather.”

His frown deepened. He had confided in her years ago, so she knew his family history. The good, the bad and the ugly. “And?”

“And if you think what he did to you all those years ago, denying you access to your trust fund until your thirtieth birthday, was so wrong, then go and let him see that in spite of what he did, you became a huge success.”

She paused a moment and then asked softly, “He doesn’t know, does he?”

Dalton shook his head. “No.” In fact, he doubted even his brothers knew of the vast amount of his wealth. His family assumed he was an American gigolo in England living off women.

“Then maybe it’s time he did, before it’s too late.”

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“I think it does.”

He bit back a retort, one that would have burned the hell out of her ears. “You’re wrong.” He lay there a moment wondering who he was shitting. It did matter, and it bothered him that it did.

Wanting to force Jace’s call from his mind, he reached for Victoria, captured her mouth and hungrily began mating with it. And when he felt her passion beginning to stir, he lost himself in her incredible heat.

Chapter Four

The moment he entered the hospital room, Jace wrenched his gaze from the doctor standing by his grandfather’s hospital bed. And for a minute it was hard to believe the man lying there was actually Richard Granger. The once-tall, robust man looked as if he’d shrunk into an unconscious body that was now connected to various machines.

Jace had last seen the old man during the holidays. Although he’d tried talking Caden and Dalton into spending Christmas and New Year’s at Sutton Hills, both had declined. At least Caden had had an excuse with his holiday concerts being sold out. Dalton hadn’t needed an excuse. He’d simply said, “When hell freezes over.” Or words to that effect.

“Glad you made it, Jace.”

Jace moved his gaze from his grandfather and back to the doctor, who knew him by name. Jace didn’t recognize him, so he zeroed in on the name tag pinned on his medical coat. Sedrick Timmons. He remembered Sedrick and remembered when he’d always wanted to become a doctor. Over the years, his looks had changed. Gone was the tall, gangly male. This Sedrick, though still somewhat tall, was a little pudgy around the waist, wore thick-rimmed glasses and had a receding hairline.

The Timmonses had been a family of four and the Grangers’ closest neighbors, although their estate was a good five miles away. In addition to the parents, Sedrick had a younger sister named Shiloh. Jace and Sedrick had played together as kids and had pretty much remained friends until their teen years.

Then Jace’s mother’s death and his father’s trial had happened. After that, the Granger name had become a bad word to some, and the Timmonses had forbidden their children from ever associating with the Grangers again. The Timmonses had led the pack by distancing themselves, and even now, Jace could remember how being ostracized that way had felt.

Deciding there was no need for any “how have you been” dialogue, especially since their friendship had ended so long ago, Jace closed the door behind him and went right to the heart of the matter by asking, “How is he, Dr. Timmons?”

“Resting comfortably.” The doctor then motioned for them to step outside the room. He and Jace moved into the corridor, closing the door behind him.

Jace saw the grim look on Sedrick’s face and steeled his body for whatever news he was about to hear. “Well, how is he really?” Jace asked, needing to get it over with.

“Not good, Jace. The reason I wanted to step out into the hallway was that, although your grandfather hasn’t responded since he was brought in yesterday, there’s a possibility his hearing is still intact.”

Jace nodded. “I understand.”

Sedrick then rubbed the back of his head, a gesture Jace remembered from years past when Sedrick was about to do something that he really didn’t want to do. Sedrick then dropped his hand, looked Jace straight in the eyes and said, “He’s in pretty bad shape, Jace. Test results show severe damage was done to his heart. I’m surprised he’s still here. It’s like he’s hanging on for a reason. And because I figured you’d want one, I got a second opinion from Dr. Paul Hammonds. He’s the best in the field here at St. Francis.”

Sedrick paused a moment and then added in a solemn tone, “I suggest you call your brothers...and get word to your father.”

Because of the way Sedrick had said it, Jace could only assume Sedrick thought he hadn’t done either. “Everyone has been notified.”

That was all Jace intended to say on the matter. “Now, I want to spend time with my grandfather.”

