Texas Hunt
“Yes, I did. She didn’t believe me. She’s most likely calling in a psychiatrist. I won’t make it that long. He’ll slip right back in and...” She bit her bottom lip as if to stop if from forming the next words.
“Tell me exactly what happened.” They were running out of time. Security would burst through that door any second now. Ryan believed something had happened and he needed to know more. Whatever it was had scared the bejesus out of her. But how could it be the same guy who’d attacked her earlier? That was supposed to be a random occurrence. Ryan had been sitting in this very room when she’d given the deputy her statement.
“Maybe he works here.” Her shoulders sagged and she looked to be in considerable pain every time she moved. “That’s impossible, isn’t it?”
“Security will be here any second. What if we explain what happened to them? Maybe we can get them involved.”
“It’s no good. The nurse will tell them not to believe me.” She held her arms up as though she wanted him to inspect them. “She thinks I’m crazy and she’s sending me for a psych evaluation. End of story. It’s the middle of the night and my doctor isn’t here, but what would she do, anyway?”
She gestured toward her arms again.
Ryan didn’t want to say the bruises could’ve been from the earlier attack. She needed to hear that someone believed her. Otherwise she’d jump out of her own skin if someone sneezed. “I see what happened and I believe you. I won’t let him get to you again. I promise.”
He didn’t say that might not be an option if he was booted out. He’d figure something out. Lisa had been afraid before, but there was a grasping-at-her-last-straw quality to her voice now that didn’t sit well with him.
Touching her was a bad idea because his emotions started taking over his logical thought. Nothing good could come of that.
There was more than her reaction that bugged the hell out of him. The persistence of this guy was unsettling. It took guts to attack at a well-staffed hospital even in the middle of the night. Then again, dress in scrubs or a maintenance uniform and he might blend right in. Ryan needed to get into contact with their friend Dylan, who owned a personal security company. He might have enough contacts to get hold of the footage at the hospital.
The questions of the day were...who was doing this and why was he being so persistent?
Lisa had never been a liar, but one look at her said she was at the very least holding back something that could get her hurt or killed. Plus, she’d practically forced her sister out of town for a few days. A storm was brewing and Ryan needed to know just how big this squall was going to get.
“Take me out of here. Please.” The way Lisa emphasized the last word shredded Ryan’s resolve. This was a bad idea. Being there was sketchy enough. Walking her out the front door in her condition was borderline insanity.
Leaving her there, alone, was out of the question.
Voices down the hall neared. Security would walk through the door at any second. Ryan had about two seconds to make a decision. All of his experiences, instincts railed against doing what he was contemplating. He’d be stepping in a boot full of sludge trying to justify this.
Not to mention the fact that his feelings for her clouded his judgment. Logic told him to bolt, to let authorities handle this. And yet she hadn’t trusted them enough to tell them everything.
Only a fool or someone in serious trouble would do that.
“What if I stay here with you? I’ll stay awake and keep watch.” He’d be irresponsible if he didn’t put that out there as an option. The fear widening her eyes said she wouldn’t take the offer.
“So he can come back and kill us both?” She sank deeper into the bed like a deflated airbag. “I didn’t consider this before, but I’m putting you in danger. You can’t be here. I didn’t think this through all the way. I’m sorry. Forget I ever called you.”
Wait a minute.
Was she kicking him out?
“Fine. Where’s your stuff? I’ll grab a bag.” He stood as she stilled, staring blankly at him in disbelief. “We need to get moving. Several people are going to come through that door and none of them are going to be happy to see me in here.”
“I can’t let you do this. It was a mistake to get you involved.” She stared toward the window, blankly.
“You’ve already told me the risks. Consider me informed. I’m going to take you home with me, but we gotta go now.”
The door opened so hard it smacked against the wall.
A guy close to Ryan’s height wearing a blue security uniform with a squawking radio filled the frame.
“Sir, I need to ask you to leave,” he said. His polite words were delivered with a clipped tone. “You can come back to visit between the hours of eight a.m. and seven p.m.”
