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Cause to Hide

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Avery flashed her badge and said, “I’m Detective Black and this is Detective Ramirez. We’d like to ask you some questions about Keisha.”

“I’ve talked about her enough today,” Adam Wentz said. “Having two policemen come to your house early in the morning to tell you that a woman you’re seeing is dead is a hell of a way to start your day. So I’m done talking about it.”

“Forgive me for saying so,” Avery said, “but I’d expect a man who had just lost his girlfriend in such a tragic way would want to help in any way he could while the police try to get to the bottom of it all.”

“No matter what you find, it won’t bring her back now, will it?” Adam said.

“No, it won’t,” Avery said. “But any information you can give us might help find the man that did it.”

Adam rolled his eyes. “So am I supposed to invite you in and weep on the couch about how much I miss her and how badly I want the killer brought to justice? Some shit like that?”

“Would that be so bad?” Ramirez asked.

With that, Adam stepped out of the doorway, closed the door behind him, and stood on the front stoop. It was clear that Avery and Ramirez were not going to be invited inside.

“I’m really not in the mood for this,” Adam said. “So let’s make it quick. What do you want?”

Avery took a moment to try to figure out his hostile attitude. Was it some sort of weird way to express his grief? Was he hiding something? It was too early to know for sure.

He either knows something or was more hurt by the news than he expected, she thought. We have to be careful with our questions here.

“For right now,” Avery said, “we’re just trying to narrow down our options and figure out a timeline.”

Adam crossed his arms and gave a quick and gruff “All right.”

“Can you provide a timeline of where you were over the course of the past two days?” Avery asked.

“I went to work yesterday and the day before. Clocked in at eight, clocked out at five thirty both times. I came home, had a sandwich and a few beers for dinner. A very exciting life, as you can see.”

“Did you see Keisha during any of that time?” Avery asked.

“Yeah. She came over around seven the night before last. We watched some TV and then had sex on the couch.”

Avery felt anger flaring up in her – that a man like Adam Wentz could speak about his recently deceased girlfriend in such an offhanded way placed a drop of acid in her stomach. Behind her, she sensed Ramirez taking a step closer. She knew from working with him that he wasn’t taking well to Adam’s mood, either.

“Did she sleep over?” Avery asked.

“No. She hasn’t slept here in a while. She says it makes her late for work.”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with your history of abusing women?” Ramirez asked.

Avery cringed, not liking that Ramirez had taken the conversation in that direction. Adam looked directly at him, totally unthreatened, and scowled.

“No, actually,” Adam said. “It’s because her apartment is about twenty minutes closer to her work, you prick.”

Ramirez stepped closer, now standing beside Avery and about three feet away from Adam.

“What did you do after she left two nights ago?” Avery asked.

“I went to bed, just like I did last night,” Adam said. “Woke up this morning and started getting ready for work. That’s when I got the call that Keisha had died. Your two cop friends were over about half an hour later.”

“How did you feel when getting the news?” Avery asked.

“What kind of stupid question is that?”

Ramirez stepped up one more time, now on the stairs. He glared up at Adam with far too much contempt in his gaze for Avery’s liking. “Can you just answer the question?” Ramirez asked.

“I was surprised,” Adam said. “A little sad, I guess. Yeah, she was sort of my girlfriend but it wasn’t too serious.”

“How long had you dated?” Avery asked.

“About seven months. We weren’t committed or anything.”

“And is there any way you can prove you were at home last night? Maybe you went online at some point and we could check your internet history. Something like that?”

“No, and I don’t…wait…are you actually thinking I did this? You think I killed her?”

“No, I didn’t say that,” Avery said. “I’m just trying to establish where you were when we believe she was killed. Trust me…I would love nothing more than for you to provide a reason to eliminate you from the equation.”

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