Not Without Her Family
Well, one thing was for sure. He hadn’t been expecting her.
Guess she should’ve remembered how much he hated surprises.
“What do you want, Kelsey?”
“Leigh’s dead,” she blurted out as she twisted her fingers together. “She died in her sleep three months ago. The coroner said it was heart failure.”
“I know.”
She dropped her hands to her sides. “You do?”
And here she’d thought the news of their mother’s death would be the perfect excuse for tracking him down.
“If that’s what you came here to tell me—”
“I just wanted to see you. To talk to you.” No response. Not a flicker of emotion crossed the hard planes of his face. “Uh, how have you been?”
“You mean since the last time you saw me?” He stuck his hands in his front pockets and shrugged. “Hard to get much worse than being in federal prison, isn’t it?”
She flinched at the bitterness in his voice. At the accusation. Of course he had every right to accuse her. After all, he wouldn’t have gone to prison if he hadn’t been protecting her.
She wanted to beg him to forgive her for what happened. To throw herself into his arms and never let him go again. Instead, she took several deep breaths and wiped her damp palms down the front of her jeans.
“I can’t believe it’s been ten years,” she said. “It’s taken me so long to find you.” Silence. She forced her lips into a smile. “You’re a hard man to track down.”
“That’s the way I wanted it.”
She dropped her pseudo-grin. Okay. Things weren’t going quite as well as she’d hoped. Not only had she forgotten how much Dillon disliked surprises, but she’d also forgotten how bullheaded he could be.
She glanced toward the kitchen, not surprised to see the cop watching them from the doorway. “Is there somewhere we could go to talk?” she asked Dillon.
“I’m working,” he said flatly.
“Dillon, please—”
“No. I’m not interested in anything you have to say. You shouldn’t have come.”
She willed back tears. She kept her voice low and fought the urge to turn and run away from the hatred in his eyes. “I just want a chance to talk to you, to apologize—”
“I don’t care what you want. Not anymore.” He met her eyes. “I want to be left alone. To forget everything that happened.”
Though it hurt—God did it hurt—Kelsey forced herself to ask, “Does that include me, too?”
“Yeah,” he said after a long moment. “It does.”
It was like being punched in the gut. She was shocked to find she was still standing, still on her feet and able to breathe when all she wanted to do was slide to the floor and cry. “Please, I—”
“No.” He pinched the bridge of his nose before letting his hand drop. “Look, I don’t blame you or hold you responsible for what happened, but the past is over. And I want it to stay that way.”
“It doesn’t have to be over. We can work through this. Start again.”
He shook his head and turned to leave.
She reached out, her fingers grazing his hand. “Dillon, wait. We could—”
He whirled around and grabbed her by the upper arms. She gasped as he raised her onto her toes. “Damn it, Kelsey.” He shook her once. Though it was the barest of movements, it made her stomach turn. “Don’t you get it? I’m through with you.”
“Is there a problem, Ward?”
Kelsey shut her eyes at the sound of the cop’s commanding voice. When she opened them again, the cop was standing behind Dillon, his expression downright frigid.
Dillon dropped her arms and stepped back. “No problem, Chief Martin. Kelsey was just leaving.”
She pressed her lips together. “You want me gone? Fine. But we aren’t done yet.”
Kelsey spun on her heel and stormed out into the bright sunshine. Crossing the paved parking lot, she passed a run-down pickup truck, a snazzy red SUV and the cop’s car—a black-and-white Jeep. When she reached her ancient gray hatchback, she bowed her head and inhaled shakily. She rubbed her hands over her arms where Dillon’s fingers had been, unsure if she was shivering because of the cool October breeze or Dillon’s anger.
“You okay?”
She stiffened. “Fine.” She swiveled to face the cop. “Don’t tell me I’m breaking some sort of city ordinance by standing in one spot too long.”
He studied her silently and she could’ve sworn he looked…concerned. For her.
“I wanted to see if you were okay,” he said. “All part of the job.”
The job. Of course. What, had she honestly thought he’d been worried for her? Ha. Fat chance. “Well, thanks. I guess.”
When he didn’t say anything else, she turned back to her car, pulled her key out of her front pocket and inserted it into the lock with an unsteady hand. The urge to escape, to run away, almost overwhelmed her. Had her pulse racing, her palms sweating. She didn’t want to stay, didn’t want to face her mistakes or her brother’s disgust.