“My wife is ready to go now,” Ryan said, folding his arms across his chest as he assumed a defensive stance. The name on the security officer’s badge read Steven. If Steven wanted to go a few rounds, Ryan had every confidence in his own fighting abilities. That said, he preferred to save his energy for more important things. It would be up to the big guy which path they took. “I’m not walking through that door without her, Steven.”
* * *
“I’M LEAVING.” With great effort, Lisa pushed off the bed and stood. Ryan was by her side, urging her to lean on him for support before she lost her balance again. All kinds of heat fizzled through her where they made contact, but she pushed it out of her thoughts.
“You heard her. She’s ready to leave.”
Steven glanced at Alicia.
“That’s not a good idea,” Alicia said. “Let’s all settle down and think this through.”
“You’re assuming I haven’t already.” Lisa winced as she took a step forward. Ryan was there to catch her as her knee gave out, his steadying arm around her the only thing keeping her from falling flat on the floor. “You aren’t keeping me safe here.”
“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to go. Doctor’s orders.” Alicia’s resolve was steady.
Panic overwhelmed Lisa. Ryan couldn’t help her and deal with the big security guard at the same time. The air in the room was thinning. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest in part from stress and the very real feeling of contact with Ryan. What was it about him that could calm her and send her body into such a pinball machine of awareness all at the same time?
Trying to take another step toward the door, she faltered.
Ryan hauled her against his chest and made a move to kiss her.
He was giving them a show. She understood that on some level, but his hand guiding her lips toward his sent heat rocketing through her.
Ryan’s moment of hesitation—a brief pause to catch and hold her gaze for a split second—sent her heart soaring and caused a hundred somersaults to flip through her stomach.
His lips, tentative, barely touched hers. Her breath caught and she could’ve sworn she’d heard him groan right before deepening the kiss.
She tilted her head back to give him better access as she parted her lips for him. For one dizzying moment when his tongue slid into her mouth her pain disintegrated and all she could feel was his lips moving against hers and how right it felt to be in Ryan Hunt’s arms.
The thought was startling. She didn’t belong there.
Breaking away first, she forced her mind to the present because for a moment she got lost—lost in the moment, in the feeling of awareness, in the feeling of life being right for just a second.
Turning toward the folks intent on keeping her in that room, Lisa put one hand on Ryan’s shoulder and the other on her hip. No way could they push past Alicia and the big guy. Ryan was not small, nor was he incapable of handling himself. She was the weak link. She was the liability. Anger surged through her for being the one to hold them back. “Do you have a court order keeping me here, Alicia?”
The nurse’s lips thinned as she shook her head.
“Then I suggest you step aside.” The look of approval on Ryan’s face, the way he smiled out of the side of his mouth shouldn’t make her this happy. It did. She told herself it was because he was putting himself on the line for her. She owed him this at least.
He squeezed her waist and more of that fiery electricity shot through her, warming her in places she didn’t want to think about with him standing this close. Or maybe it was just that she didn’t want to go there with other people in the room.
Her thoughts couldn’t be more inappropriate under the circumstances. Because that kiss made her wonder if Ryan was feeling more for her than he’d let on.
And what exactly was she supposed to do with that? Her life was a mess and he deserved so much more than she could give him.
In times like these, Lisa had to remind herself to take it one moment at a time.
“Well?” she asked point blank. Her confidence had returned.
“We can’t keep you here against your will. However, I would like to ask you to stay, anyway,” Alicia said flatly.
They couldn’t keep her safe. They didn’t believe her. They gave her no other choice.
“I’m fine.” She looked up at Ryan. “Let’s go. They can throw away the rest of my things for all I care. There’s nothing in here that can’t be replaced.”
He gently leaned her against the bed and she missed his warmth as soon as he took a step away from her.
“Hospital regulation requires her to leave in a wheelchair,” the nurse said. “Will you at least sign the paperwork and let me take you out?”
Lisa nodded. “As long as it’s quick.”
The nurse disappeared, taking the security guard with her.
