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If She Fled

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It broke Kate’s heart to hear those words. She sat Michelle on her lap, holding her little hands and bouncing her lightly.

“I have not forgotten about you,” Kate said. “If anything, I think I’ve been trying to rediscover myself. Through work, through Alan…through you and Michelle. You’ve never been a nuisance.”

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come over after you didn’t answer your phone. We can do this some other time, maybe a few days from now…does that sound good?”

“No,” Kate said. “Tonight. Take tonight.”

“But your date…”

“Alan will understand. He’s grown pretty fond of Michelle, you know.”

“Mom…are you sure?”

“I’m positive.”

She leaned over and wrapped Melissa up in a hug. Michelle squirmed in her lap, reaching up with a free hand to clutch her grandma’s hair. “I was scared when Michelle was going through all of that hospital mess, too,” she said as they embraced. “Maybe Terry just never processed it. Give him a chance to explain. And if he gives you a hard time, remind him that your mother carries a gun.”

Melissa laughed as they broke the hug. Michelle laughed too, clapping her chubby little hands together.

“Tell Alan I said I’m sorry,” Melissa said.

“I will. And if things get weird tonight, let me know. You’re always welcome to stay here if you need a break from it all.”

Melissa nodded and kissed Michelle on the head. “You be good for Grandma, okay?”

Michelle had no response to this, as she was currently slapping at one of the buttons on Kate’s shirt. Kate watched Melissa leave and could clearly see just how torn she was. It made Kate wonder if things were worse at home than she was letting on.

Once the door was closed, Kate looked down at Michelle and gave her a smile. Michelle happily returned it as she reached up for her grandmother’s nose.

“Is Mommy happy at home?” Kate asked. “Are Mommy and Daddy doing okay?”

Michelle grabbed her nose and squeezed, as if reminding her of her duties. Kate grinned and stuck her tongue out, realizing that maybe watching Michelle could be a date in its own right.


When Kate answered the door for Alan fifteen minutes later, he looked both happy and confused. His eyes were alight and sparkling as they usually were when they took in the sight of Kate. He then saw the ten-month-old baby in her arms, causing his eyes to narrow into confusion. He smiled regardless, as Kate had told Melissa the truth less than half an hour ago; Alan loved Michelle almost as much as Kate did.

“I think she’s a little young to be serving as a third wheel,” Alan said.

“I know. Look, Alan, I’m sorry. But there’s been a change of plans…like in the past half an hour. Melissa and Terry are going through a hard time. Terry is being really distant and weird. They have to work through some stuff…”

Alan shrugged nonchalantly. “Am I still invited in?”

“Of course.”

He kissed them both—first Kate on the lips and then Michelle on the forehead—before stepping inside. Kate’s heart warmed toward him at once. First of all, he looked handsome as always. He’d dressed nicely for their date, but not too nice. He managed to always dress in a way that made it look like he could fit in at a cocktail patio on the beach or a swanky downtown restaurant.

“You think they’ll be okay?” Alan asked.

“I think so. I think Michelle’s health scare rocked Terry more than he knew. It’s just now starting to catch up with him and I think it might be affecting their marriage.”

“That’s rough,” Alan said. He opened his hands to Michelle and she instantly reached for him. As he snuggled her close and she slapped at his cheek, Alan regarded Kate with what wasn’t quite concern, but something close.

“Did she not even call?” he asked.

“She tried and…damn. I still forgot to take it off silent. Went to the dentist for a checkup.”

She took her phone out of her purse and switched the ringer back on. She saw at once where Melissa had indeed tried to call her an hour and twenty minutes ago.

“Well, you know, we can have the date here,” he said. “We can call up some Thai food and watch a movie. And the ending part of it all could be the same.”

Kate nodded and smiled, but her attention was still on her phone. She had missed another call as well. And the number had tried calling twice, having left a message the last time.

It was a call from DC—from Director Duran.


She blinked and looked away from the phone. She hated that she felt like she had been caught doing something bad.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. It’s just…work called, too. About three hours ago.”

“Return the call then,” Alan said. He was pretending to dance with Michelle and although he wore a happy face, Kate could sense some irritation lurking beneath. But she also knew that he’d only press her harder to go ahead and make the call if she refused.

“One second,” she said, walking into the kitchen and returning Duran’s call.

The phone rang only twice before it was answered. Even in something as simple as “hello,” Duran sounded pissed.

“Kate, there you are. Where have you been?”

“My phone was on silent. Sorry. Is everything okay?”

“Well, when you didn’t answer the last time, I’ve sort of been scrambling around.”

“Over what?”

“There’s a case out in Illinois—two murders that seem related but there’s no hard link. It’s pretty much stumped the local PD, and the field office out of Chicago pointed out that you were familiar with the area…the Fielding case you cracked in 2002. They said they’re glad to put their own agents on it, but were asking if you’d rather take it. They’re kind of excited about the idea of getting you back out there.”


“I’d like to get you on a plane tonight. Get you and DeMarco out there nice and early in the morning.”

“What are the details?”

“I can send you what I have, but there’s still some stuff coming in. Police reports, forensics, all of that. Can I count on you?”

Kate looked back over at Alan, still dancing with Michelle. She was bopping him on the nose and on the mouth while he sang a Bob Dylan song to her. If she took the case, she’d have to call Melissa back and tell her she couldn’t keep Michelle. Not tonight. And she’d also have to cancel plans with Alan.

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