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Face of Death

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Zoe cocked her head. She had to admit, it held some water. “It would be peculiar for someone to maintain the same level of delusion. The apophenia. I have to admit, it would surprise me.”

“Me, too,” Shelley replied. “I don’t like the idea of something coming out of left field at the last minute, something that we never saw coming, never had any clues about. But it’s a possibility.”

Zoe’s mind was already moving forward, running toward other options. The idea of other people being involved opened doors. “Her family may be involved somehow,” she said.

“Her family?”

“Maybe he threatens them. Forces them to report her missing so that we will be looking in all of the wrong places.”

“I’m sure the troopers knew to check her house first,” Shelley protested.

“Maybe not, if they already knew we were dealing with a serial killer.” Zoe paused, chewing a fingernail. “He tells them they have to send Aisha out here at a certain time. They do not know that he is dead. They follow through.”

“What threat could he possibly offer that would be a worse prospect than sending their daughter out alone and vulnerable?”

Zoe shrugged. She had no answer for that.

“It’s a thought, anyway.” Shelley opened the door again and swung out of the car, leaning back in to talk. “You sit here and rest. You shouldn’t be running around like this. I’ll talk to the troopers that interviewed her parents, and organize another search party for her house.”

It was something. Then again, it could be nothing. Zoe sat back, closing her eyes against the patterns of lights and the low voices outside, trying to block everything out but the pattern. She had to concentrate. There had to be something else, an answer to this. Six hours, maybe less. Aisha waiting for rescue, maybe scared, maybe alone. The last person they could possibly save. If they didn’t get this one, they would have lost them all.

Then Zoe thought about the expanse of grass beside the houses. The reason they had had to search empty ground, and not more buildings. This was the middle of a town; the developers would have built more housing there, unless they had a very specific reason not to.

And they had a reason not to. The train track that ran through the lower edge of the grass on the west side, the side that Zoe and Shelley had not personally searched. It ran at an angle to the road, cutting on through the land with the quickest possible route toward the nearest major town.

Tracks held trains, and trains held people. Trains moved people and things on a set schedule.

It was possible, in fact, to know when the first train would pass through any given area for the first time in a new day.

And she knew that she had him.

Zoe scrambled out of the car, nearly tripping over her seatbelt as it tangled in the ache of her arm and dangled below the edge of her seat. She jogged after Shelley, catching up with her as she left off talking to a cluster of troopers, all of whom were now turned away and talking on cells and radios.

“Train schedule,” she said, the cold air biting off her words in a white cloud.

Shelley gave her a baffled look. “What?”

Zoe bit back exasperation. It wasn’t Shelley’s fault that she had not been inside Zoe’s head, listening as she worked it all out. “I need the train schedule for those tracks. We need to know when the next trains will be coming through.”

Zoe saw the moment that understanding flashed through Shelley’s eyes, even in the gloom and contrast provided by the flashlights around them in the darkness. Shelley fumbled for her phone and searched up local contacts before making a call, stalking away from the group so that she could hear herself talk.

Zoe watched her grab a notebook from her pocket and lean it on the hood of their car, using the illumination from the interior light as she jotted down a series of notes. One, two, three, four—seven lines on the paper. Zoe crept closer, watching with bated breath until Shelley hung up the call and lifted the pad in the air.

“The first train passes through before dawn,” Shelley said. “Four a.m., a freight train. They continue at half-hour intervals, until the single passenger train at a few minutes past seven a.m. I’ve ordered them to stop all trains leaving the rail yard and passenger depot, but we still need to find her.”

Zoe thought it over. “Cross out the passenger train,” she said. “It is too risky. There is no way he would be able to hide Aisha there, as well as some means of killing her. The trains are checked and cleaned before setting off in the morning. She would be found.”

Shelley was looking something else up on her phone. “Sunrise is six fifty-two a.m. this morning.”

Zoe looked up and shouted to the troopers who were standing, waiting for further instructions. “Check the tracks,” she said. “Within our zone and for thirty feet in each direction. You are looking for wires, broken tracks, anything that might disrupt a train. Be careful. We may be dealing with explosives.”

They broke and ran toward their new task, the urgency of the situation lost on no one. Lights danced across the road and grass, swaying up and down with the bobbing motion of a human run. They clustered like fireflies, then spread out as the troopers moved into a standard search formation, moving themselves at intervals across the area in question.

