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The Danforths: Wesley, Ian & Imogene: Scandal Between the Sheets / The Boss Man's Fortune / Challenged by the Sheikh

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Ronnie joined her in laughter. “I’m counting on it.” After their laughter subsided, Ronnie asked. “So how are things going with that Danforth assignment? Any new developments?”

Jasmine shook her head. The last time she’d been out to Crofthaven had been for the press conference where Abraham had revealed the coroner’s report regarding the cause of death. “No, things have been pretty quiet. I really don’t expect things to start heating up until the election gets into full swing.”

“And what about Wesley Brooks?”

Jasmine took a sip of her drink, deciding not to meet Ronnie’s gaze and asked. “What about him?”

“Is he still following you around?”

Jasmine felt a thickness in her throat. Not only was he following her around, he had parked himself real snug in her bed a few nights ago. “Yes, he’s still following me around.”

“And you’re handling it okay?”

If only you knew just how well I’m handling it. “Yes, I’m handling it fine. I’m used to it now.”

Ronnie nodded as she checked her watch. “It’s almost time for the next movie to start. Oh, by the way, I’m covering that big social event sponsored by the hospital in a few weeks. I noticed your father is one of the doctors being honored. Are you going?”

“Yes, although I got a call from Alyssa the other day to let me know that she’s going with Paul.”

Ronnie frowned. “Paul Sanders?” At Jasmine’s nod Ronnie’s frown deepened. “When are they going to let up and get a life? I can’t believe after what happened she would do something like that.”

Jasmine shook her head. “You and Alyssa have different values and standards. You would never have done what she did. I’m sure Paul being Alyssa’s date will have Dad wondering what’s going on.”

Ronnie nodded. “You never told your father why the two of you broke up and about Evelyn’s part in it? If he knew, Evelyn, Mallory and Alyssa would be history.”

“Yes, but then where would they go?”

“Who gives a royal flip? If I were you I wouldn’t give a damn. Besides, your father would be better of without them. I’m sure his bank account definitely would be.”

Jasmine couldn’t disagree with that last comment. “I still can’t do that no matter how mean and hateful they are.”

“Well, as far as I’m concerned Evelyn is a real witch. She makes Cinderella’s stepmother look like an angel.”

Jasmine only nodded. She had learned a long time ago not to let her stepmother and stepsisters get to her.

“What time do you want to go shopping tomorrow?”

“Right after work.” A thought then crossed Ronnie’s mind. “You don’t think Wesley Brooks will follow us, do you?”

Jasmine shrugged. “Probably not. Why?”

“Just curious, especially since we plan on visiting stores that sell sexy lingerie. I don’t want him getting any ideas about you.”

Jasmine smiled. After Friday night, Wesley probably had gotten plenty of ideas about her.


He couldn’t get Jasmine off his mind.

Even a week later while having dinner with Harold and Miranda at their home along with Jake, Larissa and their son, Peter, Wesley was flooded with memories. He continued to shadow Jasmine but now it was with an entirely new intent. He liked seeing her and watching her.

Trying to give her time to adjust to the turn their relationship had taken, he hadn’t been over to her place since dropping her off Saturday night. But he’d seen her every day. He remembered how they had gone sailing on the Charleston Harbor and sat side by side sharing lunch. Even then, he had fought the urge to take her in his arms and make love to her right then and there.

“Are you all right, Wesley?”

Wesley quickly raised his gaze to the end of the table at the sound of Miranda Danforth’s soft voice. She was looking at him with concern and so was everyone else at the table. He suddenly realized why. She had asked him a question a while ago and he had yet to answer.

“Yes, I’m fine,” he answered smiling, focusing on the woman with the warm blue eyes who had always been there for him after he’d come to live with her and Harold in this huge house. From the moment they had invited him into their home, not only as their son’s best friend, but also as a member of their family, an unofficially adopted son, they had occupied a special place in his heart. All the Danforths had.

“She asked if you’ve been dating anyone special lately,” Harold Danforth chuckled, repeating his wife’s question. His eyebrows were heavy over kind blue eyes. “Now that Jake’s married off, she’s determined to see what she can do about you since it seems that Toby and Imogene are lost causes.”

Wesley smiled. Tobias, whom everyone fondly called Toby, was Harold and Miranda’s divorced twenty-nine-year-old son who lived in Wyoming. Everyone knew that like Ian, Toby had no plans to ever remarry. And Imogene was married to her career. Not surprising to anyone, she had called earlier to say she would miss dinner because she was on the run and was trying to squeeze in a late appointment with a potential client.

“Well, Wesley, are you dating?”

Wesley’s smile widened at Miranda’s question. He remembered when he and Jake had lived at home, Miranda would wait for them after their dates to find out how things had gone. Of course he and Jake had never told her everything. But just the thought that she had cared enough to ask had meant a lot to him and he’d never considered it as meddling like Jake often had.

He glanced quickly across the table and met Jake’s smile and knew his best friend thought his mother was meddling now. “No, I’m not dating but I am seeing someone,” he finally answered.

He saw the bemused frown settle on Miranda’s brow. He understood her confusion since the situation confused him, too. However, Jasmine was determined not to “date” him. As far as he was concerned, she could call it what she liked as long as he got to see her and be with her.

“Will we get a chance to meet her?” Jake asked grinning.

Wesley shot his best friend a warning glance. Jake was the only one at the table who knew the woman he was seeing was Jasmine Carmody and just how deep their relationship had gotten. Although none of them other than Jake and Larissa had met Jasmine, everyone knew her name and knew her to be the persistent reporter hounding the Danforths. He smiled when he thought of what everyone’s reaction would be when he brought her to dinner, which was something he planned to do when she realized that he intended to remain a part of her life for a while.

“I’ll bring her around soon. Right now she’s rather shy.” He ignored the sound of Jake nearly choking on his wine. “But, her shyness is something that I’m working on.”

Miranda smiled. “Good, and we look forward to meeting her.”

Wesley returned her smile. He looked forward to introducing Jasmine to the people that he cared about. Then she would see that the Danforths were warm, caring people who had nothing to hide.

Wesley stood under Jasmine’s porch light as she opened the door. Usually he would follow her home from her last interview then go to his own place. He had wanted to give her time to adjust to how things were between them. In addition, she had been a virgin and he had wanted to be considerate and give her body time to recover from last Friday night. So he had waited out a week, but now he wanted her again.

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