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Husband By Arrangement

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Rena’s cheeks filled with pink at the words.

Scott didn’t like seeing her uncomfortable. “Thanks again, Cyrus. We’ll come by later.”

Cyrus made a motion like he would leave, but he stopped with his hand on the door. “You know, I never noticed the two of you showing much interest in one another. Don’t seem like you were even courting, and now you’re married.”

Scott moved from behind his desk and came to stand beside Rena. He put his arm around her shoulders and felt her stiffen at his touch. A glance at her face showed her determination to protect their privacy.

He spoke to the mercantile owner. “Sometimes these notions come on a man sudden like.”

Cyrus rubbed a hand across the stubble on the side of his round face. “Sudden like, huh?”

“Yes.” Scott wanted to laugh at the man’s puzzled expression, but that would ruin the effect. “If you’ll excuse us, I promised my wife lunch over at the hotel.”

“Sure.” Cyrus went out the door slowly.

Rena stepped away from Scott as soon as Cyrus left. “Was that necessary?”

Scott chuckled. “I have probably just made short work of an explanation to the townsfolk for our sudden marriage.” He pushed his hat on and opened the door for her. “With Cyrus’s need to know and share everything he learns about anyone’s business, I dare say most of Gran Colina will be talking about our whirlwind romance over their evening meals tonight.”

“Oh, I see.” The sadness that had shrouded her features at the homestead lifted just a bit. “You are right. I only hope Charlotte is as easy to convince. I just finished packing my things and haven’t had a chance to see her yet.”

“I imagine she’ll be in the restaurant when we go. You can tell her then.”

At Green’s Grand Hotel, Charlotte was indeed working. She showed them to a table by the window and promised to return for a chat as soon as she’d helped to serve the lunch crowd.

Rena ate the special with more enthusiasm than he’d seen from her in the last two days.

“Are dumplings a favorite of yours?” He cut into his steak and took a bite.

She dabbed the corners of her mouth with a fancy napkin. “Yes. Charlotte’s mother is an amazing cook.”

He lowered his voice. “I’m glad to see your appetite restored.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Did you have an opportunity to speak with your father?”

“Yes. We had a good talk.”

She cleared her throat, so he decided to change the subject. “I want to stop at the livery and see if Russell Henderson knows anyone who has a cow for sale.”

Rena buttered a slice of bread. “Are you certain you won’t let me ask Papa about that? I’m sure he’d be glad to help with the expenses you’ll be burdened with on my account. You could think of it like a dowry of sorts.”

“I will provide what we need. You know me well enough to know that I speak my mind.” He lifted his glass of tea. “And that I rarely change it once I’ve made it up.”

“I do.”

Charlotte came to the table. “It’s been so busy today.” She rested a hand on Rena’s shoulder. “But I have time for you to tell me all about how you managed to get married without any clue of your courtship to me—your dearest friend in the world.” Charlotte put both hands just below her throat and pressed. “Why, I may never get over the hurt.” Her wink at Rena revealed her teasing nature.

“Charlotte!” Mrs. Green’s voice came from the open kitchen door. “I need your help.”

“Oh well. Maybe I’ll get a minute soon. Enjoy your lunch.” Charlotte waved her fingers and rushed to help her mother.

“Seems as though Charlotte isn’t opposed to our arrangement.”

Rena folded her napkin and took a drink of her tea. “It’s not in her nature to think poorly of anyone. She always looks for the best and believes it. Sometimes even after she’s learned otherwise.”

The next few minutes seemed like an hour. He ate his steak, but it wasn’t as satisfying as the last time he’d eaten at the hotel. No doubt, his appetite was as affected as Rena’s had been by the changes in their lives. But he wasn’t about to leave a good steak on the plate, even if she did sit in silence with her mind on unknown thoughts.

Charlotte came back to the table as he finished his meal. She carried two small plates and put them on the table in a flourish. “Tea cakes. Mother sends her blessings and congratulations on your marriage. She also apologizes for being so busy. She’ll try to stop by your table if she can.”

A smile crossed Rena’s face. “How very kind. Thank her for me.”

“I will.” Charlotte indicated an empty chair. “May I?”


Charlotte sat and rested her elbows on the table. “Tell me everything.” Her wide eyes made Scott know he didn’t want to be at the table for this conversation.

“Rena, I’m going back to the office. You enjoy your visit with Charlotte.” He pushed his chair back and stood.

“Please don’t leave on my account,” Charlotte said.

“You ladies have your talk. I’ve got work to do.” He dropped a hand on Rena’s shoulder. “Come to my office when you’re done.” Again he felt her tense at his touch. He hated to add to her discomfort, but he didn’t intend his wife to be the subject of gossip when her pregnancy became obvious. It was best he show her the kind of attention a husband would be expected to show to prevent undue attention from others later.

He pulled money from his pocket and gave it to Rena. “Settle the bill for us, please.” He picked up a tea cake and took a bite. He lifted it in salute to thank Charlotte and headed for the door.

He had his hand on the door when Charlotte’s father called to him.

“Sheriff, can I trouble you for a minute?”

Scott ate the rest of his cookie as he walked to the registration desk. “Afternoon, Charles. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I hate to say anything, but I think I should, seeing how close my Charlotte is to your wife. And her being the mayor’s daughter and all.”

The hair stood up on the back of Scott’s neck. Had their plan already been discovered? “If you have knowledge of something I need to know, I’d be grateful if you’d share.” He kept his voice calm but braced himself for what might be coming next.

“I was in the post office a few minutes ago. Cyrus Busby was in there, too. He was asking Miss Alexander if she’d had any inkling of your romancing Miss Livingston before yesterday.”

He’d have to answer carefully. It was one thing for Cyrus to spread the news that they had a whirlwind romance. It was another thing entirely for him to question whether there was a romance. “He asked me the same thing in my office just before lunch. You know he’s always looking for something to talk about.”

Charles chuckled. “Like a woman on a wagon train.”

Scott laughed. “I told him our relationship was sudden. You know how we men are. Once we make up our mind about a thing, there’s no need to dally over it.”

“That’s true. Just the same, I think you should know what was said.” Charles looked around and lowered his voice. “Miss Alexander said that Jack Jefferson asked her about the two of you this morning. He seemed to be hinting that there was some unknown reason for your sudden nuptials. He told her that one day he’d prove to Gran Colina that you and the mayor weren’t the best leaders for our town. He said to watch what happened in the election. She didn’t like the sound of it and told Cyrus as much.”

“Jack Jefferson has been on the hunt for a reason to discredit me since I took his nephew’s job. Never mind that Gilbert never lifted a hand to slow the tide of crime in Gran Colina.” Scott didn’t like the sound of this gossip. Not one bit. “Thanks for letting me know. I suggest you ignore Jefferson. Just like I have to on almost everything.”
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