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The Emma Harte 7-Book Collection: A Woman of Substance, Hold the Dream, To Be the Best, Emma’s Secret, Unexpected Blessings, Just Rewards, Breaking the Rules

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‘Dad has been harassed of late. He’d like to ease up a little. Not work so hard.’ David lit a cigarette. ‘We’ve been discussing his problems and I think I have a solution that would be beneficial to everyone concerned. It occurred to me that we could merge his company with ours, take over his factory and its management with relatively no problems at all. That would relieve him of running it entirely on his own. He would continue there, of course, but he wouldn’t have to work such long hours.’ David looked at her expectantly. ‘Well, what do you say?’

Instantly recognizing the enormous potential inherent in this proposition and visualizing a means of simple but swift expansion, Emma did not have to think twice. ‘It’s an excellent suggestion.’ She turned to Abraham. ‘Would you be happy if we did that, Mr Kallinski?’

‘I would, Emma. And so would Janessa. She worries about me. Worries so much I worry about her worrying,’ he responded with a wry laugh.

‘Then let’s combine the two companies, David,’ Emma said. ‘I’m all for it. And now is certainly the right time to do it.’

‘There are a number of details to be worked out, Emma. But before we get into those I would like you to know my personal feelings about the proposed idea,’ David said. ‘If you’re agreeable, I think we ought to purchase Dad’s business outright, for a fair price that would give him a decent profit. After all, he has devoted years to building it up. We would make him a director of the parent company and pay him director’s fees. I also think he ought to share in the profits, as we do. In addition, he would receive a salary for running his factory. How do you feel about these terms, Emma?’

‘I’m in accordance with you, David. Your father should have something to show for all the years he’s been in business. Why don’t the two of you settle on an equitable price. Whatever you decide will be acceptable to me, I’m quite certain.’ She laughed and shook her head, giving David a fond look. ‘I can’t imagine why you thought I would object. This is basically your business, David. You run it and you’re the majority shareholder.’

‘You pull your weight and you are my partner.’ He smiled, looking relieved. ‘Good. Dad and I will thrash it out. You and I can go over the final details later. Then I’ll talk to Frederick Ainsley and have him draw up the agreements in a week or so.’

‘That’s perfect,’ Emma said. She shifted in her chair and gave her attention to Abraham, asking him questions about his government contracts, his cloth supplies, his work force, and his output. Whilst they were engaged in this protracted conversation, David sat back, regarding Emma with intensity.

Winter sun was pouring in through the windows, bathing her in its bright light. She really has that special kind of English beauty that looks its best in the daytime, David thought. That inimitable beauty that Gainsborough and Romney immortalized. And yet curiously Emma was unaware that she was a great beauty. Certainly she was devoid of personal vanity and that was also part of her charm. She was so fresh and radiant and filled with a vitality that was almost sensual in nature. No wonder she is irresistible to all men of all ages, David reflected. Funny, but she was not conscious of this either.

‘Don’t you agree, David?’

Startled, David sat up abruptly. ‘Sorry, I was wool gathering.’

‘I said I thought we ought to take over immediately. By consolidating our work forces we could probably increase production and operate both places even more efficiently. Your father is willing.’

‘That’s an excellent thought! I’ll have Victor move in there tomorrow.’ He looked at his father. ‘Is that all right with you, Dad?’

‘I shall be glad to have him back,’ Abraham said. ‘It will put my mind to rest, and your mother’s.’

Emma stood up. The men also rose. ‘If you’ll excuse me, I should be going,’ she said. ‘I promised Edwina I would be home early today, to help her dress the Christmas tree. She has been looking forward to it. I don’t want to disappoint her.’

‘No, you must not do that,’ Abraham said. ‘It is wrong to break a promise to a child.’ He gave David a pointed stare. ‘Which you so often do to my grandsons,’ he said, sighing heavily.

‘But only because of the business, Dad,’ David rejoined defensively.

‘Ah, yes. The business. Always the business. Well, you be off, Emma. Give my best to Joe.’

‘And mine to Mrs Kallinski. Tell her I’ll stop by soon.’

‘I’ll see you out,’ David said, helping Emma into her coat and taking her arm possessively.

The Christmas tree was just the right size, Emma decided. She had purposely chosen this particular tree, even though grander specimens were available, in order to avoid ostentatious display, which she felt would be inappropriate in wartime. The housekeeper had potted it the previous evening, and now it reposed on a skirted table in a corner of the drawing room, next to the fireplace. Emma stepped back, her head on one side, viewing it with a critical eye. It was a healthy young fir, a rich dark green, and its branches were thick and luxuriant.

