"Yes, sir."
"You must have had some conversation with him, then, about this murder? He was too nearly concerned in it not to take some interest in the affair?"
"Yes, sir; Gryce takes an interest in all murder cases."
"Well, then, what did he have to say about this one? He gave an opinion, I suppose?"
"No, sir. Gryce never gives an opinion without study, and we detectives have no time to study up an affair not our own. If you want to know what Gryce thinks about a crime, you have got to put the case into his hands."
Mr. Ferris paused and seemed to ruminate. Seeing this, Mr. Byrd flushed and cast a side glance at Hickory, who returned him an expressive shrug.
"Mr. Ferris," ventured the former, "if you wish to consult with Mr. Gryce on this matter, do not hesitate because of us. Both Hickory and myself acknowledge we are more or less baffled by this case, and Gryce's judgment is a good thing to have in a perplexity."
"You think so?" queried the District Attorney.
"I do," said Byrd.
Mr. Ferris glanced at Hickory.
"Oh, have the old man here if you want him," was that detective's blunt reply. "I have nothing to say against your getting all the light you can on this affair."
"Very good," returned Mr. Ferris. "You may give me his address before you go."
"His address for to-night is Utica," observed Byrd. "He could be here before morning, if you wanted him."
"I am in no such hurry as that," returned Mr. Ferris, and he sank again into thought.
The detectives took advantage of his abstraction to utter a few private condolences in each other's ears.
"So it seems we are to be laid on the shelf," whispered Hickory.
"Yes, for which let us be thankful," answered Byrd.
"Why? Are you getting tired of the affair?"
A humorous twinkle shone for a minute in Hickory's eye.
"Pooh!" said he, "it's just getting interesting."
"Opinions differ," quoth Byrd.
"Not much," retorted Hickory.
Something in the way he said this made Byrd look at him more intently. He instantly changed his tone.
"Old fellow," said he, "you don't believe Miss Dare committed this crime any more than I do."
A sly twinkle answered him from the detective's half-shut eye.
"All that talk of having seen through your disguise in the hut is just nonsense on your part to cover up your real notion about it. What is that notion, Hickory? Come, out with it; let us understand each other thoroughly at last."
"Do I understand you?"
"You shall, when you tell me just what your convictions are in this matter."
"Well, then," replied Hickory, with a short glance at Mr. Ferris, "I believe (it's hard as pulling teeth to own it) that neither of them did it: that she thought him guilty and he thought her so, but that in reality the crime lies at the door of some third party totally disconnected with either of them."
"Such as Gouverneur Hildreth?" whispered Byrd.
"Such – as – Gouverneur Hildreth," drawled Hickory.
The two detectives eyed each other, smiled, and turned with relieved countenances toward the District Attorney. He was looking at them with great earnestness.
"That is your joint opinion?" he remarked.
"It is mine," cried Hickory, bringing his fist down on the table with a vim that made every individual article on it jump.
"It is and it is not mine," acquiesced Byrd, as the eye of Mr. Ferris turned in his direction. "Mr. Mansell may be innocent – indeed, after hearing Hickory's explanation of his conduct, I am ready to believe he is – but to say that Gouverneur Hildreth is guilty comes hard to me after the long struggle I have maintained in favor of his innocence. Yet, what other conclusion remains after an impartial view of the subject? None. Then why should I shrink from acknowledging I was at fault, or hesitate to admit a defeat where so many causes combined to mislead me?"
"Which means you agree with Hickory?" ventured the District Attorney.
Mr. Byrd slowly bowed.
Mr. Ferris continued for a moment looking alternately from one to the other; then he observed:
"When two such men unite in an opinion, it is at least worthy of consideration." And, rising, he took on an aspect of sudden determination. "Whatever may be the truth in regard to this matter," said he, "one duty is clear. Miss Dare, as you inform me, has been – with but little idea of the consequences, I am sure – allowed to remain under the impression that the interview which she held in the hut was with her lover. As her belief in the prisoner's guilt doubtless rests upon the admissions which were at that time made in her hearing, it is palpable that a grave injustice has been done both to her and to him by leaving this mistake of hers uncorrected. I therefore consider it due to Miss Dare, as well as to the prisoner, to undeceive her on this score before another hour has passed over our heads. I must therefore request you, Mr. Byrd, to bring the lady here. You will find her still in the court-house, I think, as she requested leave to remain in the room below till the crowd had left the streets."
Mr. Byrd, who, in the new light which had been thrown on the affair by his own and Hickory's suppositions, could not but see the justice of this, rose with alacrity to obey.
"I will bring her if she is in the building," he declared, hurriedly leaving the room.
"And if she is not," Mr. Ferris remarked, with a glance at the consciously rebuked Hickory, "we shall have to follow her to her home, that is all. I am determined to see this woman's mind cleared of all misapprehensions before I take another step in the way of my duty.
If circumstances lead me, I will find
Where truth is hid, though it were hid, indeed,
Within the centre. – Hamlet.
IF Mr. Ferris, in seeking this interview with Miss Dare, had been influenced by any hope of finding her in an unsettled and hesitating state of mind, he was effectually undeceived, when, after a few minutes' absence, Mr. Byrd returned with her to his presence. Though her physical strength was nearly exhausted, and she looked quite pale and worn, there was a steady gleam in her eye, which spoke of an unshaken purpose.
Seeing it, and noting the forced humility with which she awaited his bidding at the threshold, the District Attorney, for the first time perhaps, realized the power of this great, if perverted, nature, and advancing with real kindness to the door, he greeted her with as much deference as he ever showed to ladies, and gravely pushed toward her a chair.