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A Family for Tyler

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The woman knelt in front of Tyler, her hands on his shoulders. She was speaking, but for some reason, Emily couldn’t hear her words. Maybe it was the roaring in her ears. She took a deep breath, noting the relaxing scents of the fields and heat. She could do this.

She stepped forward, moving through the open gate. She extended her hand just as the woman started to speak to Tyler again.

“He was walking into town,” Emily interrupted.

The blonde’s jaw dropped open. “That’s over ten miles.”

“He didn’t get there.” Anger and a dose of panic rippled through Emily. She should have trusted her gut. She should have sent this boy to social services. She should have—

“Tyler, you scared us half to death.” The woman had none of Emily’s hesitation in grabbing him and hugging him tight.

“Sorry,” he mumbled from inside her tight embrace.

She finally let him go and took his hand in hers. “Let’s go call Wyatt.”

“He’s not here?” Emily felt her brow rise.

“No.” The woman turned back with her own frown. “He’s been out searching for this one. I hope his cell works in the gullies and canyons he’s checking.”

“Oh.” Emily felt silly. Her suspicious nature always made her feel like a shrew. “I’ll... I’ll get his backpack from the car.”

“Oh, thank you. Please. Where are my manners? I’m Addie Hawkins. Wyatt’s my brother. Guessing by the time, you’re Judge Ivers.”

Relief slid through Emily and she forced herself to ignore it. This was his sister...not—she forced her mind to focus on her steps and the task of getting the backpack—not a girlfriend.

The beaten backpack was heavy in Emily’s hand. What had he packed? She pulled it out and walked around the car.

A thundering roar grew in the distance, freezing Emily in place, stealing the words she was about to say. She’d heard that sound before, a long time ago—a lifetime ago. She shook her head, looking up at the sky, hoping to see a building thunderhead somewhere, anywhere. Clear blue skies stared back at her.

Her heart pounded in her chest. The damp that had been in her palms spread throughout her body. Her breath froze.

Emily watched the solitary rider appear on the horizon. Wyatt sat atop a wide-shouldered horse whose mane and tail were silhouetted in the afternoon light. He was riding quickly toward the house, and she nearly expected his hat to fly off like in all those old cowboy movies she’d watched as a kid.

He drew closer, the shadows let go and she could see the details of him. He was dressed the part of a cowboy, unlike the man who had appeared in her courtroom just days ago wearing an expensive tailored suit. No, this cowboy wore a blue shirt that contrasted with his worn Levi’s. Costly but worn Ropers were snug in the stirrups.

She’d just turned her head, catching a glimpse of white, when the great white horse rumbled into the yard, clearing the low fence with ease. He landed with a heavy thud just inches from her.

Wyatt jumped down from the horse’s back, landing with a similar thud.

“Where is he?” Wyatt barked out the words as he swung out of the saddle.

She looked up at him. Sweat glistened on his face and he yanked the Stetson off and swiped his brow with his sleeve.

“In the house.”

Before she could say or ask anything more, he tossed the reins to her and loped across the lawn.

She caught the reins—a habit she’d thought long forgotten. He’d made the assumption, like everyone did, that people who lived in Texas knew horses. She did, of course, but she hated his assumption.

She stood there a long, silent moment.

Big. Huge. Brown eyes stared at her. She could see the horse’s long lashes as it blinked at her. It—she glanced around and amended—he.

The horse tossed his head and whickered before taking a step forward. Emily froze and dropped the reins. The well-trained horse didn’t move, but Emily saw a whole new set of images. Of another horse. One not as big, but whose eyes were just as beautiful and soulful. Whose coat was just as pure white.

“Sugar,” she whispered. But Sugar was gone. Long gone.

The horse’s big chocolate eyes stared at her, slowly batting its big eyelashes. The horse took a step toward her, and Emily crumbled into the darkness.


“AH, HELL.” WYATT realized his mistake the instant he let go of the reins. He spun around just in time to keep the judge from landing on her pretty little butt in the grass.

He’d been in such a hurry to check on Tyler that he’d barely registered that she had arrived. Great timing. Maybe she didn’t realize Tyler had been missing for the better part of the afternoon. He could hope.

He curled his arms in, pulling her up against his chest. Her softness, and the scent of something sweet wafting in the air, registered along with Prism’s shadow falling over them. Wyatt whistled and his foreman, Chet, stuck his head out of the barn.

“Come get Prism, will you?” Wyatt yelled.

The wiry old man hustled across the drive and through the gate to take the horse. “Gracious, who you got there?” Chet peered past Prism’s shoulders.

“The judge,” Wyatt explained, knowing Chet knew the situation with Tyler. “Seems she’s scared of horses.” Her eyelids fluttered and Wyatt hastened to the steps to get her inside and away from the horse.

“Come on, boy. Just my luck. He gets to catch the girl and I’m stuck with you.” Chet’s words followed Wyatt toward the house as the old man led Prism out through the gate.

“Addie,” Wyatt yelled as he stepped inside the foyer. He headed to the living room, and was halfway to the couch when the judge’s eyes opened. Wyatt found himself staring into a very startled pair of deep brown eyes. Her panic surprised him.

“Put me down!” She wiggled and Wyatt struggled to keep from dropping her. She managed, with his help, to land on her feet—barely. She wobbled and he wasn’t sure if it was her condition or those ridiculous heels.

“Sit down,” he commanded and guided her to the couch. “Better yet, lie down until we figure out if you’re okay.”

“I’m fine.” She did, however, sit down.


Her color was returning and she closed her eyes while she took several deep breaths.

Lame horses, banged-up cowboys and even flash storms, Wyatt knew how to handle. Women didn’t normally swoon at his feet, so he was at a loss of what to do. Where the hell was Addie? “Can I get you anything?”

The judge looked at him then, and the shimmer in her eyes startled him.

“Maybe some water. I...must have been out in the heat too long.” She rubbed her forehead with a trembling hand.

“Sure. Add—” he yelled then stopped himself when he saw his sister appear in the doorway. Tyler was behind her, munching on a cookie that was bigger than his hand.

“Tyler, where have you been? Are you okay?” Wyatt hunkered down beside the boy, the judge left to Addie’s care.

“I’m okay,” Tyler said around a mouth full of chocolate.
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