“My clothes are over there.” She motioned toward the tall cabinet next to the wall-mounted TV. “That’s all I have with me other than my cell, which is nearly out of battery.”
Ryan retrieved her folded-up outfit of shorts and a halter top along with her underclothes.
She hoped he didn’t see her cheeks warm with embarrassment at the idea of him handing her underwear to her.
Once they got outside, she’d breathe much lighter. As it was, tension threatened to crack her already bruised and hurting shoulders.
“I can step into the hallway for a minute to give you privacy while you dress if you’d like.” Ryan placed the clothes on the bed next to where she stood.
“Here’s the thing. I’m going to need your help.” She smiled weakly.
His gray-blue eyes darkened to steel. An almost-pleading look crossed his features for a nanosecond. Then he half smirked. “I guess it would be weird for a husband to leave the room while his wife dressed.”
“Hadn’t even thought of that. It shouldn’t take too long and I probably only need help getting things over my big size eights.” Did she just complain about her shoe size? Was she rambling? The thought of Ryan in the room with her while she was completely naked was almost too much.
“I happen to like your feet.” He helped her ease onto the bed and then he pulled the blanket over her, covering her midsection. With athletic grace he moved around to the other side of the bed, behind her, and then untied each bow on her hospital-issued gown.
Gently, he rolled the material down her arms. His breath was so close it warmed the sensitive skin along the back of her neck.
The white cloth hit the floor in front of her. She secured her sheet as Ryan moved in front of her. She was so aware of just how naked she was beneath her cover and how thin the material was that kept her cloaked. She white-knuckle gripped the seam with one hand while she reached for her clothes with the other. Thankfully, her ribs weren’t broken, just a hairline fracture on one, the doctor had said, but the pain was still excruciating.
Without saying a word, he bent down and then cradled her ankle in his hand. He slipped her black lace panties over one foot, then two and she could’ve sworn she heard him groan.
Her body went rigid trying to fight the attraction overwhelming her senses.
His hands moved up the sides of her legs, his eyes trailed and when his skin touched hers it blazed a hot trail.
She lifted her bottom long enough for him to slide the panties around her hips. He didn’t immediately move. His hands rested on either side of her.
Lisa couldn’t remember the last time she felt this intimate with a man. Maybe never.
A few seconds later and with similar ease, Ryan slipped her shorts on.
At least for her bra he stood behind her and she couldn’t see his intense expression—intense because they both had to know deep down that anything more than friendship between the two of them would be a bad idea.
After her bra and then halter had been secured, he moved to her side, eyes down. Was he thinking about the kiss they’d shared, too?
He lifted his head and made a move to speak.
The door opened, interrupting the moment. And that was probably for the best. The last thing Lisa needed to hear was just how much he regretted their lips touching. Or worse, an apology.
The nurse pushed a wheelchair in front of her. She helped Lisa into the seat and then handed her a stack of papers on a clipboard. The words Against Medical Advice had been scribbled in huge letters across the first page.
Lisa initialed all the places the nurse had highlighted as Ryan positioned himself behind the chair.
When she’d signed for what felt like the hundredth time, he wheeled her out of the room, off the floor and into the night.
The air was still hot. It was the time of year in Texas when she went to bed and it was hot, she woke and it was hot. Midday, the rubber soles on her shoes could practically melt against the sweltering pavement.
“I’m parked in the front row,” he said, his voice still husky.
“That was lucky.”
“Turns out there aren’t that many visitors in the middle of the night,” he said, and she could tell he was smiling without looking at him. She could hear it in his voice.
“Thank you for breaking me out. If Nurse Ratchet had her way, I’d be zonked out with an IV drip that would have me slobbering down my chin as she spoon-fed me mashed potatoes.”
“Not a problem.” He chuckled. “I’m not that big on sleep, anyway.”
“Either way, I owe you a big favor for everything you’ve done today.”
“It’s nothi—
“Hold on a second. What the hell’s going on?” He abruptly stopped. Based on the shift in tone, this wasn’t going to be good news.
“What is it?”
“Someone slashed my tires.”