But she couldn’t run. Not this time. She wouldn’t give up. No matter what Dillon said or how many times he pushed her away, she wasn’t going anywhere until she got what she came for.
It wouldn’t be easy, she’d known that much before she’d left New York. What she hadn’t taken into account was how much it would hurt to look into Dillon’s eyes and realize the truth—he hadn’t forgiven her. For putting him in the position where he’d had to take a man’s life to save hers. And for abandoning him.
How could she ever forgive herself?
JACK COULDN’T HELP BUT WONDER what was going on in Kelsey’s head. He’d only been in her company less than twenty minutes but he already knew she was a puzzle.
He always did like solving puzzles.
Hell, the biggest mystery at the moment though was why he had followed her out here in the first place. Sure, he’d told her he was just doing his job, and after seeing Ward manhandle her, that was partly true. But he was also there because, to be honest, he didn’t like the vulnerability he’d seen in her any more than he’d liked the sight of that SOB grabbing her.
She slid him a sideway glance. “Quit looking at me like that.”
She sure was prickly. Come to think of it, prickliness and defensiveness were two of Ward’s more irritating traits as well. Guess there was a family resemblance after all.
“How am I looking at you?” He hoped it wasn’t with anything other than professional interest. He hadn’t given himself away, had he?
She faced him, her pretty green eyes flashing. “With pity.”
“I don’t pity you.” Though he hadn’t liked how she’d clearly lost her confidence and spirit when Ward had stepped into the room. “I don’t think Ward’s worth it.”
“Not worth what?”
Not worth the tears he’d seen in her eyes or the dejection in her expression.
“Not worth getting so upset over,” he said. “I’ve seen Ward’s kind before. You’re better off without him.”
Her mouth opened. Then shut. She shook her head. “You don’t know Dillon or me. And I don’t need, or want, your opinion.”
He probably deserved her curt tone. Even it he’d only been trying to help. But if she wanted to waste her time with the likes of Dillon Ward, it was no concern of his.
“I apologize if I was out of line,” he said, unable to keep the stiffness out of his voice. With a slight nod, he put on his sunglasses, turned and walked away.
He wasn’t going to apologize for distrusting Dillon Ward. Of course, it was true that Ward had managed to stay out of trouble since being released from federal prison, but Jack wasn’t about to let his guard down. Especially while Ward was working for Allie.
“Hey, wait a minute,” Kelsey called, exasperation clear in her voice.
Jack stopped by his Jeep and slowly turned around. She was still at her car, her arms crossed at her chest, her mouth turned down at the corners.
“Was there something you needed?” he asked when she remained silent.
Her frown deepened and she sighed heavily which, for some crazy reason, made him want to smile. He must really be losing it.
The sun picked up the copper highlights in her spiky hair as she trudged across the parking lot toward him. “I need directions to a place to spend the night.”
“Planning on staying in our fair town long?”
“Don’t worry, Sheriff. I’ll be gone in the morning.”
He wasn’t worried. Much. “Depending on what you’re looking for—”
“Just a clean bed and bit of privacy.”
“You might like the B and B over by the lake. The Bee Hive.”
She snorted. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Afraid not.” He opened the Jeep’s door, pulled out his citation book and ripped out a ticket. After scribbling directions on the back, he handed her the paper. “It’s clean and not too far from here.”
She hesitated a moment before taking it, careful not to touch him.
“Thanks,” she said, avoiding his eyes. Jack leaned back against his car as he watched her march away. She climbed behind the wheel of an older model gray compact and took off like a redheaded bat out of hell.
He blew out a breath, climbed into his Jeep and told himself he was glad Kelsey was leaving in the morning. Though there might have been a small spark of attraction between them, it was only temporary and superficial. Not that he minded superficial when it came to sex, but even if Kelsey did stay in town, he’d keep his distance from her.
The last thing he needed, he thought as he started the ignition, was to get tangled up with Dillon Ward’s sister.
KELSEY STAGGERED INTO HER ROOM, turned the lock on the door handle, crossed the small space and fell facedown onto the plush bed. The room was sparsely furnished but clean. There didn’t seem to be many other options in town. At least not many she could afford. Which Chief Martin had obviously figured out or else he wouldn’t have suggested this place.
