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The Regency Season: Hidden Desires: Courted by the Captain / Protected by the Major

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‘I thought you quite liked her.’

‘She is a sensible young woman. Very different from the young madams that my grandfather has been parading for my benefit. He would not approve, of course, because she has no fortune. He has determined that I shall marry an heiress and I may have to, Paul. His affairs are even worse than I’d imagined. He may be in danger of losing the estate while he lives. I couldn’t stand by and see that happen.’

‘You would not marry money for your own sake, but feel it your duty for his?’ Paul arched his eyebrows.

‘He loves that place,’ Adam said. ‘God forbid that it should come to it—but if it did I might have to find myself an heiress rather than see him go under.’

‘Anyone in mind?’ Paul frowned. ‘Don’t say Lucy Dawlish.’

‘Wouldn’t dream of it. She would never look at me—and I would not tread on your toes, Paul.’

‘Some hope I have of marrying her.’

‘In time, perhaps.’

‘It is impossible. Lucy belongs to Mark.’

‘Must no man have her then? Would you condemn her to remain a spinster for her whole life?’

‘She will marry in time—but not me...never me.’

With that, Paul stormed up the stairs, leaving Adam to stare after him. Paul was in terrible agony, but he must battle it alone for there were no words to comfort him.

Adam walked up the stairs more slowly. In the morning he would ride over and speak to Jenny. She ought to be warned that it was possible she might find herself in some danger.

* * *

‘We shall go riding today, Mama,’ Lucy told her mother on visiting her after taking breakfast in bed. ‘Jenny wishes to speak to Adam and I thought we would ride that way.’

‘Providing that you take a groom with you—and tell him to go armed,’ Lady Dawlish said. ‘I do not wish to frighten you, nor do I truly think you in danger, but we must all take care until that rogue is found and tried for his life.’

‘Please do not worry, Mama,’ Lucy said. ‘Timkins always makes a point of taking a pistol with him just in case. We shall be quite safe with him, I promise you.’

‘Yes, I am sure you will. He has always been devoted to the family, Lucy. Enjoy your ride. I shall speak to Papa about the trip to Bath again today. He is a little reluctant, but I dare say I shall bring him about.’

‘It would be better for all of us. I know I am in mourning and it grieves me truly that Mark should have been robbed of life so cruelly but...poor Jenny deserves a little amusement, do you not think so, Mama? She has had enough unhappiness these past months.’

‘Yes, my love, I do. It is in part for her sake that I mean to convince your father. She has had months of mourning for her father and it is time she was allowed to enjoy her life.’

‘Then I am sure Papa cannot refuse us.’

Lucy kissed her mother’s cheek and went down to the hall, where Jenny was already waiting for her.

‘That habit becomes you,’ Lucy said. ‘The blue brings out the colour of your eyes perfectly.’

‘Papa bought it for me just before he died,’ Jenny said. ‘I put it away because my aunt did not think the colour fitting for a young woman in mourning, but now I may wear what I choose.’

‘Fashions move on so quickly, but something like that is so elegant it is timeless,’ Lucy said slightly envious. ‘This is my old habit. I chose it because it is dark blue and the closest I could come to mourning wear. My favourite riding coat is red and frogged with gold braid and buttons. I did not think it suitable at the moment.’

‘Very true. It is extremely dashing, Lucy, and quite the latest thing, but would not be reflective of your mood, I think. You must have a new habit made for you—perhaps grey or some dark shade.’

‘We may both have several outfits made for us in Bath, Jenny. The seamstresses may not be quite up to the London standard—but I cannot wear the clothes that were intended as my bride clothes yet.’

‘No, of course not.’

The groom had brought their horses forwards and helped first Lucy and then Jenny into the saddle. They walked their horses from the yard and were soon trotting happily in the direction of the Ravenscar estate, the groom following just behind them. Since neither of them was much inclined to talk, they concentrated on riding and simply enjoying the fresh air.

* * *

‘Have you seen Mr Ravenscar, Simmons?’ Adam asked of the head groom as he entered the stable-yard. ‘I thought he meant to ride out with me this morning.’

‘Mr Paul went out earlier, sir,’ the groom replied. ‘He—he took Captain Ravenscar’s stallion.’

‘Good grief—did he? Lochinvar is a devil to ride. Mark could manage him, but he kicked up if anyone else tried to mount him.’

‘That is why he hadn’t been exercised since Mr Mark died, sir. We’d all had a go, but the black-hearted devil wouldn’t let us near him. Mr Paul said he had to be given his exercise and insisted on taking him.’

‘Well, if Lochinvar didn’t tip him off in five seconds he may manage him. I pray that one or the other will not be fatally injured before the day is out.’

‘We must hope for the best, sir.’

Adam grimaced, mounted his horse and rode out of the yard. Paul was clearly still out of sorts despite their talk. Adam had hoped that he’d managed to iron things out, but it seemed his cousin was still too distressed to think properly. Lochinvar was a wonderful stallion and Mark had hoped to breed from him, but it took an iron will to control the beast.

At supper the previous night Paul had agreed to ride over to the Dawlish estate with Adam. Jenny needed to be warned to be on her guard—and Adam wanted to see her. He wanted to be sure she understood her situation and would take no chances.

He set out at a brisk trot. The sun was shining brightly and it was warm even though it was still early. By midday it would probably be hot. It was always best to ride early in summer because the horses might find a brisk workout too much if the day became sultry.

Hearing a shot and then a cry, Adam stiffened. The sound had come from somewhere just ahead of him—and the cry had been human. Urging his horse to gallop, Adam raced over the open ground towards a stand of trees. If he were not mistaken, the sound had come from within the trees.

* * *

‘What was that?’ Jenny cried as the shot rang out just ahead of them. ‘I think someone has been shot.’ She was already pushing her horse to a fast canter when the groom cried out a warning from behind, telling her to wait and leave it to him.

Ignoring him, Jenny pushed her horse on and within seconds she saw the figure lying on the ground a few feet ahead of her. She reined in her mount, threw herself down and rushed towards him. With no thought for her gown or her own safety, she knelt beside the fallen man and turned him on his back. He moaned, but did not immediately open his eyes.

‘Are you badly hurt, sir?’ Jenny ran her hands over his face and body, looking for signs of blood, but thankfully could find none. Of his horse there was no sign and she thought it must have thrown him and gone crashing away through the trees. ‘Paul—Mr Ravenscar, please speak to me.’

Another horseman had arrived. Jenny did not look up, but was somehow not surprised when Adam’s voice spoke to her, ‘Is he still alive?’

‘Yes. He moaned just now. We heard the shot, but I cannot find any blood. I think his horse must have been spooked and thrown him.’

‘That is exactly what happened. He was riding Lochinvar—that horse is difficult enough at any time. If the shot were close enough to frighten him, Paul would not have stood a chance of holding on.’

‘Damn and blast...’ Paul muttered, his eyes flickering and then opening. He stared up at them. ‘What the hell happened to me?’

‘You fell from your horse,’ Jenny said.

‘I imagine someone took a pot shot at you and scared Lochinvar silly.’
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