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Texas-Sized Temptation / Star of His Heart: Texas-Sized Temptation / Star of His Heart

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“Definitely not. She disliked him enormously because of the beating he gave my dad.”

“Our families have a long and violent history,” Jake remarked.

“I don’t know if either of us can ever view the other without thinking about our bloodlines,” she said.

“I definitely can look at you and forget,” Jake said softly. “When I am near you, that old feud is the last thing I’m thinking about.”

“I’m not pursuing what you are thinking about,” she stated with a laugh. “Let me show you more of the house.

“Here’s the kitchen,” she said, entering a room she loved with a high ceiling and glass-fronted cabinets. Floor-to-ceiling glass gave a panoramic view of the pool and a decorator-designed deck.

Two ceiling fans slowly revolved. A woman in a black uniform with a white apron turned to smile at them. In her hand she held a tray from the oven with tempting-looking brownies.

“Jake, this is Altheda Perkins who has worked here since she was seventeen. Altheda, meet Jake Benton, the man who now owns the ranch.”

“Glad to meet you Mr. Benton,” she said politely, her smile fading slightly for a brief moment and then returning. Her white hair was a mass of curls framing her face. “Would either of you care for a brownie and milk? I can bring them to the front parlor.”

Jake declined at the same time Caitlin did. “We both just finished breakfast. Perhaps later this morning, we might enjoy a bite.”

To Jake she said, “The cabinets in here are the originals. The glass fronts are more trouble to take care of, but Altheda is willing and I love them.”

“Nice kitchen,” he said, looking around. The appliances were as up-to-date as his own, yet the kitchen retained the charm and appearance of another century and Caitlin loved every inch of it.

Caitlin showed him the new part of the house only briefly, dwelling more on the original and older rooms and areas. She tried to make him see that he would be destroying a treasure if he tore it down.

Beyond a polite interest, she couldn’t detect any other feelings about what he was seeing. She loved her grandmother’s house more than any other place and couldn’t see it as anything except a precious home that should be maintained and enjoyed.

How steeped was Jake in the hatred that always lay smoldering between the two families?

She led him through downstairs rooms and then they returned to join Cecilia in the parlor.

Jake sat, talking politely to Cecilia, laughing at a story she told that had involved him in town. Occasionally as they talked, Caitlin glanced at her watch or the clock on the mantel and was gratified to see that an hour had passed and Jake not only showed no signs of leaving, but seemed to be enjoying himself talking to Cecilia.

Altheda appeared with brownies, a pot of steaming coffee, mugs and saucers.

Jake made a phone call and let Caitlin talk him into staying for lunch.

It was after two in the afternoon when he said he had to get back to the ranch and Caitlin went out to his truck with him.

He held her arm to walk around to his side. “I’d like to walk off into the woods with you or the nearest shed or anywhere we could be alone.”

“I don’t need to ask why in the world you’d want to do that,” she replied, amused, wanting the same thing herself, which she would never admit to him. “I don’t think that’s possible. You’ll be alone with me tonight.”

“I’ll be at a restaurant with people everywhere.”

“I think you’ll manage. I’m glad you stayed today and visited with Cecilia.”

“She’s sweet and reminds me of my grandmother on my mother’s side. She knows a lot about people in these parts.”

“Cecilia used to get out a lot, go to town and she had many friends. She’s become more reclusive in the last years.”

He ran his hand across Caitlin’s shoulder. “I’ll see you in a few hours. Thanks again for lunch.”

“Thanks for taking me in during the storm and hearing my plea finally.”

He nodded and climbed into his truck and drove away. She walked to the porch and stood watching the truck on the road to the highway.

Cecilia came out to stand beside her. “Caitlin, watch out. He’ll break your heart if you’re not careful.”

Startled, Caitlin turned. “I won’t let that happen. I barely know him.”

“He’s a charming man. He’s also accustomed to getting what he wants. Not one word was mentioned about selling land back to you, so I assume he’s put you off with an answer.”

“Yes, he has until this week when he can talk to his brother and some people at his office.”

“He’s dangling you along. He wants you and this ranch. I don’t think he’s going to sell to you.”

“Whatever happens,” Caitlin said, growing somber over hearing her own sentiments spoken aloud by Cecilia, “I promise, I’ll take care of you and Altheda. Kirby, too.”

“We can all manage. Your grandmother left us each a trust that will take care of us financially. We’ll get along.” Cecilia’s gaze ran over the porch and tears filled her eyes. “I love this old house and I know you do, too,” she said gently. “It may just be time for all of us to let go and move on. Change is life, Caitlin. You know that. You’ve done your best to win him over, but those Bentons are a hard-hearted bunch toward the Santerres. He hates your brother. It shows in his cold blue eyes.”

“Cecilia, Jake isn’t so awfully cold,” Caitlin said, having a strange feeling of not being truthful. She had a knot in her throat and hated to hear what she feared voiced aloud.

“Just don’t fall in love with him, honey. You’re going out with him tonight. You be careful. That man doesn’t have your interests at heart. At least not now.”

“It’s just dinner and I’ll be careful,” Caitlin promised, looking into Cecilia’s worried brown eyes. They both stepped closer to hug each other and Caitlin could feel Cecilia’s thin shoulders and hurt for her. “Cecilia, I’d do anything to keep him from uprooting you and the others,” she said, fighting tears.

“Don’t,” Cecilia said firmly, pulling away and holding Caitlin’s shoulders. “Do not do anything foolish to get your way. He’ll take advantage of you and hurt you. We’ll all be fine and stop worrying about us. You’ve talked to him about selling and you’ve done your part.”

Caitlin nodded. “I better check my calls and emails. I haven’t since this morning.”

“You’ll have to put it off for a few more minutes because here comes Kirby,” Cecilia said. “I’m going in. He’ll want to talk to you, not me. I’m guessing he’s in his fatherly mode. We all want to keep you from getting hurt while you’re trying to protect us.”

Caitlin saw the foreman striding toward her, a lanky, relaxed walk that still covered ground rapidly. She had a sinking feeling he might want to air his feelings and warn her to be careful around Jake, too.

Cecilia left and in minutes Kirby climbed the porch steps to lean against a post facing her as she sat and gently rocked.

“I saw Benton drive away. I hear he’s taking you out tonight.”

Caitlin couldn’t keep from smiling. “You three have a grapevine that carries news faster than text messaging.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Altheda told me. She had lunch for the boys and me and I was up here to get it and talked to her.”

“And she must have just found out from Jake’s remarks. Yes, I’m going out with him and I’ll be fine.”

“Look, you’re doing this for the three of us, primarily. Dusty and Red, too, because the outcome will impact them. Jake Benton’s a tough man. I’ve ridden against him in rodeos. I’ve seen Will come up against him and end up the worse for it. I’d say you forget trying to save this place. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Kirby, you’re like an older brother to me—or a dad.”
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