She sighed. It was one thing to be down and out. It was another to be obvious about it. Not that she cared what he thought of her. He was just another guy in uniform.
She turned her head to the left and wrinkled her nose. Oh, all right—the cop was gorgeous. In a law-abiding sort of way. And yeah, there had been a moment when she’d felt a definite…connection. Not one of those eyes-locked-across-a-crowded-room moments or anything. More like an awareness. And she was pretty certain he’d felt it, too.
And that he hadn’t liked it any more than she did.
She yawned widely and shut her eyes. It was barely 5:00 p.m. and she was already bone weary, which was so unlike her. For the past three years she’d tended bar during peak hours so she was used to being up late. But the emotional roller coaster she’d been riding since discovering her brother was alive and well—and living a few short hours away from her—left her exhausted.
Too bad their reunion hadn’t gone as smoothly as she would’ve liked.
She rolled onto her side and stared at the sky-blue wall. The color reminded her of the cop’s eyes so she turned onto her back, absently picking at the bedspread.
She’d shocked Dillon by showing up unannounced, but she’d been scared he’d take off if he knew she’d found him. She couldn’t take the chance of losing him again. Once Dillon calmed down, he’d listen to her. Her hand fisted in the bedspread. He had to.
She’d been a senior in high school the last time she saw him. She’d ditched class and taken a bus to the Toledo Correctional Institute where Dillon was serving his sentence for manslaughter. He’d been so distant, so cold. As if she’d meant little more to him than a stranger would.
She had no one to blame for the distance between them but herself. Because he’d had to save her, Dillon spent close to five years locked up.
Dillon told her he didn’t want her to visit or write him again. She’d let him push her away, had allowed her pain—and her guilt—to keep her away.
Even then, she never gave up on him. She’d found an attorney willing to take his case, one who’d been able to get his sentence reduced. But by the time she’d gotten up the courage to face him again, Dillon had disappeared from Ohio and her life.
She hadn’t come this far—literally and figuratively—to give in now. She wanted her brother back in her life. Wanted to prove she wasn’t the same impulsive troublemaker she’d been. Mostly, she wanted a connection to the only person who’d ever believed in her. Who’d ever loved her. And, by God, that’s exactly what she would get.
Whether Dillon liked it or not.
Jack glanced up. “Not in this lifetime.”
“Pinching pennies?” Seth Valentine sat on the bar stool next to Jack. “No wonder you never get laid.”
“(a) You’re not my type,” Jack said over the classic Aerosmith song playing on The Summit’s jukebox. “And (b) I’ve had sex plenty of times without your half-assed advice.”
“I’m not talking about your solo sessions. Only the times another warm body was involved. And barn animals don’t count.”
“You’re a riot,” Jack told his closest friend. The bartender, a heavily made-up brunette with a silver hoop in her left eyebrow, took Seth’s beer order and scurried off. “What are you doing here? The NYPD now giving detectives weekends off?”
Seth scooped a handful of bar nuts from the bowl in front of them. Tossed some into his mouth and shook the ones left in his hand. “Came up for my mom’s birthday tomorrow.”
“She still pissed about Mother’s Day?”
“She threatened to sell her house and move in with me if I miss her birthday, and I have to get her a decent gift.”
Having known Mrs. Valentine since he was in kindergarten, Jack knew she didn’t issue empty threats. “Guess that six-month membership to Weight Watchers wasn’t such a hot idea.”
“Hey, she’s always moaning about losing twenty pounds. How was I to know it would set her off?” Seth nodded his thanks when his draft was placed in front of him. “What about you?” he asked, wiping his hand on his jeans before picking up his beer. “Where’s Emma?”
“She’s spending the weekend with her grandparents.”
Ever since his wife died in a car accident four years ago, Emma spent one weekend a month with Nicole’s parents in New Jersey—Jack wanted his daughter to stay connected to both sides of her family.
Seth, in the act of raising his beer, stopped suddenly and whistled under his breath. “Hello. Look what just walked in.”
Jack followed his friend’s line of sight. His stomach did one slow roll.
