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Whispering Springs

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He glanced over his shoulder. “The doll?”

“It’s not just a doll. It’s an effigy. Notice the color of her hair, those eyes. The way she’s been posed. You must see it.” A note of hysteria rose in her voice. “Dylan, it’s Lily. Your Lily.”

Chapter Three (#u4e084694-e366-5c08-bfd1-8b9b8ef327e9)

Dylan turned slowly to face her. “What did you say?”

Blair leaned back against the door frame. “Surely you can see it, too.”

He whirled back to the bed, more shaken than he cared to admit. For a moment, he almost let her persuade him. There was something eerily familiar about the doll. Something perverted and sinister about the shattered limbs, the twisted neck and those open, staring eyes. He’d seen a lot of bad things in Afghanistan, dark things, but no amount of death and destruction could obliterate the image of Lily Callen’s broken body after a twenty-story fall. He wondered if the others still had nightmares about that night. About the lies that had been told and the secrets that had been kept.

“I don’t blame you for being upset,” he said. “But it’s a reach to think the doll is an effigy of Lily.”

“Is it? The blond hair, the blue eyes? The way she’s been placed on the bed? You think all that’s just a coincidence?” Something in her voice made Dylan glance over his shoulder again. She was clearly distraught, and yet her demeanor didn’t seem quite right. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly, but unease stirred.

He turned back to the doll. “Of course it’s not a coincidence. But Lily wasn’t the only one with blond hair and blue eyes. That description fits you, too, Blair. I’d say if the doll is meant to represent anyone, it’s you.”

“Me? But what about the way the doll has been damaged?”

“As if she fell? Think about it for a minute. You and Tony are still avid climbers. There was a write-up about you in Summit Magazine not too long ago.”

“How did you know about that article?” she asked in shock.

“It’s my job to know.”

That seemed to give her pause. “You think the person behind the phone calls and break-in did this?”

“Isn’t that why you hired me? Because you were worried those threats would follow you here?” Dylan lifted his gaze from the doll, catching Blair’s reflection in one of the windows. She wasn’t looking at the bed. Her left hand was splayed in front of her and she seemed mesmerized by the sparkle of her diamond rings.


Her hand dropped at once. “Yes?”

“You’ve told me everything, haven’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You haven’t received any other threats since you’ve been here?”

“No, everything’s been fine.”

Dylan moved around to the other side of the bed so that he could examine the shattered porcelain while keeping an eye on Blair. “Where were you before you found the doll?”

“I went down to the springs for a swim. I was gone for about two hours.”

“No one else has a key to your room?”

“Just the staff.”

“You didn’t see anyone lurking in the hallway when you left? Anything out of the ordinary happen while you were out?”

“Not that I noticed. Dylan...” She took a reluctant step into the room, averting her gaze from the bed. “The other threats were more straightforward. The phone calls, the message left on the bathroom mirror. This is more nuanced. More diabolical somehow. If what you’re saying is true...if the doll is meant to represent me, then Tony is no longer the target. I am.”

“He could still be the ultimate objective. From everything you’ve told me, he’s a ruthless negotiator. He doesn’t give up or give in. Personal threats wouldn’t faze him, but if his opponents believe you’re his Achilles heel, they may think the best way to get to him is through you.”

“If only they knew,” she murmured.


“Nothing.” Her head came up defiantly. “You’re right. Tony doesn’t give up or give in. No matter what. It may sound bizarre, but you’ve made me feel better. A stranger using me as leverage to gain the upper hand in a business deal is infinitely preferable to one of my oldest friends playing a malicious trick on me.”

“Even so, you shouldn’t take any of this lightly. This person has been watching you. He or she is familiar with your comings and goings, and they’ve managed to infiltrate your personal space not once, but twice. I’ll have another look around the grounds and I’ll talk to the staff, find out if any strangers have been spotted on the property. In the meantime, you should consider bringing in more security.”

“You know I can’t do that. I explained why in Ezra Blackthorn’s office during our first meeting. Tony would never agree to protection. He’d see it as a sign of weakness. If I brought in a bunch of strangers, he’d catch on immediately and send you all away. Like it or not, you’re our only defense, Dylan.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, but I’m just one person and this is a large, isolated property. I can’t be everywhere at once, so I’ll say it again. Don’t let your guard down and don’t get careless.”

“I understand.”

He walked over to the French doors. “Were these open while you were gone?”

“Yes, the suite seemed a little stuffy. I wanted to air out the bedroom while I swam. We’re on the second floor. I didn’t think anyone could get in.”

“Someone can always get in. It wouldn’t take much skill or strength to scale the wall. Remind me again of the room arrangements?”

“Your room is across the hall, of course, and Ava is next to you. Celeste is at the end and Jane is across from her. There’s an empty room between her room and this suite.”

Dylan thought about the flash of light he’d seen earlier. He could have sworn someone had been watching him from a balcony doorway. “You’re sure no one else is staying at the ranch besides staff? Not even in the cabins?”

“The last of the guests checked out over the weekend. I reserved the whole place for a week, so no one else should be arriving until Saturday. Except for Tony, of course. He’s still due in tonight.”

Dylan stepped out on the balcony. Twilight had deepened to nightfall and a few stars hung low on the horizon. He could see the glitter of the moon through the trees, but the leaves muted the illumination. He took out his cell phone and shone the beam across the floor and all along the rail, looking for any evidence left by the intruder. Then he straightened and gazed down the row of balconies. A curtain billowed next door.

He went back inside and latched the French doors. “You said the room next door is empty, correct?”

“Yes, why?”

“Wait here while I check something out. Don’t let anyone in while I’m gone.”

Blair shivered as her gaze darted to the bed. “What am I supposed to do with the doll?”

“Leave it. Don’t touch anything. I’ll take care of it when I get back.”

He left the suite and strode down the hallway to the next room, pressing his ear to the door before knocking. He couldn’t hear anything inside and the door was locked. He retraced his steps to Blair’s suite. When she let him in, he went back out to the balcony.

Blair trailed after him. “Dylan? What are you doing?”

“Trying to figure out how someone got into your suite.” He climbed on top of the railing and then hoisted himself up to the roof. From his vantage, he had an expansive view of the property. Light from the downstairs windows and patios cast an anemic glow over the grounds, but the woods beyond lay in deep shadow. The night was so quiet he could hear the ripple of leaves and the gurgle of a creek beyond the trees. To his right, the escarpment was a jagged silhouette against the navy sky.
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