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The Garrisons: Cassie, Adam & Brooke: Stranded with the Tempting Stranger

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“Then why do you think he gave you and Parker sharing control?”

Cassie inhaled deeply. “I wished I knew the answer.”

Brandon’s face took on a serious expression before he said, “Then hear me out on my theory. John loved all of his children, there’s no doubt in my mind about that. I also believed that he recognized all of their strengths … as well as their weaknesses. Not taking anything away from the others, I think he saw you and Parker as the strongest link because of your business sense. Parker is an excellent businessman, a chip off the old block. He’s done a wonderful job of running things while John was alive, so John knew of his capabilities. And I understand that you did a fantastic job managing the hotel, so he was aware of what you could do, as well. Personally, I don’t think it was ever John’s intent for you and Parker to share the running of Garrison, Inc. Both of your personalities are too strong for that and he knew it. I think he put you in place to serve as a check and balance for Parker whenever there’s a need.”

She gazed at him thoughtfully before saying, “If what you’re saying is true then it would serve no purpose if I were to sell my share of control to Parker. I wouldn’t be accomplishing what Dad wanted.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

She studied him for a moment. “You haven’t forgotten that you’re Parker’s attorney, have you?”

He smiled as he shook his head. “No, and I wasn’t speaking as Parker’s attorney just now. I was speaking as your friend … and lover.” After a brief moment, he said, “I’d like to make a suggestion.”


“Take a few days off and come to Miami with me. Meet Parker, as well as your other sisters and brothers. I know for a fact that they would love to meet you.”

“I’m not ready to meet them, Brandon.”

“I think that you are, Cassie. And I believe John would have wanted it that way. Otherwise, he would have given you ownership of the hotel and nothing else, but he didn’t do that. He arranged it where sooner or later you would have to meet them. And why wouldn’t you want to meet them? They’re your siblings. Your family. The six of you share the same blood.”

He laughed. “Hell, all of you certainly look alike.”

She raised a surprised brow. “We do?”

“Yes. All of you have this same darn dimple right here,” he said, leaning over and reaching out to touch the spot.

She tilted her chin, trying to keep the sensations his touch was causing from overtaking her. “It’s a cleft, Brandon.”

He chuckled, pulling his hand back, but not before brushing a kiss across her lips. “Whatever you want to call it, sweetheart.”

His term of endearment caused a flutter in her chest and the love she felt for him sent a warm feeling flowing through her. A few moments passed and then she said in a soft voice, “Tell me about them.”

Knowing her interest was a major step, Brandon bit back a smile. “All right. I think I’ve told you everything there is about Parker. He’s thirty-six. No matter how arrogant he might have come across that time when you did speak to him, he’s really a nice guy. He used to be a workaholic but things have changed since he’s gotten married. His wife Anna is just what he needs. She was his assistant before they married.”

He took a sip of his tea and then said, “Stephen is thirty-five. Like Parker, he’s strong-willed and dependable. He’s also compassionate. He’s married and his wife is Megan. They have a three-year-old daughter named Jade.”

Cassie lifted her brow. “Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s my understanding that he got married a few months ago.”

Brandon smiled. “You are right.”

“And he has a daughter that’s three?”

Brandon chuckled. “Yes. He and Megan had an affair a few years ago and she got pregnant. He didn’t find out he was a father until rather recently. Now they’re back together and very happy.”

A huge smile touched Brandon’s lips when he said, “And then there’s Adam. He and I share a very close friendship and I consider him my best friend. As a result, I spend more time with him than the rest. He’s thirty and operates a popular nightclub, Estate. And last but not least are the twins, Brooke and Brittany. They’re both twenty-eight. Brittany operates a restaurant called Brittany Beach, and Brooke operates the Sands, a luxury condominium building.”

Cassie took a sip of her own tea before asking, “What about my father’s wife?”

Brandon glanced at her over the rim of his glass.

“What about her?”

“I’m sure she wasn’t happy finding out about my mom,” Cassie said.

Brandon put his glass down and met her gaze. “No, she wasn’t. But finding out about you was an even bigger shock. A part of me wants to believe she had an idea that John was having an affair with someone, but I think finding out he had another child was a kicker. Needless to say, she didn’t take the news very well.”

Brandon decided not to provide Cassie with any details about Bonita, especially her drinking problem. He would, however, tell her this one thing. “If you decide to come to Miami with me, I want to be up front with you and let you know that Bonita Garrison won’t like the fact that you there. Trust me when I say that it wouldn’t bother her one bit if you decided to drop off the face of the earth.”

Cassie almost choked on her tea. Once again Brandon had surprised her. Now that he had decided to tell her the truth about everything, he was being brutally honest. “If she feels that way then I’m sure the others—”

“Don’t feel that way,” he interrupted, knowing her assumptions. “Their mother doesn’t influence how they treat people in any way. Come to Miami with me, Cassie, and meet them.”

She ran her hands through her hair as she leaned back in her chair. “I don’t think you know what you’re asking of me, Brandon.”

“And I think I do. It’s the right thing to do. I know it and I believe you know it, as well. This bitter battle between you and Parker can’t go on forever. Do you think that’s what John would have wanted?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Neither do I.” He paused, then he asked, “Will you promise that you will at least think about it?” He reached across the table and took her hand in his.

“Yes, I promise.”

“And will you accept my apology for deceiving you, Cassie? I was wrong, but I’ve told you the reason I did it.”

She thought about his words. He had tried telling her the truth last night, and if sex was all he’d wanted from her, he’d had a good opportunity to get it the night she had invited him to her home for dinner. But he had resisted her advances. And even last night, she had been the one to make the first move.

She stared into his face knowing the issue of forgiveness had to be resolved between them. She could tell he was fully aware that he had hurt her and was deeply bothered by it. “Yes, now that you’ve explained everything, I accept your apology.” She saw the relieved look that came into his eyes.

He hesitated a moment. “And another thing. I didn’t use any protection when we made love, so if you’re—”

“I’m not. I’ve been on the pill for a few years now, and I’m healthy otherwise.”

Brandon nodded. “So am I. I just don’t want you to think I’m usually so careless.”

“I don’t.” She smiled, thinking of the way he handled their lovemaking, always making sure she got her pleasure before he got his. “In fact, I think you are one of the most precise men that I know.”

Later that night Cassie lay snuggled close to Brandon in her own bed. She was on her side and he was behind her in spoon position, holding her close to the heat of him. The power had come back on a few hours ago and they had taken a shower together before going to bed and making love again.

He was sleeping soundly beside her, probably tired to the bone. He had taken her hard and fast, and she had enjoyed every earth-shattering moment of it. Her body trembled when she remembered the mind-splitting orgasm they had shared. Brandon was undoubtedly the perfect lover.

And she appreciated him sharing bits and pieces about her siblings, satisfying a curiosity she hadn’t wanted to acknowledge that she’d had. And then he had been completely honest with her about how her father’s wife would probably feel toward her if she decided to do what Brandon had suggested and go to Miami with him.

She inhaled deeply. A part of her wanted to go and resolve this issue between her and Parker once and for all, and then another part didn’t want to go. What if Brandon was wrong and they really didn’t want to meet her like he thought?

Deciding she didn’t want to bog her mind with thoughts of them anymore tonight she let her thoughts drift to the issue of her and Brandon. She knew that true love was more than a sexual attraction between two people. It was more than being good together in bed. It was about feelings and emotions. It was about wanting to commit your life to that person for the rest of your life.

It was about the things she and Brandon didn’t have.
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