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The Mysterious Lord Marlowe

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‘As I am,’ George replied. ‘You have no need to remind me of my responsibility. Firstly, I must see you safe, Miss Blair—and then I shall do what I can to find Lady Fanshawe.’

Jane was on thorns. Her independent nature made her wish to escape by whatever means she could. Yet she sensed that George meant to do what he could to help her—and if she ran away now she would have no clue to give her friends. If she could just discover something about Captain Blake, her friends might be able to find and rescue Mariah.

‘You give me your word that you will try to find her? And you will see that Blake pays for his wickedness?’

‘I promise that I shall do what I can, but I am not at liberty to go to the magistrates immediately.’

George reached across the table, laying his hand on hers. It was a simple gesture, but something in his manner made her decide that he was honest and meant to do what he could for both her and Mariah.

‘Then I shall seriously consider what you’ve said, sir.’

‘Good.’ His smile lit up his face and for a moment Jane’s heart caught. ‘You are a brave and sensible lady, Jane.’

Jane ate some of the bacon and egg, then finished her coffee. Her thoughts were confused, but she was trying to make sense of what she knew to be a precarious situation. If Captain Blake was as ruthless as she believed, she could hardly demand that this man risk his own life more than he already had for her sake.

‘I know that you have risked your life for mine, sir—and I believe you are doing what you think best, but I am anxious for Mariah.’

‘I understand your anxiety, but first I must make certain that you are safe—after that I shall do what I can to help your friend.’

‘I have no wish to be that evil rogue’s next victim,’ Jane replied. ‘However, I am concerned that Blake will harm Mariah. If that happened, I should not be able to live with my conscience—as you ought not.’

‘You must trust me,’ George said. ‘Your friend may be confined anywhere. Even if we managed to have Blake arrested and called out the militia to search for her, we might not find her. If she is bound or securely confined in a secluded house, she might die alone and in terrible distress. On the other hand, Blake’s interest is in keeping her alive and well until she consents to wed him.’

Jane looked at him in horror. ‘You think Blake would refuse to reveal her whereabouts if he were arrested?’

‘Why should he confess when it would hang him? At the moment it is my word against his.

Even with you as a witness it is not certain that we should be believed—and I should be reluctant to involve you for it would inevitably result in a loss of reputation for you. If Blake were to remain at liberty, my life would be at risk.’

‘And mine. I saw his eyes and he knows it.’

‘Exactly. Which is another reason why it is best if you remain hidden. Your testimony may be required to convict him since mine may not be believed, though I shall keep you out of it if I can. However, he has only to murder us both and there would be none left who dare speak against him.’

‘Yes, I see that,’ Jane agreed reluctantly. ‘So what must we do?’

‘If you will consent to remain hidden, I shall do my utmost to discover Lady Fanshawe’s whereabouts and to rescue her.’

‘Do you give me your word?’

‘You have my word, but I must be allowed to do things my way. Lady Fanshawe’s life is not the only one at risk here. If she is forced into marriage against her will, an annulment might be arranged.’

‘She would be ruined in the eyes of society.’

‘Lady Fanshawe is a victim and most will have sympathy for her. Another person’s happiness is at stake here and I have a duty to that person. I see you condemn me—but I am caught between duty and loyalty.’

Jane saw that he was deeply affected. It was a terrible coil and she found herself unable to condemn him as certainly as she had. He had become embroiled in an unpleasant affair for reasons he was not prepared to divulge. While she condemned the wicked abduction of an innocent young woman, she had begun to realise that George’s motives were compelling. He had acted out of a misguided attempt to help someone he was protecting.

‘So Blake is blackmailing you?’

‘Not me—but there is blackmail involved.’

‘Yes, I understand.’ Jane nodded. ‘I see how you were tricked into helping that rogue, but now you must do all you can to make this right.

I will stay with your nurse for a day or so, but it cannot be longer. My brother will be anxious.’