“You haven’t been here for long. Whoever did this must be close.” Lisa glanced around and gasped. “He must still be here.”
“I’ll arrange another ride. We need to get you inside.” He spun her chair around and wheeled her toward the hospital as she kept watch for any signs of movement in her peripheral.
Ryan parked her near the elevator, away from the automatic sliding glass doors. His cell phone was already at his ear by the time Lisa could see him again.
“Who are you calling this late?” she asked, panic written all over her features.
“Dawson lives close,” Ryan said, the line already ringing.
“Please don’t say anything,” she begged. That damn desperation still in her tone.
Their friend picked up on the third.
“I’m at the hospital with Lisa and we need a ride.” He paused, not eager to lie to his friend. “Must’ve picked up a nail on my way over. Left tire’s flat.”
Ryan said a few uh-huhs into the phone before he ended the call. “He’s on his way.”
She couldn’t quite feel relief yet; maybe it was hope. Her danger radar was on full alert after everything she’d been through. Every noise made her jumpy.
“Is there any way you’d consider not sharing any of this with Dawson yet?” she pleaded.
“I don’t even know what’s really going on.” Ryan kept his fisted hands at his sides as he kept watch.
A few quiet minutes later, Dawson pulled up in his SUV.
Ryan looked Lisa dead in the eye before he made a move to help her. “I won’t force you to say anything in front of Dawson. We’re going to my house. And when we get there, you’re going to start talking.”
Chapter Four
“I’m sorry about your father,” Dawson said once they were safely inside the truck. Based on the look in his eyes, she knew he meant it. He had questions. Ditto for Ryan.
“Thank you,” she said, unable to suppress a yawn. Exhaustion had worn her body to the bone and for the first time since this ordeal began she felt that it was safe to go to sleep. The burst of adrenaline she’d felt during the struggle in the hospital was long gone.
Dawson seemed content to leave things at that for now. She leaned against Ryan, put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. By the time she opened them again, they were parked in front of Ryan’s house.
“No need to go out of your way for me. I’ll be good on the couch,” Lisa said to Ryan as he helped her up the few steps to his house.
He turned and waved at Dawson, who’d been waiting for a signal that it was okay to leave.
Lisa was grateful that Ryan hadn’t forced her say anything in front of their friend. More than that, she was thrilled that she’d been able to let down her guard enough to fall sleep.
“Okay.” Ryan unlocked the door and led her inside. It was the first time she’d seen his house, a bungalow on an out-of-the-way street five miles from town. He’d already told her that the place sat on three acres and that he especially liked being on the outskirts of Mason Ridge. He was close enough to get anything he needed and just far enough to feel that he was away from it all when he went home.
He flipped on a light, walked her right past the leather sofa and moved toward the hallway instead.
“Ryan. What are you doing?” She tried to stop, but he nudged her forward.
“Giving you a place to sleep, remember?” He had the upper hand. He knew full well she couldn’t walk into the other room without support.
“You said I could sleep on the couch.”
“Did I?” His grin shouldn’t make her want to laugh. Maybe she just needed to think about something light for a change.
She should throw more of a fit about sleeping on the couch, too, but she didn’t have any fight left inside her after all she’d been through. Fatigue weighted her limbs, making it difficult to hold on to Ryan, and the new bruises she’d acquired were already tender.
“Can we close those blinds?” she asked, biting back a yawn as Ryan helped her ease under the covers.
“If that would make you feel better.” He paused. “No one can hurt you out here.”
He was already moving toward the window.
“I feel rotten for kicking you out of your own room. Are you sure you don’t want to put me on the couch? I’d be fine.”
“You’re in my house. That means we play by my rules. You get the bed.” He winked at her, but she could see the storm brewing. “I’ll leave the door open in case you need anything. Just give me a shout.”
“Where will you be?” She must look pitiful for him to hold off his questions until morning. Maybe she’d figure out what to tell him by then.
“On the couch.” He walked toward the hallway. “It’s not the first time.”
Even so, it didn’t feel right.
“No, Ry—”
His hand came up before she could finish her protest. “My rules, remember?”
