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Hand and Ring

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"He did."

"Did you accept him?"

"I did not."

"Did you refuse him?"

"I refused to engage myself to him."

"Miss Dare, will you tell us when you left Buffalo?"

"On the nineteenth day of August last."

"Did the prisoner accompany you?"

"He did not."

"Upon what sort of terms did you part?"

"Good terms, sir."

"Do you mean friendly terms, or such as are held by a man and a woman between whom an attachment exists which, under favorable circumstances, may culminate in marriage?"

"The latter, sir, I think."

"Did you receive any letters from the prisoner after your return to Sibley?"

"Yes, sir."

"And did you answer them?"

"I did."

"Miss Dare, may I now ask what reasons you gave the prisoner for declining his offer – that is, if my friend does not object to the question?" added the District Attorney, turning with courtesy toward Mr. Orcutt.

The latter, who had started to his feet, bowed composedly and prepared to resume his seat.

"I desire to put nothing in the way of your eliciting the whole truth concerning this matter," was his quiet, if somewhat constrained, response.

Mr. Ferris at once turned back to Miss Dare.

"You will, then, answer," he said.

Imogene lifted her head and complied.

"I told him," she declared, with thrilling distinctness, "that he was in no condition to marry. I am by nature an ambitious woman, and, not having suffered at that time, thought more of my position before the world than of what constitutes the worth and dignity of a man."

No one who heard these words could doubt they were addressed to the prisoner. Haughtily as she held herself, there was a deprecatory humility in her tone that neither judge nor jury could have elicited from her. Naturally many eyes turned in the direction of the prisoner. They saw two white faces before them, that of the accused and that of his counsel, who sat near him. But the pallor of the one was of scorn, and that of the other – Well, no one who knew the relations of Mr. Orcutt to the witness could wonder that the renowned lawyer shrank from hearing the woman he loved confess her partiality for another man.

Mr. Ferris, who understood the situation as well as any one, but who had passed the point where sympathy could interfere with his action, showed a disposition to press his advantage.

"Miss Dare," he inquired, "in declining the proposals of the prisoner, did you state to him in so many words these objections you have here mentioned?"

"I did."

"And what answer did he give you?"

"He replied that he was also ambitious, and hoped and intended to make a success in life."

"And did he tell you how he hoped and intended to make a success?"

"He did."

"Miss Dare, were these letters written by you?"

She looked at the packet he held toward her, started as she saw the broad black ribbon that encircled it, and bowed her head.

"I have no doubt these are my letters," she rejoined, a little tremulously for her. And unbinding the packet, she examined its contents. "Yes," she answered, "they are. These letters were all written by me."

And she handed them back with such haste that the ribbon which bound them remained in her fingers, where consciously or unconsciously she held it clutched all through the remaining time of her examination.

"Now," said the District Attorney, "I propose to read two of these letters. Does my friend wish to look at them before I offer them in evidence?" holding them out to Mr. Orcutt.

Every eye in the court-room was fixed upon the latter's face, as the letters addressed to his rival by the woman he wished to make his wife, were tendered in this public manner to his inspection. Even the iron face of Mansell relaxed into an expression of commiseration as he turned and surveyed the man who, in despite of the anomalous position they held toward each other, was thus engaged in battling for his life before the eyes of the whole world. At that instant there was not a spectator who did not feel that Tremont Orcutt was the hero of the moment.

He slowly turned to the prisoner:

"Have you any objection to these letters being read?"

"No," returned the other, in a low tone.

Mr. Orcutt turned firmly to the District Attorney:

"You may read them if you think proper," said he.

Mr. Ferris bowed; the letters were marked as exhibits by the stenographic reporter who was taking the minutes of testimony, and handed back to Ferris, who proceeded to read the following in a clear voice to the jury:

    "Sibley, N. Y., September 7, 1882.

"Dear Friend, – You show signs of impatience, and ask for a word to help you through this period of uncertainty and unrest. What can I say more than I have said? That I believe in you and in your invention, and proudly wait for the hour when you will come to claim me with the fruit of your labors in your hand. I am impatient myself, but I have more trust than you. Some one will see the value of your work before long, or else your aunt will interest herself in your success, and lend you that practical assistance which you need to start you in the way of fortune and fame. I cannot think you are going to fail. I will not allow myself to look forward to any thing less than success for you and happiness for myself. For the one involves the other, as you must know by this time, or else believe me to be the most heartless of coquettes.

"Wishing to see you, but of the opinion that further meetings between us would be unwise till our future looks more settled, I remain, hopefully yours,

    "Imogene Dare."

"The other letter I propose to read," continued Mr. Ferris, "is dated September 23d, three days before the widow's death.

"Dear Craik, – Since you insist upon seeing me, and say that you have reasons of your own for not visiting me openly, I will consent to meet you at the trysting spot you mention, though all such underhand dealings are as foreign to my nature as I believe them to be to yours.
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