40 For on my holy mountain, on the high mountain of Israel,“ says the LORD God, „all the house of Israel will serve me there, as many as there are on earth; there I will receive them with pleasure, and there I will demand your offerings and your firstfruits with all your holy things. (It is possible to serve «My holy mountain» – Zion, although the so-called god himself forbade worshipping heights, but this is the «right» height, the main thing is to drag offerings and rudiments more often, and that would be without a flaw!).
41 I will receive you as a fragrant incense when I bring you out of the nations and gather you from the countries where you are scattered, and I will be hallowed in you before the eyes of the nations. (Smoking is also allowed, but smoking is forbidden to other gods-idols, the main thing is to drag more and more often offerings and rudiments, and that would be without a flaw!).