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Master of His Fate: The gripping new Victorian epic from the author of A Woman of Substance

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‘What a beautiful little boy blowing bubbles,’ Claudia said, staring at the painting, her face full of smiles.

‘It is called Bubbles, my dear. The perfect name, I think,’ Thea replied. ‘The artist started it in 1885, and finished it in 1886. I was so happy to acquire it.’

Sebastian stared at the painting for the longest moment, before saying, ‘Millais is the best of the current painters, in my opinion, and his attention to detail is quite amazing. I think that if I touch the boy’s trousers, I’ll actually feel the velvet, it’s so realistic. And congratulations, Thea, I know how much you longed to own this.’

‘I did. And I’m going to let it hang alone, Sebastian. I think it needs space, nothing competing with it.’

‘I know what you mean,’ Claudia said. ‘People make their rooms far too cluttered these days, in my opinion. They hang too many paintings on one wall, then they add a palm tree in a brass pot, and soon you can’t move in the room, or know which painting to look at.’

They both laughed and agreed, and Thea said, ‘I haven’t offered you any refreshments. Won’t you have something before you leave?’

Sebastian shook his head. ‘No, thank you. Reviewing the bank papers took longer than I expected. I have a guest arriving at the house very shortly, and we must leave now, I’m afraid.’

Claudia hid her surprise, wondering who he was expecting, and merely smiled. She moved closer to her aunt, kissed her cheek. ‘My congratulations, too, and I’d like to talk to you next week, if I may? About a charity I’ve become involved with.’

‘Then you must come for lunch. Any day you prefer?’

Once they were in their carriage and driving to Sebastian’s house in Grosvenor Square, Claudia spoke out.

‘Who are we expecting, Papa?’

‘My dear friend, Uncle Reginald,’ Sebastian answered, settling back against the seat, crossing his long legs. He was taller than many of his friends.

‘Did you invite him for supper, Papa?’

‘Yes, I did. However, I have a feeling he may wish to go to the club, although I would prefer to remain at home. I must dine alone with him if we stay. It was my understanding he needs to discuss something private with me.’

Claudia nodded. ‘Whatever you wish, Papa, that is fine.’

Sebastian looked across at his eldest daughter, responded in a warm voice, ‘You always say that, and have ever since your mother died. I don’t know what I would have done without you by my side, Claudia, over the past ten years.’ He shook his head almost wonderingly. ‘I’ve leaned on you a great deal; perhaps made you grow up far too quickly by sharing some of my problems with you.’

‘I wanted to be by your side, to help you if I could, Papa. And so did the others, but they weren’t old enough then.’ She began to laugh. ‘And I don’t mind if I’ve become more grown up. And I am twenty now, Papa. Don’t forget that.’

His quirky smile played around his mouth for a moment, but he remained silent, looked out of the window for a while. Then he brought his gaze back to her. ‘How old is she?’

Claudia had known he would discuss Alexis with her, and she was prepared for his questions. ‘Delia told me she is twenty-five.’

‘Oh, I thought she was older.’

‘She doesn’t look it, not to me.’ Claudia frowned as she spoke.

‘Nor to me. But I’ve realized exactly who she is whilst we’ve been at Thea’s. She is extremely well known. Works with her father and has a reputation for astuteness and acumen. So twenty-five, not much older than you.’ He turned his face to the window, looking out, remained silent, tautness in his shoulders.

When the silence had dragged on far too long, Claudia decided to open up the conversation again. ‘Papa, I need to speak to you.’

He swung his head to face her. ‘What is it?’

‘It’s about Alexis. I’ve never seen you behave like that, ever in my life. You were … startled by her … caught up in her. Actually, I think the best word I can use is mesmerized.’ Claudia sat back, watching him, hoping he wouldn’t close himself off, like he so easily could when he did not want to discuss something.

He sighed. ‘Mesmerized, eh? Is that how I seemed to you, Claudia?’

She merely nodded.

He was reflective for a moment. Finally he spoke. ‘I was stunned by the vividness of her colouring and her beauty. And then something strange happened I felt … I don’t quite know how to describe how I felt …’ His voice faltered.

‘Attracted to her? Happy? Joyful?’ Claudia suggested, aware he couldn’t find the right way to describe his reaction.

‘No, none of those. What I experienced was a sense of excitement. Yes, that is the best word to use. Excitement. And a rush of … need. No, not need. Something else. Something a man feels for a woman. Those are the emotions she evoked in me.’ He shrugged. ‘And naturally you are correct; I did have a strong reaction to her. You said I was mesmerized. Perhaps. I do know I was blinded for a moment or two and conscious only of her.’

‘Has that ever happened to you before, Papa?’

‘No, never. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.’ His smile flickered momentarily.

‘You never felt that about Mama?’

‘It was different. Your mother and I grew up together, Claudia, as you well know. Our families were very close. From the age of fourteen, our parents were quite certain we would marry. And we did. We loved and adored each other. Margot was the perfect woman for me, and we knew each other so well. Just imagine, we were both only twenty when you were born.’ A sigh trickled out and he blinked.

Acutely attuned to her father, after their unique closeness of the last few years, she spotted the sadness in his eyes, which had grown moist. He coughed behind his hand, and sat up straighter on the carriage seat.

Taking a deep breath, wanting to change his mood, Claudia plunged into the deep end. ‘You want to see her again, don’t you?’

He didn’t answer.

His daughter knew he was debating how to respond, always the discreet and careful man – sometimes over-cautious.


‘Then you must do so.’

Sebastian gave her a swift look. ‘I did tell her I wanted her to come to supper and that I would ask you to arrange something. I said soon.’

‘How did she reply?’

‘She said she would like that.’

Claudia gave him a huge smile. ‘I think Miss Malvern might well have had the same reaction to you as you had to her.’

‘Perhaps,’ he said, that caution now entering his voice.

Claudia said, ‘We are home, Papa.’

He glanced out of the window and saw that his carriage had already entered the square and was pulling up outside his grand townhouse.

Did this woman Alexis Malvern preoccupy him so much that he hadn’t noticed where they were?

TEN (#ulink_50e53f88-14c6-59c6-8b0b-e258ea05fac7)

When Sebastian and Claudia went into the house, they were immediately greeted by Lavinia, who was seventeen, and Marietta, fifteen. Both girls were excited to see their father and Claudia.
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