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Emma’s Secret

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‘You were dozing, Evan,’ Glynnis said weakly, her voice whispery.

‘Not really. Just resting my eyes and thinking, Grandma.’


‘You, and how you took care of us so well when we were little girls. And Dad, too.’

A smile touched Glynnis’s lips, and quite unexpectedly her rheumy old eyes cleared, became alive, very bright and shining, the blueness remarkable in its intensity.

Squeezing her grandmother’s hand, Evan exclaimed, ‘You’ll be out of here soon! You’ll see.’

‘Where’s Owen?’ Glynnis murmured, her voice querulous, barely audible.

‘Dad’s on his way. He’ll be arriving any minute … he’s probably caught in traffic.’

‘Leave here,’ Glynnis instructed hoarsely.

‘I can’t leave you alone, Gran!’ Evan protested, shaking her head. Wondering what this was all about, she frowned and added, ‘I want to be here to take care of you, and so does Dad.’

‘Leave New York … that’s what I meant … you’re twenty-six … should be out … in the world …’ Glynnis’s voice trailed off wearily. And she sighed, seemed to sink further into the pillows.

Evan leaned closer to her grandmother, her eyes fixed on her unwaveringly. ‘I’m happy here, I love my job at Saks … and anyway, I want to be near you.’

‘I’m dying.’ Glynnis’s lids fluttered, and she stared back at Evan, held her granddaughter with her own steady gaze.

‘Don’t say that, Gran! You’re going to get better. I know you are.’ Evan’s eyes filled, and she tightened her grip on Glynnis’s fragile fingers.

‘Old,’ Glynnis whispered, ‘too old now.’

‘No, you’re not! You’re only seventy-nine, that’s not old these days,’ Evan protested, her voice rising.

Glynnis sighed, and her heart clenched. It was unbearable for her to see her granddaughter’s tears, to witness her pain. My one true love, she thought, well there was the other, but that was so long ago it doesn’t matter any more. Evan was always mine. Like my own daughter, the daughter I never had with Richard. Dearest, dearest Richard. The truest husband a woman could ever want. Such a good man. The best man I ever knew; the right man to spend a lifetime with, after all. So much to say to Evan. So little time left. I must get my thoughts unscrambled … get them straight. I should have told her before … but I was afraid …

‘Gran! Gran!’ Evan cried. ‘Please, Gran, open your eyes!’

Slowly Glynnis’s eyelids lifted, and as she gazed at her granddaughter again, a sudden radiance flooded her wrinkled face. ‘I was thinking of your grandfather, Evan. Such a good man, Richard Hughes.’

‘We loved him too, Grandma.’

‘Do you think he’s waiting for me? Do you believe in an afterlife, Evan? Is there a heaven, do you think?’

‘I don’t know, Gran.’ Evan brushed her eyes with her fingertips, flicked away the tears. ‘I hope so, I really do.’

‘I think perhaps there is … don’t weep for me, Evan, I’ve had a good life … sad at times … painful, too … But I’ve enjoyed it all … there’s always the bad along with the good …’ Glynnis drifted off once more, lost in her thoughts, trying to summon the last vestiges of her strength.

Evan bent closer, touching Glynnis’s cheek very gently. ‘I’m here, Grandma.’

‘I know, dear.’ Glynnis sighed, and a faint smile flickered on her wide and generous mouth.

Evan said, ‘Dad’ll be here any minute now,’ and she hoped that he would. She pushed her spiralling anxiety away.

‘I loved him too much,’ Glynnis muttered suddenly.

‘You can never love a child too much – you said that yourself, Gran.’

‘Did I?’

‘Yes, long ago, to me, when I was a little girl.’

‘I don’t remember. Evan?’

‘Yes, Gran?’

‘Go to Emma.’

‘Emma? Who’s Emma?’

‘Emma Harte. In London. She has … the key. To your future. Oh, Evan—’ Glynnis stopped speaking abruptly, stared at her granddaughter with enormous intensity as though committing her face to memory, and then she closed her eyes. A long, fluttering sigh rippled through her before she lay absolutely still.

‘Gran,’ Evan said in a low, insistent tone. ‘Gran.’

There was no response, not even the flicker of an eyelash. Evan glanced down at their hands clasped together on top of the sheet and she saw that her grandmother’s hand had gone slack in hers. She felt her throat closing. Her eyes welled.

Gran’s gone, Evan thought. Gone to another place. She’s out of her pain and suffering, at peace.

Bending forward, Evan kissed Glynnis’s still-warm cheek; the tears spilled out of her eyes and slid down her face as grief engulfed her. So distraught was she that Evan did not hear her father come into the hospital room. It was only when she felt his loving hand resting lightly on her shoulder that she became aware of his presence.

‘She’s gone?’ Owen asked, a catch in his voice.

‘Yes, Dad, but only a second ago.’ As she spoke, Evan smoothed her hand over Glynnis’s silver hair, and then she got up, turned to her father. When she saw the tears in her father’s blue eyes, the anguish on his face, she stepped into his arms, wanting to comfort him and needing his comfort in return.

They clung together for a few seconds. Finally, Owen said, ‘I tried to get here before she died.’

‘I know Dad, and Gran knew that too.’

‘Did she have any last word for me?’

‘She said she loved you too much.’

Her father was silent, a reflective look crossing his face. A moment later he released Evan and went to sit beside his mother, his dark head bent over her, his sorrow apparent.

Evan, watching him, concerned for him, did not immediately think of her grandmother’s last words to her. When she did, she was baffled.

And some time later she went to London. To find Emma Harte. To find her future.

PART ONE (#ulink_af9adbc9-7332-514b-a8ed-29183ed539be)

Dynasty 2001 (#ulink_af9adbc9-7332-514b-a8ed-29183ed539be)
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