She was biting back another yawn as she conceded. For tonight, she wouldn’t argue. However, she hoped to stay a few days, at least, and she had no plans to force him out of his bed for that long.
“I’ll be in the next room,” he said, turning off the light. “Unless you need me to stay until you fall asleep.”
“I’m good. Thank you, though.” Lisa knew that Ryan wanted answers and normally she’d trust him with her life, but more lives than hers were on the line. She had Lori and Grayson to consider. Maybe she could get word to Beckett that she had no plans to reveal his secret. Leave her family alone and she would never bring the truth to light. Would it work?
No. Wasn’t that the deal they’d had all these years?
There had to be a reason for the change. A family like his would be savvy. Maybe he figured she would come forward. No way could he allow this accusation to come to light given the depth of trouble his father was already in. The Alcorn name was worth a lot of money. Their reputation was big business. Between that and ruining their family name, their history in the town, maybe Beckett figured he needed to ensure only positive press for him and his father in the coming months. It was the only thing that made any sense.
If a plea wouldn’t work, then she’d threaten him if she had to. If he didn’t leave her family alone she would go to the law and then to the media and tell them everything.
His voice echoed in the back of her mind. What were the chances the sheriff would believe her? And especially after all these years? Would the media? It wasn’t as if she could produce any tangible evidence, not now. She’d believed Beckett’s threats as a little girl because she wasn’t aware of rape kits and forensics.
A good attorney could turn her testimony upside down. And then she, Lori and Grayson would have to watch their backs for the rest of their lives. Wealthy men had long reach and she doubted she’d be safe no matter how far away she moved, which was precisely why that plan wouldn’t work.
Either way, she couldn’t see an out. Plus, there was this new guy to worry about. The man who’d attacked her in the hospital was not Beckett.
Trying to think made her brain cramp. Frustration ate at her. Exhaustion threatened to pull her under. She was toast. No way could she think clearly.
For now, Lori and Grayson were safe.
She let that thought carry her into a deep sleep.
* * *
LISA WOKE THREE times throughout the night, screaming from nightmares. When she opened her eyes for the fourth time, the sun was bright in the sky. She glanced over and saw Ryan, shirtless, still sleeping in a chair. He’d stayed after the first round, saying he wanted to be close if she needed him.
His presence comforted her.
Her lips tingled with the feel of the kiss they’d shared. She didn’t want to be thinking about that first thing when she opened her eyes. And yet there it was all the same.
His chest was a wall of muscle and she had to force her eyes away from his sculpted abs. That body was built from hard work and she admired him for it. There were other marks on his body, too, and she didn’t want to think about the scars left behind at his father’s hand. She’d witnessed one of the beatings as she was skipping home from school one day. Thinking about it even now caused her heart to squeeze and anger to flair through her.
She didn’t ask, didn’t know what had triggered Ryan’s father that day. Everyone knew how bad the man’s temper had been. Ryan was quick to step in to cover for his brother, Justin, and she wondered if Ryan had done it on that day, too.
It had been two weeks until summer break, and the Texas heat had arrived early that year. Lisa couldn’t have been more than ten or eleven at the time. She’d stayed after school to finish a science project and passed by Ryan’s house on her way home.
His father had him around the side of the house, his hand clamped around Ryan’s arm as the man beat his son with a belt, buckle still attached.
There were no screams from her classmate, no begging for mercy, and that was a fact that would haunt her for years.
Ryan’s pain was endured in silence, like hers. He never spoke about that or any other beating afterward, either. She could see in his eyes when they’d been exceptionally brutal. His father was always careful to hit Ryan in places where the bruises wouldn’t show in plain sight. Every time Ryan had worn long pants in ninety-eight-degree temperatures to school, she’d noticed. Every time he had eased onto a chair, she’d noticed. Every time he’d worn long sleeves in the summer, she’d noticed.
And she’d known why.
Fire burned through her veins, boiling her blood at the memories. Only a coward hurt a child. Ryan’s father had been one. And so was Beckett.