Did his animals give up?
No, of course, not. They asked, “Maybe you know someone who can?”
Did the farmer know anyone who could help the animals?
Well, first he said, “Search me!”
He said that?
Yes, he said, “Search me!”
What does it mean “Search me!”?
It means “I do not know”. When someone asks you a question and you don’t know the answer to the question, you say “search me!” Wow! Interesting! I love it. Search me! I don’t know. That’s cool. English is really full of surprises.
Okay. Getting back to the story. But then Tatsuki remembered Alex, the English teacher.
Oh, that’s great! What did he say?
And he went, “Wait, wait, I know. If there is anyone who can help you, it is Alex. Alex can teach you to understand to read and to speak true, real and excellent English.”
Were the animals happy with Tatsuki’s answer?
Happy? Happy is not the word. All the animals were elated.
“But”, said the farmer.
“But?” asked the animals. My God! There is always a “but”.
“But I have lost his telephone number somewhere. So I can’t call him. Sorry, guys.”
What did the farmer do with Alex’s telephone number?
He lost it. The farmer lost the telephone number somewhere.
Whose telephone number did the farmer lose?
Alex’s. The farmer lost Alex’s telephone number.
Did the farmer know where he had lost Alex’s telephone number?
No, he didn’t know that. He didn’t know where he had lost his telephone number.
The farmer said that he had lost Alex’s telephone number somewhere.
What happened then?
Immediately, the wisest donkey came up with an idea! “We must find it. How about doing a big search on the farm? I am sure, we will find it.”
“That’s a great idea!” Tatsuki says. Remember?
What did the wisest donkey come up with?
An idea. The wisest donkey came up with an idea.
Did the wisest donkey suggest an idea?
Yes, exactly. He suggested an idea.
Did the wisest donkey produce an idea?
Yes, he did. An idea came to his head and he produced an idea. He came up with an idea.
Who came up with an idea?
The wisest donkey did. The wisest donkey came up with an idea.
What idea did he come up with?
He came up with an idea of doing a big search on the farm.
What exactly did the wisest donkey say?
He said, “We must find it. How about doing a big search on the farm? I am sure we will find it.”
Did the wisest donkey say, “How about forgetting his idea of finding Alex’s telephone number?”
No, he didn’t say that. On the contrary, he asked “How about looking for Alex’s telephone number?” “How about doing a big reach?” In other words, let’s go and look for the telephone number everywhere.
I see. Did the animals do what the wisest donkey suggested they do?
Yes, they did. And not only the animals. For three days and three nights, the farmer and the animals searched everywhere. And finally, a young pig found a small, dirty and crumpled piece of paper with Alex’s telephone number on it.
For how long did the farmer and the animals search everywhere?
For three days and three nights they searched everywhere.
Who searched everywhere for three days and three nights?
Right! The farmer and the animals did. They all searched everywhere.
Did they finally find what they were searching for?
Yes, they did. They finally found Alex’s telephone number.
Who finally found Alex’s telephone number? Remember?
A young pig finally found Alex’s telephone number. By the way, it was on a small, dirty and crumpled piece of paper.