Sedrick nodded. “Sure, and welcome home, Jace. It’s been a while.”

With a bland expression that showed none of the irritation he was feeling, Jace drew in a deep breath. How would Sedrick know how long it had been? And anyway, he had assumed incorrectly. “No, it hasn’t been a while, Sedrick. I was home for the holidays. In fact, I usually come home at least twice a year.”

Surprise showed in Sedrick’s eyes. “Sorry, I wasn’t aware you ever returned to Sutton Hills.”

Jace shrugged. “There’s no reason you would have known.”

Instead of saying anything, Sedrick shrugged and began rubbing the back of his head again. There was nothing he could say, really. Growing up, he and Jace had shared a close friendship. But that had changed, and Sedrick could tell their conversation—other than the important matter at hand—was rather awkward.

“Will you need to do any more tests?” Jace asked, thinking that getting the conversation back on his grandfather’s condition would be safer ground for Sedrick. Jace didn’t want him to nervously rub away the little bit of hair he still had left.

“No, not unless we detect an improvement of some sort. There’s a possibility he might regain consciousness, but it won’t be for long, and unfortunately, doing so might cause more damage to his heart.”

Jace frowned. “Why?”

“Because if he’s awake, he’ll run the risk of getting excited, which could overtax the heart muscles.”

At that moment, a nurse approached and offered an apology for the interruption before informing Dr. Timmons of an emergency in another patient’s room.

“If you have any more questions, Jace, just have someone page me,” Sedrick said, rushing off.

Jace nodded and moved to return to his grandfather’s room. He hated hospitals. Always had and always would. Pulling up a chair close to the bed, he sat there and stared at his grandfather, remembering better times. He had always understood the old man when Caden and Dalton had not. That was one of the reasons everyone claimed he’d been Richard’s favorite. People thought that, but Jace was fully convinced his grandfather loved all three of his grandsons the same.

Jace heard his phone tweet, letting him know he’d gotten a text. Pulling his phone from his back pocket, he saw the message had come from Caden.

Plane just landed. Should arrive at hospital in ½ hour.

After putting his phone away, Jace drew in a deep breath, leaned back in his chair and drew his gaze back to his grandfather. At that moment, he felt an enormous pain grip his gut. His grandfather had always been there for Jace, and now Jace wanted to be here for him. But he wasn’t sure how much he could take of seeing Richard lie there with tubes connected to his body and machines beeping out the only sounds in the room...except for that of his grandfather’s labored breathing.

Richard Granger had celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday last year, and both Jace and Caden had come home for the occasion. Dalton hadn’t, which had been no surprise to anyone.

Jace drew in a deep breath, not wanting to think about the animosity Dalton still had toward the old man. Instead, he shifted his thoughts to days past when he and his brothers were younger, happier. And their parents were together and both his father and grandfather ran the company...

His thoughts trailed off as he remembered the billion-dollar company his family owned and which his grandfather had practically run alone after his son had been incarcerated. It had been fifteen years now.

The shock of hearing about his grandfather’s heart attack was so great that Jace hadn’t given any thought to Granger Aeronautics. Had Hannah known to contact Titus Freeman, the executive vice president? If not Freeman, then surely Vidal Duncan. Vidal was not only the company attorney but also a longtime family friend. He would know what to do.

Any thought of Granger Aeronautics flew from Jace’s mind when he noticed his grandfather’s breathing had changed. It had become labored, forced. Fear gripped him as he stood to press the nurse call button. The change in breathing might not necessarily mean anything, but he wanted to be certain.

“Granddad,” he said, leaning close to the bed as Dr. Timmons and a nurse rushed in. “It’s Jace, and I’m here,” he said in a soft voice. “You’re going to get better. There’s still a lot left for you to do. And you’re not a person to half finish anything.”

He reached out and gently gripped his grandfather’s hand in his, ignoring how weak it felt as well as how frail it seemed. And he pushed to the back of his mind how unresponsive his grandfather’s hand was to his touch.
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