‘Hello, Emma. You’re home early.’

Emma swung around as Joe entered the drawing room and strode to the fire, rubbing his hands together.

‘Hello, Joe. Yes, I promised Edwina I would help her to dress the tree.’

‘Oh, that’s right. I’d forgotten.’

Continuing to unwrap the decorations, Emma told him about her meeting with the Kallinskis. ‘I think it’s an excellent idea to join forces, don’t you?’ she finished, glancing at him over her shoulder.

Joe was frowning. ‘I’m not so sure. Won’t it mean a lot of extra work and worry for you?’

‘Why me? David bears the brunt of that business.’

‘It strikes me you both have enough on your plates as it is. Particularly you.’ Joe sounded grouchy, and as always he was opposed to innovation.

‘Don’t be so negative, Joe. I don’t understand you sometimes,’ Emma said quietly. ‘And anyway, there’s Mr Kallinski to think about. He’s not been well lately. The merger is the best solution for him.’

‘The old man could have sold his business to someone else,’ Joe suggested.

‘Yes, he could. But why should he? It was only natural that he would come to David,’ Emma explained. ‘Besides, Abraham Kallinski has always been good to me. I’m delighted to make his life a little easier.’

‘I’m only thinking of you, Emma. However, if you believe it’s such a wonderful idea, who am I to criticize? You and David always do what you want with the factory anyhow.’

‘We always tell you our plans,’ she countered swiftly, detecting that disgruntled tone in his voice.

‘Yes, I know. After the fact.’

‘Oh, Joe, please don’t be sour. It’s almost Christmas. Let’s not bicker now!’

‘Bicker! Who’s bickering!’ Joe retorted. ‘Really, Emma, I can’t open my mouth without you accusing me of—’ He stopped short and his voice changed, became tender, as he said, ‘Hello, sweetheart. Come in. Don’t stand there.’

Emma turned around. Edwina was hovering in the doorway. She skipped across the floor. ‘Daddy! Daddy!’ she cried, flinging herself at Joe. He picked her up and swung her around. Her blue velvet dress billowed out and her waist-length hair, of a blonde so pale it was almost silver, flew out behind her, gleaming in the lamplight. She laughed delightedly and after a few more whirls Joe put her down on the floor, holding her arms to steady her.

‘You’re not dizzy, are you, angel?’

‘No, Daddy.’ She smiled up at him, her exquisite little face dimpling prettily.

‘Well, there you are, darling,’ Emma said. ‘I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve unpacked all the ornaments and we can start.’

‘Hello, Mother,’ Edwina said without looking at Emma. She grabbed Joe’s hand. ‘Daddy, will you help me to dress the tree. Please. Please. Oh, do say yes, Daddy.’ She fixed her luminous silvery eyes on him appealingly.

Joe laughed and patted her head. ‘Of course I will, love.’ Edwina dragged him to the tree. She climbed on to the stool Emma had placed next to the table, still clutching Joe’s arm.

Emma was holding a silver bell in her hand. ‘Where shall I put this, dear?’ she asked, smiling at her nine-year-old daughter.

Edwina made no response. She looked up at Joe and flashed him a radiant smile. ‘Where do you think it should hang, Daddy?’

‘Well, I’m not such an expert at these things. Perhaps here.’ He indicated a branch.

‘May I have the bell please, Mother.’

Emma handed it to her silently. Edwina immediately gave the bell to Joe. ‘You put the bell on the tree, Daddy. Anywhere you want. I think you should be first.’

This little ritual continued for several minutes. Whenever Emma picked up an ornament and suggested a spot for it, Edwina took it from her quickly, ignoring her suggestions, deferring always to Joe. Stunned, Emma stepped away from the tree uncertainly, acutely aware of the slight. She was the interloper, and unwanted. She retreated to the fireplace, watching them laughing happily together. She experienced a small stab of dismay and pushed it away quickly. She should not be envious of their relationship. She should be happy they were so adoring of each other.

Joe and Edwina were so engrossed with each other and the tree they did not notice Emma glide quietly out of the room. She closed the door softly behind her and leaned against it. She swallowed hard, conscious of the prick of tears behind her eyes, the ache in her throat. After a moment she was in control of herself and her step was firm as she walked across the marble-floored hall. She took her coat from the closet, picked up the two baskets standing on the floor, and slipped out of the house quickly.
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