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Lone Star Blessings

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“That’s for sure,” Emma agreed, her turquoise eyes suspiciously moist. “He’s a gift from the Lord.”

Emma had confided that Toby had been abandoned by his family and it was the boy’s faith in Seth that had broken down her husband’s defenses, allowing him to include Toby and Emma in his heart.

Seth pressed his wife’s shoulder affectionately, then headed outside.

Emma regained her composure. “I didn’t bring over any food, because I figured you’d be deluged with it. Thought I’d wait till next week. Would Saturday be okay? I’d like to bring you something for Sunday dinner.”

“That’s not necessary,” Kate protested.

“Sure isn’t,” Marvin chimed in. “Next week’s the first Sunday of the month, potluck lunch after church services. We can stay, eat there.”

Surprised, Kate stared at her father. “You don’t think you’re going to church that soon?”

He picked the dog for his Monopoly piece and plunked it on the game board. “Don’t see why not.”

Kate had her hands full with him at home. How could she take him to church? “For starters, you don’t have your specialized wheelchair yet.”

“The therapist said I’d have it by Monday,” Marvin replied. He slanted a glance at Emma. “Say, have you found anyone to teach the girls’ Sunday school class? What are they, about ten?”

“Twelve, actually. Preteens. And, no.” Emma shook back her blond hair. “Jennifer Laroy was great with them, but now that she’s moved, well…It’s always hardest to get teachers for the teenagers. Got to have someone with energy.”

“Kate’s got a ton of energy,” Marvin mused. “Do her good to have someone to talk to besides me.”

Gaping at her father, Kate tried to fashion a courteous rebuttal.

“Would you really be interested?” Emma’s voice bloomed with enthusiasm. “The girls would be thrilled. They’re all fascinated with city life, since they’ve only lived in Rosewood.”

“Well, I…I have to be here to take care of my father—”

“Nope. Soon as I have that wheelchair, I’m going to church.” His no-nonsense tone of voice was one she remembered from earlier years.

“We’ll have to clear it with your doctor…” Kate tried to imagine the logistics of getting him out so soon.

“The church has a van that’s equipped with a lift,” Emma informed them. “We use it for the school as well.”

“The church is only three blocks away,” Marvin interrupted. “What do you say, Kate? We can walk that far.”

Roll, you mean.

He looked too hopeful to refuse. “I suppose.”

Emma clapped her hands together. “Wonderful! I’ll send the materials for the lesson over with Seth, so you can have plenty of time to get ready. I’m so pleased!”

She hadn’t meant that she agreed to teach. Kate looked at Emma, then at her father. Their faces were beaming. His was the brightest it had been since his fall.

Fait accompli. She hadn’t attended church in at least five years, and she’d just signed up to teach Sunday school. Sunday school!

Tucker filled a bowl with some of the oatmeal Alyssa had insisted on making for him. Since it was Sunday, he decided he could forego his routine of only black coffee.

These days, he rarely awoke with an appetite. As a kid, he loved Sunday breakfasts. His mother always made something special—French toast or waffles. And Shelley had done much the same.

Alyssa hadn’t forgotten about her expanded shopping list. They’d resupplied the pantry and filled the refrigerator. He still didn’t want his daughter doing so much, but his workdays hadn’t shortened yet.

“Dad?” Alyssa bounced into the kitchen.

“I’m eating the oatmeal.”

“Good.” She stubbed the toes of her shoes against the wooden floor, first one foot, then the other. “Um…I was wondering if you’d go to church with me.”

He pulled his eyebrows together, his forehead wrinkling. “You know I don’t go to church anymore.” Not since Shelley died.

She fiddled with the top rung on one of the chairs. “But today’s special. I’m getting a new Sunday school teacher.”

Tucker released the spoon, allowing it to slide into the warm cereal. “Lissy, I want you to be happy, but…” All the unanswered prayers he’d said for Shelley floated before him, reminding him of the bitter result.

She swallowed, her face downcast. “I just thought, you know, how we have a picnic lunch after…and…it’s families…”

Tucker’s clenched jaw twitched. “You can sit with your friends.”

Alyssa shrugged halfheartedly. “Yeah. I guess.”

He’d never intended to deny her anything. She was the most important thing in his life. But the betrayal he felt was so deep, still so raw…. Initially, he’d wanted to forbid her from attending church. But he could picture Shelley’s disappointed face, and he hadn’t been able to take that final, irreversible step. “Come here, Pop-tart.”

Her feet dragged as she walked around the table toward him.

He hugged her, wishing it could be different, wishing everything hadn’t gone so terribly wrong. “I love you, Lissy.”

Hugging back, she sniffled. “Me, too.”

“Tell you what. I’ll walk with you to church, or drive if you want.”

“Walk,” she decided, still looking unhappy, tearing at his heart.

He shoved the uneaten oatmeal aside. “How ’bout if I come back when church is out, share the picnic with you?”

Her face transformed in an instant, and she grabbed his neck in a fierce hug. “Thanks, Dad.”

His heart constricted as he hugged her back. “Okay, scoot. We have to get ready.” Even though he didn’t intend to enter the church building, his years of being a member mandated he dress appropriately.

It didn’t take him long to change into a suit. Straightening his tie, he stared hard in the mirror, his voice barely audible. “Just so you know, Lord, this is for Lissy, not me.”

The clatter of Alyssa’s shoes on the wood floor made him spin around and walk back into the kitchen. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” She grabbed her bible from the counter. “When Grandma called, she said they’re going to California on vacation, but she’ll call you before they leave.” Shelley’s parents lived in Dallas, but they kept in touch by phone and regular visits, and the Sunday morning phone call had become a ritual.

“Grandpa got his way, huh?” He smiled as the screen door banged closed behind them. “A fishing trip?”

“Grandma didn’t seem to mind.” Alyssa hopped down the front steps.
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