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Determined to Protect, Forbidden to Love: Ramirez's Woman / Her Royal Bodyguard / Protecting the Princess

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He glanced over at Aunt Josephina, who was chattering away with the couple behind them. And although Juan appeared to be listening to the conversation, Miguel knew his friend’s mind had wandered off somewhere. He’d seen that look in Juan’s eyes before and it usually meant he was thinking of a woman.

“Yes,” Miguel admitted. “I fear that I have very plebeian tastes in entertainment. I prefer soccer games and bullfights and horse races. And watching movies. I especially like the old American gangster movies with Edward G. Robinson and James Cagney.”

“I’m not surprised that you like sports, even something as bloody as a bullfight, but I never pegged you for an old-movie buff. I used to watch those old gangster movies with my dad when I was a little girl.”

The smile vanished from her face, replaced by a wistful, bittersweet expression. Why did thinking of her father make her sad? he wondered. “Your father is still alive, is he not?”

Her smile returned, but it was a sarcastic smirk. “Oh, yes, General Rudd Blair is very much alive and quite well. His life couldn’t be better. He recently remarried, for the second time since his divorce from my mother.And to a woman only five years older than I am. Or at least that’s what I hear. But what makes his life truly worth living is the fact that my eighteen-year-old half-brother has just graduated from military school and even though I don’t know for sure, my bet is that he’s already been accepted at West Point.”

“You do not have a close relationship with your father now?”

“Close? No, not for years and years.” Probably without even realizing it, she changed from Spanish to English when she said, “Well, actually, we were probably never close, except in my mind.”

“Was this rift between the two of you your choice or his?” Miguel asked, in English, then thought perhaps he should not probe deeper into a subject that might be painful for her.

“I’d say it was mutual. He never did have much use for me because I was just a girl. But I wised up. I finally realized that no matter what I did—even joining the army straight out of college—I would never be the one thing he wanted most.”

Miguel kept silent, having no need to ask what her father had wanted most. What a foolish man this General Rudd Blair must be to not appreciate having a daughter such as Jennifer.

“He had a son and that’s all he ever wanted. As far as he was concerned, my mother and I were simply mistakes in his past.”


“Yes, you’re right, he is an idiot.” Jennifer laughed, the sound genuine.

Miguel loved her laughter. He would very much like to fill her life with such joy that she would laugh often and live well. She needed the right man to show her what a priceless treasure she was, a man capable of loving his daughters as much as his sons and taking as much pride in them, also.

“Is that your car, Miguel?” Aunt Josephina asked.

“Yes, I believe it is,” he replied. “Are we all ready for a fabulous meal at Maria Bonita?”

“You will simply adore Maria Bonita,” Juan told Jennifer. “It is one of my favorite restaurants, perhaps my very favorite.”

Carlos pulled the limo to the curb, hopped out and opened the back door. After everyone else was safely inside and out of earshot, Miguel pulled Carlos aside and asked, “You did not leave the car unattended, did you? Not even for a few minutes?”

“No, Señor Ramirez, I have stayed with the car every moment.”

“When we arrive at Maria Bonita, I will stay with the car while you take a break, if you would like.”

“Thank you. All I require is a few moments, sir.”

“You understand why I—”

“Yes, yes. Someone could tamper with the car—the engine, the gas tank or even place a bomb. I understand and I stay vigilant at all times.”

The wharfs along the coast of Colima were dotted with numerous bars. Seedy, dangerous hellholes from the looks of them. What better place to meet an agent working undercover without anyone recognizing either of you or giving a damn who you were. The minute Dom entered Pepe’s, loud music and even louder customer clatter engulfed him. As he moved deeper into this filthy den of iniquity, searching for Vic Noble, the stench of body odor and the haze of cigarette and cigar smoke assailed him. After searching for several minutes, he spotted Vic at a back corner table, a scantily clad señorita standing at his side, rubbing his shoulder and giving him a glimpse of her ample breasts as she leaned over him.

“Mind if I join you?” Dom asked in English.

Vic shoved the bosomy woman aside and gestured to the wooden chair across the table from him. The dismissed lady grumbled loudly in Spanish, most of her words a combination of curses, as she walked away to seek other prey.

Dom sat. He eyed the half-filled shot glass in front of Vic. “Tequila?”

“Want one?”


“Pierce is at the bar now, getting a bottle for the three of us.”

“Will Pierce is sitting in on this meeting?”

Vic nodded. “Our government is going to want to know what I found out.”

“And what would that be?”

“Wait for Pierce,” Vic said. “But I’ll tell you right now that once the big boys in D.C. hear about this, they will move heaven and earth to get Ramirez elected.”

Pierce made his way through a bevy of client-seeking prostitutes and a couple of staggering drunks, barely managing to keep hold of the bottle of tequila and the two shot glasses he held.

When he reached their table, he slammed the bottle and glasses down, then yanked out a chair beside Vic, turned it backward and straddled the seat with his long legs. “Lovely place you chose for our meeting.”

“Thanks,” Vic said. “I thought the two of you would appreciate the decor and the atmosphere.”

“So, what’s this important information you’ve unearthed?” Dom asked.

Pierce removed the screw-on cap from the cheap tequila and poured the liquor into the two empty shot glasses, then added enough to Vic’s glass to fill it.

Vic leaned over the table and said in a low voice. “If the current president is reelected, he and his people have big plans for Mocorito.”

“What sort of big plans?” Pierce asked.

“The kind that involves taking over the military and local law-enforcement agencies nationwide.”

“That sounds like the current el presidente has plans for a dictatorship instead of a democracy.” Dom rested his elbows on the table as he cupped his fingers together.

“Bingo. Give the man a cigar.” Vic turned to Pierce. “Padilla has some rich and powerful supporters, but most of them aren’t aware of his plans to return the country to a dictatorship. One of his most loyal followers, a man who is using his money and influence to help Padilla, is Diego Fernandez, Ramirez’s half-brother.”

“That’s not a surprise,” Pierce said.

“Fernandez is being kept in the dark about the president’s plans for the future. He’s being easily manipulated because his hatred for Ramirez has blinded him to the truth.”

“Are you defending Fernandez?” Dom asked.

“Nope. Not me. Just stating facts. If Fernandez could be convinced that he’s being played for a fool, then he might turn against Padilla.”

“And just who is going to convince him?” Pierce scanned the bar, especially the tables nearest them.

“I’d say nobody here speaks enough English to understand anything we’ve said,” Vic told them. “Besides, the music is so damn loud, I can barely hear myself think.”
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