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Millionaire Magnates: Taming the Texas Tycoon

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“I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier.”

“I think we already covered that,” Kate said. The last thing she wanted to do was rehash that kiss. For her, it had been incredible and the answer to many long fantasies about this man.

She turned away from him, but he put his hand on her chair and turned her back to face him. “I don’t know why this is happening to us, Kate, but I am not going to be able to ignore it. You are—”

“Don’t say anything else. You have a fiancée and I’m leaving this job.”

“Why are you leaving?”

Kate looked up at him and thought about blasting him with the truth. But somehow she didn’t think he’d react well if she said she was leaving because she loved him and watching him get married would be about the same as ripping her heart out of her body.

“I’m leaving because I can’t work for you anymore.”

That was as close to the truth as she could get. Lucky for her he seemed to accept that answer.

She spent the rest of the day doing her job and realizing that all of the men in the office were starting to notice her as a woman. It should have given her hope that she’d find another man and fall in love, but instead it just made her sad because the one man she’d changed for still seemed to be oblivious—even after he’d finally kissed her.

The Fourth of July barbecue was held at Lance’s home in Somerset. He lived on acreage and had set up the party out near the lake on his property. There was an area for beach volleyball, which Lance had started playing when he was in college. Later on they would play the annual management-versus-workers match.

The caterers had been cooking since before dawn and mouthwatering smells filled the air. There was a deejay playing music under a tent near the caterers and everything had been decorated in red, white and blue.

He spotted Kate first thing as he approached the party area. “Happy Fourth of July.”

“You, too. Where do you need me?”

“Well, Mitch is running late, so if you want to work here with me handing out name tags and welcoming everyone, that’d be great.”

The first year they’d held the barbecue they’d started the tradition of personally welcoming everyone to the event. He, Mitch and Kate. It had been the first function where they’d really needed her.

“I can’t believe this is your last year doing this,” he said.

He’d given up on trying to convince her not to quit. She’d made it clear that she wasn’t going to change her mind, and given that he was trying to make a go at being a decent fiancé to Lexi, he thought he should probably stop trying to con-vince the woman who he was having nightly fantasies about to stay on.

“Me, neither. I’m going to miss it a lot. But you’ll have a new hostess for this next year.”

“Yes, we will. I think Lexi is anxious to talk to you about the planning of this event so she will know what’s involved.”

Kate bit her lower lip but nodded. “I’ll invite her to the postmortem meeting with our party-planning team. It will give her a chance to get know everyone, as well.”

“Thanks. Are you staying in Somerset tonight?”

“I don’t know. My folks went up to Frisco to visit my brother and his family.”

“You don’t see your parents much, do you?”

“We’re not close,” she said. “I mean, they are busy with their lives and I am busy working. But if I needed more time with them, they’d be here.”

Lance had learned from his own parents that the family he could count on was the one he’d made for himself. He counted his brother and Darius as his family, and the other men who were being inducted into the Texas Cattleman’s Club with him.

He’d been in touch with Darius the day before to ask him about the fire, but so far there had been little news of what was going on there.

“Have you heard from Mitch? When I talked to him yesterday he said he might be running late. But we are going to need him for the annual prize announcements.”

“Yes, we will,” Lance said. “Feel up to playing volleyball on my team this year?”

“Oh, I don’t know.”

“Every year you say you will next year. But this is your last year….”

“What good will come from me playing?” she asked. “I’m not very athletic.”

“It’s all for fun. Come on, Kate.” He wanted to spend as much of the day with her as he could. At least until Lexi got here. He realized he had to force himself to think about Lexi. All he could think about was Kate.

“Okay, I’ll play, but only if Mitch gets here so one of us can man the welcome table.”

“He will be here,” Lance said. “What’s in the goody bag this year?”

“The T-shirt and some other company goodies. We have water guns for the kids.”

“Why just the kids?” Lance asked with a grin.

“Because of last year when you and Mitch didn’t know when to stop.”

“Are you still upset about being caught in the cross fire?”

“Of course not,” she said.

He remembered how Kate had looked with her baggy T-shirt soaking wet and clinging to her breasts. To be fair, that was when he’d noticed that there was more to his secretary than met the eye, but she’d looked so distressed by the entire thing that he’d taken his shirt off and offered it to her. She’d taken it and then left a few minutes later.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“About the way you looked in that wet T-shirt last year.”

She flushed. “Well, don’t. You’re not supposed to think things like that. Remember, you said you didn’t want any more temptation.”

“I’m thinking that wasn’t my wisest decision, Kate.”

“Why not?”

He glanced around the yard quickly. It was still early so there wasn’t anyone here yet except for the party crew who was setting up. He touched her face and looked down into her big brown eyes.

“I can’t ignore the way you make me feel.” She bit her lower lip. “Please don’t.”

“Don’t what? Don’t want you?”

She pulled back. “Don’t say things like that. Because I will believe them and do something silly like kiss you. Then you will change your mind and I’ll feel stupid again.”

“Don’t feel stupid,” Lance said. He leaned down and kissed her. He’d been wanting to for the last two days since he’d seen Marcus leaning against her desk and talking to her.
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