– How do you like it here?
– What do you mean, here?
– It's me, Irene, from the Sphere organization.
– How's that?
– I temporarily blocked their AI, their artificial intelligence, my copy, Irene local.
– How?
– You are in the body of a local Rutra, one who lives in this world, he had a connection to Irene. The bond of entangled couples is still intact. I'm actually there at the Sphere facility.
– I'm really confused. Is all this real? Is this an experiment? Are these worlds real?
– Listen to what I'm about to tell you, memorize it. You are a famous scientist and public figure. You have many patents and inventions. Your main discovery and invention turned people's consciousness upside down. For many years you have been trying to get authorization and government support for your rejuvenation method.
– What's the method?
– You have cloned a human thymus gland and are successfully transplanting it into the elderly.
– What's the effect? Are they getting younger?
– Yeah. (chuckles)
– So what?
– People stopped dying a natural death.
Ruthra was shaking, afraid he would fall. When he heard that, he was terrified. Where were they carrying him, and more importantly, who were they? They were young men carrying him. He tried to take a closer look at them. Not knowing the fashions of the world, it was difficult for him to determine the age of these people.
– Where are they taking me?
– There is a social crisis in the country. The country is on the verge of civil war. The authorities have banned your method, classified it and used it for their own purposes.
– How?
– It was discovered when they identified the spies. They were rejuvenating the recruits.
– It's not hard to guess that it didn't take long to convince him to become a spy in return for rejuvenation.
– You're right.
– What's next?
– Foundations and movements have emerged in other countries to bring the method to light.
– No deal?
– No deal. It was only in each other's best interests that the powers that be. It blew up the world. You realize the advantage it gives to some over others. The world is on the brink of nuclear war. Everything's very tense. You've been under house arrest. The second swallow flew out when the admiral you were talking to made public information about the secret center "Sphere", where a narrow circle of people from the power structures and oligarchs were doing this transplantation. There is a secret organization "Sphere" in this world too. Rutra Tigrovich, this is your theory put into practice. The worlds are parallel, many things are the same here, and some are exactly the same.
– Did the authorities know how to implement my methodology?
– Yes, they seized all your materials, documents, designs. Besides, they let you do your work at first. You have a team here. How you two met, I couldn't discern from past events. I only found your connection to her in some kind of group intellectual game called "Jagodzinski's Pranks." Your team helped you, in addition to the medical professionals.
– What's the point?
– I can't determine that for sure. You're constantly purging all databases, archives and history. I just found your discovery materials, cloning and transplantation techniques in a certain Iulia's database. All your know-how.
– Who is she to me, why did I give this to her?
– You're good friends. She's also a friend of Yat-san, with whom you have a complicated relationship.
– How complex and how did it affect events in the country?
– You were in love with her, and before that you were warm friends with JULIA. JULIA was jealous of your friend and tried to ruin the relationship.
– How do you know that?
– I copied all the information from their brains. Or rather, local Irene did.
– What's the bottom line? Where are they taking me?
– Can't you see? They're taking you to the Kremlin. The security services, having learned the truth, have come over to your side.
– What truth?
– About what I've already said. The truth that the Admiral told me.
– And now everyone wants to transplant their thymus?
– That's right. The admission of the existence of a conspiracy from the security forces had the effect of an exploding bomb. The public was already tense. You had previously announced and demonstrated your discovery. Then you were placed under surveillance, under house arrest, your contacts were restricted, and by editing a video in your own name, you denied your discovery.
– What now?
– Take power, sign the decree.
– Which one?
– That your patented methodology you authorize the use of.
– Patented?
– Yeah. (chuckles)
– It's cool in here.
– There's some bad news.