“What do you think?” Shelley asked. Her pendant glinted in the reflected light from Zoe’s flashlight as she fidgeted, drawing it back and forth across the chain around her neck. “Would he wait for dawn? Or go for the first train?”

There were arguments to be made for each. Wait for an official new day to dawn, breaking the darkness and ensuring that no two kills were committed during the same period of darkness. Or go for the very first opportunity, ensuring that there was as little a chance as possible that Aisha would be found and saved in time.

They needed more data.

“Where do the trains originate from?” Zoe asked, a sudden thought striking her. “He had to have gone to the rail yard, snuck on board, set something up to keep Aisha in place at the very least, and then made it back to the diner.”

“I’ll make some calls,” Shelley said, digging through her call list to find the last number she had dialed. “Hopefully the central rail yard can give me more information, or at least tell me who can.”

Zoe watched the lights of the searchers at the tracks as Shelley spoke into the phone, all politeness but firm urgency. Her skin was crawling with the lack of action. It felt wrong, whiling away the hours of the night while the teen waited for them. She wanted to be running, digging, tearing up the ground around the tracks. Anything to ensure that there was nothing there, nothing that would disrupt the train’s journey and send Aisha Sparks to her doom.

“Aha… yes, right… I see. Well, can you give me their number? Yes, I have a pen. All right… yes…”

The fireflies were moving further toward the edge of the area that Zoe had told them to search. Some of them had stopped moving entirely, having finished checking their area. It was not looking good.

“The good news is that I have the starting stations for each of the routes,” Shelley said, putting her cell in front of her face as she copied another number from the notes she had written. “The bad news is that some of them will be held and loaded at an external freight yard, then moved to the starting station afterwards. Some were already loaded last night and moved to wait for the start of the day. I need to call someone else to track down which is which.”

Zoe nodded absently, moving toward the searchers a few short steps at a time. She felt torn. Where was she better used? Over where the searchers already had their grids covered, or here, where only Shelley could make the calls?

If only she could think her way through this—figure out which train he would target by timing alone. It was not good enough just to stop them all, though Shelley had already done that. They still needed to figure out where Aisha was. They couldn’t leave her there, locked inside a compartment somewhere, and hope that she would be spotted sooner or later. She had been away for over a day. God only knew what had been done to her.

“No answer,” Shelley said, swearing quietly and moving her stiff, cold fingers over the screen again. “I’ll try another. Middle of the damn night. No one is at their desks.”

Zoe drifted away. “I will go help check the tracks,” she said, having made up her mind that doing something was better than standing still.

She joined the grid of searchers, going back over ground that had already been checked in order to be extra thorough. Though the tracks themselves were uniform—each rail a set distance apart, with boards at set intervals between them, nuts and bolts and everything else laid out in predetermined pattern—their surroundings were anything but. Lumps of rock and tufts of grass, the tiny skeleton of a bird, items of trash that had blown across the empty land. It made searching harder work, trying to see an irregularity in a field of irregularities. So many patterns overlaid one over the other.

Forty minutes passed before Zoe was sure they had searched the tracks as thoroughly as they could. She looked up and saw Shelley sitting inside the car with the light on, still with her phone pressed to her ear. No luck there yet either, then.

Zoe paced, marking out distances with her feet as a way to distract herself. There was so much pent-up energy inside her, waiting to burst out. She wanted, needed, to do something. The troopers gathered in knots on the grass, all of them watched by the wary homeowners who stood now at their windows.

There was nothing on the tracks. Nothing that would have killed Aisha. So then, how would he do it?

The train. It had to be something on the train itself.

Zoe approached the car just in time to hear Shelley snap uncharacteristically, “Then wake him up!”

Shelley was pinching the bridge of her nose, a frown furrowing deep lines into her forehead. She took the cell from her ear and jabbed at the screen, ending yet another call.

“Nothing?” Zoe asked.

“I’m trying to get hold of the man who knows all the answers,” Shelley said, shaking her head. “We’ve got to wait for someone to wake him up.”

Zoe was about to comment on how ridiculous the whole situation was when Shelley’s cell buzzed to life again, and Shelley grabbed it up.

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