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Once Stalked

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Persephone was outside picking flowers one day when Hades, the god of the Underworld, rode by in his chariot and snatched her away. He took her down into the Underworld to be his queen. When Demeter realized what had happened to her daughter, she wailed with sorrow.

Riley felt chills at how convincingly the girl playing Demeter expressed her grief.

At that point, the story started getting to Riley in a way she hadn’t expected.

Persephone’s story seemed eerily like Jilly’s own. After all, it was the story of a girl who lost part of her childhood to forces much greater than herself.

Riley felt herself tearing up.

She knew the rest of the story very well. Persephone would regain her freedom, but only for half of every year. Whenever Persephone was gone, Demeter let the earth grow cold and dead. Whenever she came back, she brought the earth back to life, and springtime came again.

And that was how seasons had come into the world.

Riley squeezed April’s hand and whispered, “Here comes the sad part.”

Riley was surprised to hear April giggle.

“Not so sad,” April whispered back. “Jilly told me they changed the story a little. Just watch.”

Riley sat and paid close attention.

Fully in character as Persephone, Jilly cracked Hades over the head with a Grecian urn – actually a pillow in disguise. Then she stormed out of the Underworld and back to her overjoyed mother.

The boy playing Hades threw an enormous tantrum and brought winter to the world. He and Demeter then fought a tug-of-war, changing the seasons from winter to spring and back again, and so on again and again for the rest of time.

Riley was delighted.

When the play ended, Riley led the way backstage to congratulate Jilly. On their way, she ran into the teacher who had directed the play.

“I love what you did with the story!” Riley told the teacher. “It was so refreshing to see Persephone turned from a helpless victim to an independent heroine.”

The teacher smiled broadly.

“Don’t thank me,” she said. “It was Jilly’s idea.”

Riley rushed over to Jilly and gave her a big hug.

“I’m so proud of you!” Riley said.

“Thanks, Mom,” Jilly said, smiling happily.


The word echoed through Riley. It meant more to her than she could say.


Later that night when they were all at home, Riley finally had to tell the girls she was leaving. She poked her head in Jilly’s door.

Jilly was fast asleep, exhausted from her great success. Riley loved the look of contentment on her face.

Then Riley went to April’s bedroom and looked in on her. April was sitting up in bed reading a book.

April looked up at her mother.

“Hey, Mom,” she said. “What’s up?”

Riley stepped quietly into the room.

She said, “This is going to seem weird but … I’ve got to leave right now. I’ve been assigned to a case in California.”

April smiled.

She said, “Jilly and I both pretty much guessed that was what your meeting back in Quantico was all about. And then we saw that go-bag on your bed. We actually thought you were going to leave before her play. You usually don’t pack it unless you’re out the door.”

She stared at Riley, her smile widening.

“But then you stayed,” she added. “I know you delayed the trip, at least for the play. Do you know how much that meant to us?”

Riley felt herself tear up. She leaned forward and the two of them embraced.

“So it’s OK if I go, then?” Riley asked.

“Sure, it’s OK. Jilly told me she hoped you’d catch some bad guys. She’s really proud of what you do, Mom. So am I.”

Riley felt moved beyond words. Both of her daughters were growing up so fast. And they were becoming really amazing young women.

She kissed April on the forehead.

“I love you, dear,” she said.

“I love you too,” April said.

Riley wagged her finger at April.

“Now what are you doing up?” she said. “Turn off that light and go to sleep. It’s a school night.”

April giggled and turned off the light. Riley went to her own bedroom to get her bag.

It was after midnight and she had to drive to DC in time for a commercial flight.

It was going to be a long night.


The wolf lay on his stomach on the rough desert soil.

That’s how the man thought of himself – a beast stalking his next kill.

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