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The Mistress of Hanover Square

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It was five and twenty minutes to twelve when the guests separated. The older members of the family said goodnight and went up to their rooms, whilst the younger guests donned cloaks and greatcoats and went out to the waiting carriages. They were driven to Pendleton church, where they joined villagers for the midnight mass. This was a special part of Christmas as far as Amelia was concerned. She felt that this year it was even more so, because she was sharing it with her fiancé. Now that she had made up her mind, the thought warmed her and she felt a little thrill of happiness. How much better life would be in the future, even if her husband were not desperately in love with her.

Amelia left the church on Gerard’s arm, feeling happy. The bells had begun to ring and it was almost a forerunner of their wedding day. As they paused for a moment for the carriages to come forwards to pick them up, their breath made patterns on the frosty air.

‘Gerard…’Amelia began, but was shocked when he suddenly pushed her to one side so that she stumbled and fell against a prickly holly bush. ‘What…?’ Before she could finish her sentence, a shot rang out, passing so close to her that she felt a puff of air. She was struggling to recover her balance, as Gerard took out a pistol and fired at something in the shadows.

Almost at once, Amelia found that Harry and Susannah were at her side, assisting her. Everything else was confusion as people shouted and rushed about, some of the men setting off in pursuit of the would-be assassin.

‘ Amelia dearest,’ Susannah cried, looking at her anxiously. ‘Are you hurt? I do not know what happened…’

‘The earl saw him just in time,’ Emily said, for she too had rushed to Amelia’s side. ‘I noticed someone lurking over there in those trees. However, I did not realise what he meant to do until I saw him lift his arm.’

‘Did you see his face, Miss Barton?’ Harry asked. ‘I’m dashed if I noticed anything until I heard the shot.’

‘He was wearing a dark hat and a muffler,’ Emily told him. ‘I am sorry. I know that is of little use to you, but it was all I saw.’

Harry nodded and looked grim. ‘Forgive us, Amelia. We expected something might happen, but not like this…on such a night. What kind of a man would attempt murder on Christmas Eve?’

‘What do you mean?’ Amelia stared at him. Her wrist stung where a thorn had penetrated her glove and she was feeling a little sick inside. ‘Why did you expect something to happen?’

‘Come, get inside the carriage, ladies,’ Harry said. ‘We must take you home. Gerard will explain later. He is coming now…’ He glanced at the earl, who had gone after the assassin. ‘Any luck?’ Gerard shook his head and Harry swore.

‘Amelia, forgive me for pushing you into the holly,’ Gerard apologised. ‘I knew I must act quickly—but have you been hurt?’

‘A mere scratch,’ Amelia told him. ‘Had that ball found its mark, I might be dead.’

‘I think it was meant more as a warning to me,’ Gerard said. He climbed into the carriage with her and Emily. Susannah had gone with some of the other ladies and Harry. ‘I received a threat this morning, when I returned from our walk, Amelia. It was somewhat obscure and I was not truly certain of its meaning, though I had an idea that I was being warned to stay away from you.’

‘To stay away from me?’Amelia stared at him in dismay. ‘What can you mean?’

‘I think someone had guessed that I meant to ask you to marry me—and whoever that person is he has decided that he does not wish for the marriage to go ahead.’

‘He would rather see me dead than as your wife?’ Amelia’s hand shook and she felt cold all over. ‘Who could be so evil? I do not understand who would do such a thing.’

‘Your brother threatened you,’ Emily reminded her. ‘He warned you against renewing your acquaintance with the earl.’

‘Is this true?’

Amelia met Gerard’s concerned look. ‘Yes. Michael has warned me that you are interested only in my fortune many times. I told him that I did not believe you to be so mercenary—and he did tell me that I would be sorry if—’ She broke off and shook her head. ‘I cannot believe that my brother would try to shoot me like that.’

‘He knows that if you marry me he would no longer have a chance of claiming your fortune for himself. I am sorry to say that there are some men who would stop at nothing where a large amount of money is concerned.’

‘Michael is a bully—but I am not certain he would murder for gain.’

‘At the moment he is our most likely suspect.’ Gerard reached for her hand and held it. ‘Do not fear, Amelia. You will be protected. I have already set measures in hand to have you watched all the time. I had not thought it necessary while we stayed at Pendleton. I imagined that you might be at risk once we announce our engagement, but my men will be in place by then.’ His expression was grave. ‘Unless you wish to withdraw in the circumstances?’

‘I refuse to let anyone dictate to me!’ Amelia lifted her head proudly. ‘Whoever this person is, the threat would not go away if we postponed the announcement of our engagement, Gerard.’

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