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Locked In Temptation

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He motioned to the waiter for their check. When the man arrived, he also gave them a box containing the rest of the cake. Stonewall slid it over to Joy. “This is yours. Compliments of me.”

A smile curved her lips. “Thanks. Whenever I eat a slice, I’ll think of you.”

He returned her smile. “I’m hoping you will.”

CHAPTER FIVE (#ua5663ba7-b3bf-5a18-b993-99eb60da434c)

IT WAS CLOSE to midnight when Stonewall returned Joy to her home, and she couldn’t help but reflect on the evening. It was hard to stop smiling, thinking about how much time and attention he’d put into making sure their first official date was special. Everything, from the flight to Martha’s Vineyard to the dinner they’d shared at that restaurant, had been carefully thought out and strategically planned in a positive way. And having the restaurant prepare her that special dessert using his grandmother’s recipe had shown what a thoughtful person he was.

On the flight back they’d talked about a number of things, while trying to downplay the sexual chemistry floating between them. In addition to being a great conversationalist, he knew a lot about world affairs. It had been interesting listening to his political views, which happened to coincide with hers.

“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” she asked as he walked her to the door. The motion lights around her home came on—a security measure she’d installed when she bought the house.

“Yes, it is.”

She wasn’t sure what cologne he was wearing, but it smelled good on him. Manly and robust. Virile and sexy. More than once while sitting across from him on the return flight, she’d been tempted to unbuckle her seat belt, get up, go curl up in his lap and rub her nose against his neck to draw the smell of him into her nostrils.

The one thing she’d tried not to think about was the kiss they’d shared earlier. The one he’d asked about continuing later. He hadn’t brought it back up, nor had she. However, there was no doubt in her mind he was thinking about it just as much as she was. Would he want to come inside? Would she ask him to?

She was surprised at how comfortable she felt with Stonewall. She was a woman who put up a protective shield where men were concerned, especially after her disastrous affair with her ex, Omar Elwood. Omar had taught her an important lesson where men were concerned, one she would never forget. Stonewall thinking she was special, and his reason, touched a secret place within her, but she knew she must never lower her guard, at least not completely. Not even for the man walking beside her. Especially not for him.

She was fully aware of just how attractive she was to him. Their personalities seemed to mesh, and tonight she had felt relaxed in his presence...at least during those times when she wasn’t having fantasies of tearing off his clothes, or being the one to feed him a slice of cake.

She would definitely have done things differently, like licking the icing, the little bit that had clung to his lips, right off with the tip of her tongue.

“Well, here you are,” he said, breaking into her thoughts when they’d reached her front door. He handed the box containing the leftover cake to her.

Their hands touched and her breath caught on a surge of desire she should have seen coming, but didn’t. Drawing in a deep breath, she said, “Thanks, and thanks again for a wonderful evening.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” He suddenly stopped talking and frowned. “I hear conversation inside your home.”

She chuckled. “Relax. It’s the television. I rarely turn it off.”


“A habit I acquired after college when I began living alone. Too much silence drives me mad.”

“I see.”

She wondered if he truly did. It drove her siblings crazy and whenever they visited, they muted her set. Unlike her, they preferred quiet.

“Would you consider going out with me again, Joy?”

She smiled up at him. “Yes. Hopefully it won’t take us another six months.”

The sound of his ensuing chuckle sent desire pounding through her veins. She thought what she was experiencing was utterly ridiculous. Since when did the sound of a male chuckle do something to her? Like remind her that she hadn’t slept with a guy in almost two years?

“We can hope,” he said. “Maybe I should try getting on your schedule now before I leave,” he said.

Her smile faded. “Leave? You’re off again?”

“Yes. I fly out tomorrow for New York, and from there to London.”

“Oh.” She tried keeping the disappointment out of her voice. She didn’t have a reason to be disappointed, really. It wasn’t like they were a real couple or anything. They’d had their date, although it had taken nearly six months to happen. The important thing was that it had happened. And she was glad it had. “Sounds like an interesting trip. When will you be back?”

“In a couple of weeks.”

Had she imagined it or had he just eased a little closer to her? “You will be missed,” she heard herself say.

“Will I?”

“Yes. I still drop by that café on Monroe Street most mornings for coffee and at Shady Reds on Fridays for beer,” she said. “When you’re out of town I miss seeing you around.” It was more than that and she knew it. “Would you like to come inside for a drink?”

He inched even closer. “What if I said a drink isn’t all I’d want once I’m inside, Joy?”

Wow! Was this the same man who’d been so careful to maintain his role as a gentleman earlier tonight that he’d refrained from kissing her...until she’d egged him on? “And what else would you want?”

“To finish that kiss, for starters.”

“For starters?”

“Yes, for starters,” he said in a deep, husky tone.

She drew in a long, pulsing breath. At least she knew what to expect, but did Stonewall? If he assumed he would be the captain sailing this ship, then he was vastly mistaken.

Now she was the one to inch forward, and she could tell by the look in his eyes he was a little surprised by the move. Surprised and pleased, just like when she had taken a bold approach earlier.

“Be forewarned, Stonewall Courson. Once you cross over my threshold, you’re on my turf.”

He held her gaze and she felt the heat. “Meaning?”

“Meaning I’ll be calling the shots. What do you have to say about that?”

A smile curved his lips. “I say bring it on.”

* * *

STONEWALL HAD HOPED when he’d parked his car in Joy’s driveway that their time together wouldn’t end on her doorstep. Now as he glanced around the huge living room, he felt a sense of relief that it hadn’t. Yes, she might be calling the shots, but he was determined to get a few points in nonetheless.

“Nice place.”

“Thanks. I’m taking this cake to the kitchen. While I’m there, what can I get you to drink?”

“A beer would be appreciated if you have one.”

“I do. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a sec.”

Stonewall watched her leave, appreciating the sway of her hips. He drew in a deep breath and felt his body heat from anticipation. Of what? He couldn’t be sure, when she was determined to call the shots.
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