‘Perhaps I could send a letter for you—if you will give me your name? Your true name, for I do not believe you are called Jane Blair.’

‘I shall think about it,’ Jane replied. ‘If you will allow me some privacy, I shall make myself ready and then perhaps we should leave. For the moment I am content to do as you ask.’

‘Thank you.’ George hesitated, then leaned forwards to kiss her cheek. Jane moved her head inadvertently and his mouth brushed hers in the lightest of kisses. ‘Thank you for believing in me, Jane. I’ve never met such a brave and decisive lady before. Most ladies of my acquaintance would have been in floods of tears long before this.’

Jane blushed, her heart racing. How ridiculous! He’d meant only to kiss her cheek as a thank-you, but the feel of his lips on hers had sent a tingle racing through her, which was ridiculous because she had long ago given up all thought of love and marriage.

She was not the sort of woman men admired or wanted as their wives; her independence and habit of speaking her mind actually repulsed men who might otherwise have thought her a suitable match. Although not without fortune, she was plain and too outspoken to please generally.

‘Nonsense,’ she said and turned away, a flush in her cheeks. ‘Crying would change nothing. We must think of Mariah and do what is best for her.’

‘You have discovered a clue?’ Justin asked. He glanced at Andrew. ‘Pray do not keep me in suspense. Does this concern Mariah or your sister?’

‘I made some enquiries myself and discovered that the carriage used for the abduction of Mariah and Jane turned off before reaching the toll. I therefore rode across country and was able to discover that a few miles from Avonlea an unconscious lady was seen being transferred from one carriage to another. I have been told that both carriages then set off in different directions.’

‘I am not sure what this means.’

‘We believe that Mariah was indeed the intended victim.’ Justin nodded. ‘It seems to me that Mariah was taken off by one of them and several men remained with the first carriage in which Jane was taken somewhere else.’

‘Yes, that would appear to be the logical explanation. So your search has been split—a clever ruse to confuse the situation, perhaps?’

‘After employing the agent I told you of, I made a further search myself and was able to trace Mariah’s carriage to its final destination.

Indeed, I discovered it still at the property, where it had been abandoned.’

‘You have discovered one of the ladies?’

‘Unfortunately not,’ Andrew replied. ‘The house was deserted, but there were signs of it having been used recently. By the look of it no one had been there for years until one of the captives was taken there. It was because it had fallen into disuse that I was guided there by a curious bystander. He had worked up at the hall, as he called it, and knew that the old man had died. The owner had no immediate family and died intestate, which meant the land and property had been neglected while lawyers attempted to find the rightful beneficiaries.’

‘It will, of course, go to the Crown if none are found, but left to decay it will fetch little enough. What made your informant so curious?’

‘The carriage swept past him and frightened a flock of sheep he was driving into new pasture. One of them injured itself and he was angry so he went up to the house to remonstrate and saw a woman being carried into the house. He thought she was unconscious, but, apart from telling his wife, he did nothing more until he heard that I was making enquiries at the local inn. I paid him a guinea, which was recompense for the animal’s injuries and he described the carriage and one of the men he saw.’

‘But when you went to the house it was empty?’

‘I found a back door open and went in. I searched every room. One bedroom had been occupied. The bed looked as if someone had lain on it and there was a tray of food and wine. The window was unlatched. There were signs of people having been elsewhere in the house—but nothing to tell me who might have been there.’ Andrew paused and his mouth thinned. ‘However, in the bedroom, I found a reticule that belongs to my sister. She must have had it with her when they took her to the house and left it there on the floor by the bed.’

‘Then you can be certain she was in the house,’ Avonlea said. ‘Did you find blood or the signs of a struggle?’

‘No, thank God!’ Andrew rubbed at the side of his nose. ‘I saw some branches that had broken recently in a tree near the open window. I believe—I have hope that—Jane may have got out of that window and scrambled down through the tree.’

Justin stared at him in disbelief. ‘Is it possible? Would she have tried to escape that way?’
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