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Щенок Рекс и его летние приключения в Турции. The Puppy Rex and his Summer adventures in Turkey

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dangerous [?de?n??r?s] – опасный, опасно


Answer the questions

1. What is the rule of safety in the airport?

2. Does Rex remember the rule of safety?

3. What does the Rex’s family get at the registration desk?

4. What does the Rex’s family need to find in the airport?

5. What is their gate number?

True or false

1. It is very safe to run away from your parents in the 2. airport.

3. At the registration desk the Lady looks at the Rex’s 4. family passports.

5. The Lady gives them their boarding pass.

6. Timmy wants to stay in line at the gate.

7. Travelling can be fun if you follow the rule.

Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. We (go/goes) inside the airport.

2. We (remember/remembers) the rule of safety.

3. Timmy (come/comes) back with a sad face.

4. We (go/goes) to the registration desk.

5. A nice Lady Dog in a green suit (meet/meets) us there.

Chapter 3

In the plane

We are in the plane. The plane is going to take off very soon. Me, Betsy and Timmy are sitting in the same row in the first class. I have a window seat, Timmy has an aisle seat and Betsy is sitting between us. Our Mother and Father are sitting across the aisle.

Betsy is reading a book about Turkey.

The stewardess comes and says: “Dear passengers, our plane is ready to take off. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts.”

We fasten our seatbelts. The plane starts to slowly move and then to move faster and faster. In three minutes our plane takes off!

I look out the window. It is like magic! Everything becomes little: trees, roads, cars, houses…

“Betsy, Timmy, look out the window!” I say.

“Wow!” says Betsy. “It is so beautiful outside! I can see the sky and clouds.”

“Yes,” I say. “I can see the sky and clouds and little houses. It is so wonderful!”

“But I can’t see anything!” Timmy cries. “It is because I have an aisle seat and you – Rex, have a window seat.”

“I understand, Timmy,” I say. “On the way back you will have a window seat and I will have an aisle seat.”

“Thank you, Rex!” Timmy says.

The stewardess comes again and says:

“Dear passengers, now we will offer you some drinks and sandwiches.”

We are very excited.

Mommy says: “Puppies, when the stewardess offers you drinks and sandwiches, please be very polite. You should say: ‘I would like’ instead of ‘I want.”

“Yes, of course, Mommy!” I say.

“Do not worry, Mommy, I will be the politest Puppy,” Timmy says.

Two stewardesses come with a food cart. One stewardess asks me:

“What would you like to eat, Mr. Puppy: a sandwich with fish or with chicken?”

“I would like a fish sandwich, please,” I say.

And what would you like to drink: water no gas, coke, apple juice, orange juice or tomato juice?”

“I would like some coke, please.”

“Here it is.” The stewardess gives me some coke and a fish sandwich.”

“And what would you like, Miss Puppy?” The stewardess asks Betsy.

“I would like a chicken sandwich and some orange juice, please.”

“Here it is,” says the stewardess and gives the food and drink to Betsy.

“And I want two sandwiches with fish, one sandwich with chicken, three glasses of tomato juice and five glasses of coke!” says Timmy.

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