Conversation quieted as every eye in the bar zeroed in on Kelsey. With her tight jeans and spiky red hair, she begged attention. She’d changed into a long-sleeved, purple T-shirt and, as she strode into the room, her small breasts bounced beneath the fabric.
He couldn’t help but enjoy the sight.
“I’d kill to see those legs in a skirt,” Seth said in an undertone. “A really short skirt with a pair of three-inch heels. And those have got to be the perkiest pair of—”
“Shut up,” Jack murmured as Kelsey drew near. Her eyes locked on his for a moment as she passed him by. He turned and watched her perch on a stool at the far end of the bar before tearing his gaze away.
“What?” he asked, noticing Seth smirking at him.
“Anything you want to tell me?”
“Then I’ll just ask. Who is she?” Jack finished his soda and set the glass on the bar. “Why so interested? She’s not exactly your type.”
“I happen to love redheads.”
“Since when?”
“Since I found true love with sweet Mary Jane Hanover.”
Jack snorted out a laugh. “Is this the same Mary Jane whose very large boyfriend kicked your ass for sleeping with her?”
Seth swallowed a drink of beer. “He wasn’t her boyfriend at the time. I don’t poach.”
“Unless you won’t get caught.”
“Unless I won’t get caught,” he agreed. “And I didn’t get my ass kicked. I held back so I wouldn’t hurt that idiot.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, as I remember, sweet Mary Jane wouldn’t give you the time of day, let alone any sexual favors, until I buttered her up for you.”
“Please—” Seth held a hand out to stop him. “Don’t use expressions like buttered up when talking about Mary Jane. Gives me ideas. And don’t think you can get away with changing the subject, either.”
Jack hooked his foot on the rung of his stool and debated the chances of getting Seth to drop this discussion. He bit back a sigh. Not going to happen. Seth’s laid-back attitude and humor hid a tenacity unrivaled by mere mortals. “Her name is Kelsey Reagan and she’s Dillon Ward’s sister.”
“Ward…You mean the guy who lives above the bakery?”
“One and the same.” He glanced over to see Kelsey talking to the bartender. “She’s only in town for the night.”
Seth grinned. “Too bad. You could—”
“Hello, gentlemen,” a female voice purred.
Jack turned and found himself looking into a pair of darkblue eyes. “How are you, Shannon?” he asked the beautiful blonde.
“Couldn’t be better,” she replied in her husky smoker’s voice. “I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?”
“Would you look at the time?” Seth didn’t bother glancing at his watch as he drained his beer. He stood and tossed a five dollar bill on the bar. “I’d better get going.” He flashed a grin at Jack. “Catch you later.”
Jack clenched his teeth as his ex-friend cheerfully abandoned him. Wasting no time, Shannon claimed the empty stool. Her short, black skirt rode a few inches above her knee to show a good deal of her toned, tanned thigh. She shook her long, golden hair behind her shoulder and looked at him from under her lashes.
As far as sultry looks go, hers was top-notch. Jack wondered if she practiced it in the mirror.
“What’ll it be?” she asked.
He’d have one quick and painless escape, please. Unfortunately, his position as police chief, and hers as the wife of a prominent city councilman, made running like hell an impossibility.
Too bad.
“Thanks, but I’m not drinking tonight,” he said.
She looked pointedly at his empty glass.
“That’s fine,” she assured him, leaning forward. Though he suspected she was giving him a clear view down the V-neck of her silky white shirt, he kept his gaze on her face. “I wanted to talk to you about the security for the country club’s Harvest Ball.”
Sure she did. And thirteen-year-old boys snuck peeks at Playboy for the articles.
The headache he thought he’d got rid of earlier began to come back. He blamed it on Shannon’s perfume, something floral and overly sweet. Remembering Kelsey’s fresh, sexy scent, he glanced in her direction. Humor lit her expression as their eyes met.
Jack broke eye contact first and turned his attention back to Shannon. “Everything’s all set for the dance. If you have any questions, we can go over them at next week’s meeting.”
“Those meetings are always so hectic.” She pouted and laid a well-manicured hand high up on his thigh, her red fingernails stark against his jeans. “Why don’t we go back to my house? We can discuss it now.”
Her lips said discuss, but her eyes said let’s get naked and do the nasty.
Jack groaned inwardly. Polite tact was lost on Shannon. He lifted her hand off and stood.
