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Proposals in Regency Society: Make-Believe Wife / The Homeless Heiress

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‘Humph. Got it all worked out, have you? Answer me this—why now? That strong room has been there for a hundred and fifty years and no one has ever tried to break in before this—couldn’t if they tried. It would take a team of men to break that door down—and then they couldn’t open it unless they knew the trick. It’s a secret puzzle lock known only to me and now Luke.’

‘I do not know why now, sir. Why do you think it happened?’

‘I knew there was something suspicious about that ruby. Who did you steal it from?’

‘I did not steal it.’

‘Where did it come from then? It ain’t the kind of thing a girl like you ought to have—unless you got it from a lover. Have you been the mistress of a rich man, girl? Did you steal it from him in a fit of pique?’

‘No, I have not been a rich man’s lover, sir.’ Roxanne hesitated, then, ‘I am not sure of its history. Luke is trying to find out what he can for me. I had it in my hand when—Sofia found me. I was about fourteen, very ill, alone and frightened—and I had lost my memory. I did not know my own name then and to this day I do not recall it. She says I would not let go of the ruby and claimed it was mine. When at last I did let her take it from me, she hid it and I forgot about it for years, until she reminded me as she was dying.’

The old man’s eyes gleamed. ‘I knew there was something. You were too good to be true, miss. I suspected something was wrong from the start.’

‘Well, now you know it all. Do you wish me to leave?’

The earl was silent for a moment, then, ‘You had best tell me all of it, girl. How did you meet my grandson—and why did he bring you here as his fiancée?’

‘After Sofia died I was not safe amongst the people we travelled with. One of them wanted me as his mistress so I ran away when he was making arrangements to give a performance at a theatre in the town nearby.’

‘You are an actress?’

‘Yes, I have been an actress—but Sofia was certain I had been properly reared, though I have no memory of my past.’

‘So it was a lie about your father being in India?’

‘It was just something that came into my mind. I believe there may be a connection between the ruby and India. I do not know who my father was—or if he is still alive.’

‘You think it has a connection with India, but you do not know?’

‘I am not certain, but recently the idea has become stronger.’

‘So how did you meet Clarendon?’

‘He had a tumble from his horse. His ankle was painful and we thought it might be broken, though it was actually a displaced bone. I helped him and then recaptured his horse. We went to an inn to stay for the night and a doctor was called. The landlord sent someone to break into the chamber and rob Clarendon when he was sleeping, because he was unwell and vulnerable—but I had stayed to care for him lest he took a fever. I was awake and I had a poker. When the intruder saw that I was ready to fight him, the rogue ran off. The next day, your grandson begged me to stay with him until he was safe in London—and he took me to stay with someone called Mrs Mills.’

‘Saved his backside for a second time, did you?’

‘He insisted I had saved his life, but I dare say it was no such thing. The lady I visited was very respectable. I might have been in London still, but at a fair on the Heath I saw Black Bob and told Luke I must leave. He asked me to enter into an engagement and—you know the rest.’

‘I knew it.’ The earl glared at her. ‘It was all a masquerade from start to finish.’

‘No…not quite. Luke wanted to make you happy. At first I agreed reluctantly, but then I came here—and I wanted to stay. If this had not happened I might have married Luke, if he wished it—and you agreed. I think we might have given you an heir and then, if he wished, parted. Now I think perhaps I should leave before he returns.’

‘Leave the sinking ship, eh? Is that all you’re good for—running away? I thought you had more spunk than that, girl?’

Roxanne’s cheeks flamed. ‘No, that is not fair. I would have married Luke if he wished…but you cannot want me to stay now you know the truth. You cannot wish him to marry a girl who does not know her own family.’

‘Know my mind better than I do, do you?’ The earl stared at her hard. ‘You’ve told me the truth as you know it?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Held nothing back?’

‘Nothing, I swear.’

‘I ought to send the pair of you packing—but I want that heir. Clarendon isn’t going to oblige me in a hurry if I send you away, so you can stay. You will marry him in a month or so. No reason to wait for three months if a letter isn’t coming.’

‘You want me to marry Luke?’

‘Nothing the matter with your hearing, is there? I don’t know who your father was or whether he gave you that damned ruby, but I can see quality in you. Tell you the truth, our family goes back to a privateer who came from yeoman stock and rose to be an earl through pleasing Good Queen Bess. Since then we’ve married into good and bad blood. It may be time we had some fresh blood in the family. If you’ve lied to me, we may both be sorry, but I’m going to trust you—on one condition.’

‘That is?’

‘Luke is not informed that I know the truth.’

‘You wish me to lie to him?’

‘You have been lying to me.’

‘No—at least I didn’t actually lie. I merely allowed you to think what you would, sir.’

‘I said you were clever with words. I suppose that comes from being an actress. Is it all an act or do you actually care for the fellow?’

‘I believe you know the answer, sir.’

‘Humph. He’s bitten off more than he can chew, hasn’t he?’

‘I shall not demand more than he is willing to give.’

‘My grandson chose to play a little trick on me—now I’ve turned the tables, but it may all be for the best. So—what do you say?’

‘I can only say yes—and thank you.’

‘Nothing to thank me for, girl. I’ll still throw you both out on your ear if I discover you’ve spun me a tissue of lies.’

‘I promise you I have not—though in truth I do not know who owns the ruby. Perhaps I did steal it. I cannot know for certain.’

‘Damn the thing. If the owner wants it back, he can have it. You won’t want for jewels as my grandson’s wife—there’s a strong room full of the damned things if you’ve a mind to wear them.’

‘If there were some pearls I could wear to the ball, I should be glad to borrow them, but I have no great desire either for jewels or huge wealth. However, a beautiful home where I feel safe and might do some good is a precious thing I should value.’

His eyes glittered. ‘You are either a treasure or a consummate liar. We shall just have to see whether you fall flat on your face, Miss Roxanne.’

‘I still do not know why someone should attempt to break into your strong room. How could anyone know I had the ruby or that I had given it to Luke?’

‘Whoever it was may have tried to enter the strong room on the chance it was there. If he followed you here in the first place, the rogue must have discovered you have the ruby. Perhaps he has only just discovered that it is in your possession?’

‘Yes, perhaps.’
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