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Transformations in the global economy and global finance under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Монография.

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The monograph examines the impact of the crisis associated with THE COVID - 19 pandemic on the global economy and finance. The analysis of the impact of the coronavirus crisis on global dollar funding, world banking, international trade, payment
systems, tourism and transport was carried out. The assessment of anti-crisis state policy of various countries, as well as the activities of development banks is given. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the global crisis on the debt burden
of the public and private sectors and the stability of the global financial system. The conditions of the international energy market are considered. Taking into account the impact of the pandemic on digital technologies, trends in the cryptocurrency
market and its main risks are analyzed.
The monograph is intended for specialists in economics and finance, scholars, lecturers and students, as well as anyone interested in the problems of the world economy and world finance.
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