“I’m sorry but I already have plans.” He kept his voice low, controlled and, though it almost killed him, pleasant. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I see someone I need to speak with.”
Ignoring the angry flush staining Shannon’s cheeks, he turned and walked to the end of the bar. He wasn’t sure which was worse, the way Shannon blatantly came on to him whenever they were in the same room together. Or the fact that to escape Shannon, he was heading straight for Kelsey Reagan.
He stopped next to Kelsey’s stool and waited until she looked up. “Mind if I join you?”
Kelsey glanced behind him then back. “Using me as an escape hatch, Sheriff?”
“I’m not the sheriff.” Jack sat next to her. “I’m the chief of police.”
She waved that distinction away. “Whatever you are, you’ve surprised me.”
“How so?”
“By not being interested in Tropical Tan Barbie over there. Most men would sell their soul to have a woman like that coming on to them. Either you’re one of the few faithful married men alive—”
“I’m not.” As usual, when he thought of Nicole he felt a slight pinch to his heart. When Kelsey raised her eyebrows he added, “I’m not married.”
She tilted her head, watched him thoughtfully. “Oh, well then. Maybe you’re just not into women.”
What the hell? He straightened and tried to laugh, but the idea of a sexy woman thinking he was gay was about as nonfunny as you could get. “I’m not gay.”
The humor lighting her eyes told him she knew damn well he was straight. She’d just been yanking his chain. “What’s the matter then? Jeez, she was practically drooling in your lap.”
“For some reason, drooling desperation doesn’t turn me on.”
“Huh. Go figure.” The bartender came over and slid a plate of cheese-covered French fries in front of Kelsey.
“What brings you back to The Summit?” he asked when they were alone again.
“I was hungry,” she said and popped a dripping fry into her mouth.
“And, besides clogging your arteries, you wanted another shot with your brother.”
She swallowed then took a sip of her drink. “Wow. That’s brilliant detective work. You should be a cop or something.”
Jack’s lips twitched.
“You, on the other hand,” she continued, wagging a fry at him, “are not only hiding from the blonde, but you’re also checking up on me.” She leaned toward him, her citrus scent tickling his nose. “Shouldn’t you mutter something about this town not being big enough for both of us?”
He lifted a shoulder. Eased back to put some distance between them. “Too cliché for me.”
The amused look on her face told him she noticed how he’d backed away from her. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone your secret.”
“I already told you,” he said quietly, “I’m not gay.”
“No kidding. But that’s not what I’m talking about. And the real reason you’re over here isn’t because you’re running from the blonde.”
“It isn’t?”
Jack waited. She dug in to her food with the enthusiasm of a linebacker three times her size. Though his gut told him he would regret asking, he couldn’t stop himself. “Are you going to enlighten me?”
“You’re attracted to me.”
Holy hell. Was he that easy to read?
He kept his face expressionless, his voice dry. “Amazing.”
“That ego of yours. How’d you ever get something that big through the doorway?”
“It’s not ego. I felt it—the pull between us. Are you going to try and tell me you didn’t?”
He swallowed. Hell yes, he felt it. The attraction between them wasn’t exactly subtle. Physical and momentary, yes, but not subtle.
But just because he felt it, didn’t mean he had to acknowledge it. Or worse, act on it. He controlled his body, and his feelings, they didn’t control him.
He deliberately straightened and shifted so that their knees brushed. Her startled gaze shot to his. At the quick, telltale nervous gesture of her pink tongue wetting her lips, his stomach tightened.
Damn, but she was sexy. And tempting. And a distraction he couldn’t afford.
“Let’s cut to the chase,” he said.
“Okay. You first.”
The pulse at the base of her neck beat rapidly. He had the strongest urge to press his lips against it.
He jerked his head up. “I’m not over here because I’m attracted to you.”
“No. After your foray into breaking-and-entering this afternoon, I’m over here to make sure you keep your nose clean while you’re in my town.”
“Don’t worry, Sheriff, like I said I won’t be in your town much longer. Besides,” she added with a quick, lethal smile that made his heart skip a beat, “other than that little misunderstanding, I usually avoid trouble at all costs.”
He studied her, looking for subterfuge beneath the humor. She sure as hell seemed sincere. So much in fact that for some crazy reason, Jack found himself wanting to believe her.