Умирающая беззвучно плакала.
Батюшка возвращался в храм, явно будучи не в духе, но лишь одна мысль крутилась в его голове: «Боже, что делает время с женской красотой!» В тот же вечер Алексий оставил рясу дома и отправился с друзьями в кабак. Сильно напившись, на следующее утро батюшка прогулял службу и всю Страстную Неделю провёл с друзьями, вспоминая Страданья Христа, не расставаясь с бутылкой.
В Пасху, чтобы в очередной раз не лишиться работы, Алексию пришлось протрезветь. За праздничной трапезой после службы ему сообщили, что в пятницу Пелагею похоронили. Покойницу не отпевали по причине отсутствия денег у её сына, однако сорокоуст за упокой матери тот всё-таки заказал. Прихватив с собой церковного вина, Алексий отправился на могилу новопреставленной и столкнулся у кладбищенских ворот с красивым юношей. Батюшка узнал в нём сына, но сын не узнал бы в нём отца – тот слишком плохо выглядел…
28 июня 1994
A Sinner
After a small breakfast of scrambled eggs, taking with him a couple of cheese and sausage sandwiches, and only by chance remembering to take also the Gospel and the cross, the parish priest, Father Alexey, slowly went to confess a certain parishioner Pelageya, who was dying of a terminal illness. Father Alexey didn’t know her, as he had served in that church for a week only.
Entering a shabby little room, he saw a woman about forty. She seemed to no longer react to the surrounding sounds, and her gaze was fixed on the window overlooking the garden, where the birds were singing joyfully, and the cheerful wind was rustling. Father Alexey came closer to Pelageya. Her features seemed too familiar to the priest, but in vain he tried to remember where he might have crossed paths with the dying woman, so, sitting down on a chair by her bed, as usual in such cases, he asked,
«I was told that you want to confess…»
«Yes,» the dying woman replied in a weak voice.
«Then tell me your sins and transgressions,» the priest made the sign of the cross and prepared to listen attentively.
Pelageya started her life story from the very beginning: as a child she had broken her mother’s favorite vase, too often she had quarreled with her sister and friends, and she hadn’t believed in God. However, left without a livelihood at the age of fifteen, Pelageya went to play the flute in the streets to get money for food, and by the will of the Almighty, for the first time she found herself in a church, where a completely different world opened up for her.
What the dying woman had told him up to that point was not of particular interest to the priest, he even snored a little, and, waking up, only shook his head periodically. Sometimes it seemed to Father Alexey that he had already heard something similar before, but during his life the priest managed to serve in so many churches that thousands of stories confessed to him by parishioners had long been mixed up in his head and safely forgotten, and new ones were not remembered at all.
«Then I met him,» the eyes of the dying woman suddenly sparkled, and she smiled. «He was kind and caring, he courted me as a princess, but said almost nothing about himself, only that he loved me and we would get married after Easter. Once I found out by accident that my groom was a student at the Theological Seminary, however, the prospect of becoming the wife of a priest didn’t frighten me at all! On the contrary, I was even delighted, since I already believed in God! But soon, when I told him we were going to have a baby, he forbade me to give birth to our son.»
«Son?» Father Alexey furrowed his brow and fiddled with the Gospel.
«Yes, thank God, I didn’t take at least that sin upon my soul! After all, we never got married. My groom got scared, exchanged me for the daughter of a rich and influential official. And my son outwardly is a copy of his father, and I named him Alexey as well.»
«How old is the boy?»
«Did you tell him about his father?»
«No, Father. My son sings in a church choir, he is going to the Seminary. I didn’t want him to change his attitude towards God because of such a father. All he knows is that they are too similar in appearance.»
Father Alexey shook his head and touched Pelageya’s hand. He was silent for a while, but then, sharply withdrawing his hand, said menacingly,
«So, my dear, you seduced a priest, then disobeyed him, despite the fact that a woman should always be in obedience to a man, being created out of his rib, and on the top of that you also concealed the truth from him!»
«Father, but…» Pelageya tried to object.
«Sinner! Isn’t it written in the Bible that everything I have listed is a mortal sin?!»
«I sincerely repent of all my sins and ask you to forgive me!»
«Have that man forgiven you?»
«Where can I find him now?» the unfortunate woman whispered already in tears. «Is my soul doomed to wander the world like a restless ghost?»
«My dear, the Great pre-Easter fast is going on, so you must fast! Perhaps God will forgive you, but not I.»
The dying woman wept silently.
Father Alexey was returning to the church, obviously not in a good mood, but only one thought was spinning in his head, «My God, what does time make with a female beauty!» That same evening, Father Alexey left his cassock at home and went with friends to a pub. Having drunk heavily, the next morning he skipped the mass and spent the entire Holy Week with friends, remembering the Passion of Christ without parting with the bottle.
On Easter, in order to avoid losing his job again, Father Alexey had to sober up. At the festive meal after the mass, he was informed that Pelageya had been buried on Friday. The deceased had not been served by the funeral vigil due to the lack of money from her son, who nevertheless ordered a special 40-days prayer for the dead mother. Taking church wine with him, Father Alexey went to the grave of the newly departed and bumped into a handsome young man at the cemetery gate. The priest immediately recognized his son, but the son would have never recognized his father, since he looked too bad…
June 28, 1994
3. Чаепитие
Зима… «Мороз и солнце»[5 - Из стихотворения А. С. Пушкина.]…
Пётр Сергеич Мирный шёл по главной аллее своей больницы. Вчерашняя метель замела почти все дорожки, по которым обычно прогуливались «ходячие» пациенты. Снег скрипел под ногами. Всё было хорошо, но странное предчувствие чего-то нехорошего не давало ему покоя.
Внезапно кто-то догнал Петра Сергеича и хлопнул по плечу:
– С днём рождения!
Пётр Сергеич обернулся:
– А, Миша, спасибо-спасибо! Отметим в обед обязательно!
– Кого звать-то будешь?
– Да как обычно: тебя, заведующую, медсестёр, ну и из морга наших. Часов этак в…
– Придём! И с собой к «чаю» принесём что-нибудь вкусненькое!
Пётр Сергеич подошёл к двери в хирургический корпус. Дежавю промелькнуло перед глазами… По утрам он вздыхал, представляя, что открывает её в очередной день своей жизни, которая с каждым разом лишь укорачивается. В тот день открывать дверь совсем не хотелось – он стал старше на год, чёрт возьми!
Набросав краткий план и пригласив коллег зайти к нему в ординаторскую на «чаёк» в обед, Пётр Сергеич отправился на обход больных.
Старушка из третьей палаты была совсем плоха.
«Выписать её, что ли?» – подумал он.
А вот в палате №4 у Петра Сергеича внезапно защемило сердце. Одна из кроватей пустовала. Он собирался спросить медсестру, куда подевалась больная, но потом вспомнил, что вчера её перевели в другое отделение.
«И слава Богу!» – подумал Пётр Сергеич и даже, наверное, перекрестился бы, если бы не рядом стоящая медсестра. Он вновь взглянул на пустующую кровать, тщетно пытаясь вспомнить, почему именно она вызывает в нём странные ощущения, аналогичные дежавю.
– Что-то не так? – взволновалась медсестра, которая боялась потерять прибыльное место работы в его отделении.
– Нет-нет, Ириша. Я просто задумался.
Когда все собрались «чаёвничать» и заведующая поднялась, чтобы произнести тронную речь, дверь в ординаторскую внезапно открылась, и на пороге появилась больная из третьей палаты: