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My Only Desire

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“Ah. There she is.” He leaned over and brushed a kiss against her temple. “All right, Ms. Thing. Now that you got me here, what are you going to do with me?”

Anna felt small next to Taariq’s massive frame and for the first time she wondered, what am I going to do with him? In response, her gaze fell to his massive erection and another cycle of butterflies swarmed her insides.

“Give me your hand.”

That command managed to pull her gaze back up to his smoldering eyes. Of course there was still amusement laced with raw lust dancing in his dark orbs.

“C’mon. Give it here.” He held out his hand.

As if hypnotized, she followed his example and gave him her hand.

He smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

Anna met him halfway. She was already addicted to his taste. While their tongues danced with each other, Taariq wrapped her hand around his cock. It was hard, yet incredibly smooth. Curiosity led her to break the kiss so that she could stare down at the heady vision of his cock gliding smoothly in her hand.

“Mmm,” Taariq moaned and then reached out for his pants where he retrieved a condom. He let Anna play for a little while, but then he quickly ripped open the foil and rolled the condom on in two seconds. “C’mere.” He rolled Anna back down onto her back and once again took the top position.

Anna couldn’t help but marvel at how slow and deliberate Taariq’s lovemaking was … and that’s exactly what it felt like—making love. Sure, she was just looking for a warm body tonight. She would’ve settled for a quickie. But this felt … intimate and special.

Was she crazy? Was she reading too much into it?

Both were a possibility. She closed her eyes and took another trip to the land of fairy dust and unicorns while Taariq performed magic all over her body. When he lifted her hips off the floor, she fluttered her eyes open so that their gazes could lock when he entered into her. Her mouth slowly sagged open as he eased what felt like unending inches through her tight walls. When it felt like he was nearing the center of her belly, she pressed her hands against his ripped abs and weakly tried to push him back.

“Almost, baby. Almost.” Deeper and deeper he sank.

Restlessly, Anna tossed her head back and forth. She couldn’t possibly take much more of him … and yet, she did. At long last, she could finally feel the base of his cock and the weight of his heavy balls sink against her opening. She whispered a gratitude that she had survived such an impalement and that he waited a few heartbeats for her body to adjust to his incredible size.

But then he started to move. His hips rocked slowly at first and then rotated in tiny circles.

Anna’s mouth stretched wider, but she couldn’t manage to emit a single sound. Was he rammed against her vocal cords or something?

“How do you like that, baby?” Taariq panted.

The cocky question was laced with amusement. He knew that he was rocking her world, turning it inside and out. And when all she could manage was a whimpering moan, he elongated his strokes and stirred her honey pot so hard that she was slammed with two monstrous orgasms that had her clawing his back. When she finally managed to peek through the fan of eyelashes, she watched as ecstasy twisted his handsome features while a sheen of sweat blanketed his face. He looked like an African god, dominating her body as if it was nature’s right to do so.

Their gazes connected and Taariq smiled wickedly before arching over and kissing her deeply. All the while, his hips never stopped. To no surprise, Anna’s body started to quake again, but this time when she came, Taariq swallowed her whimpering moans.

How long they went at it, she didn’t know. It seemed to go on for hours—but that couldn’t be humanly possible. Was it? All she knew when she finally drifted off to la-la land was that their bodies were completely covered in sweat and she was completely satisfied.

It was just too bad that the next morning she woke up in bed alone and it would be over a decade before they spoke to each other again.

Fast Forward

Chapter 4

Today Anna was going to see him again.

For weeks she’d tried to prepare herself, but what she’d succeeded in doing was obsessing over what happened that night at the Kappa’s frat party. She broke Stanley’s heart, and Charlie and Taariq had broken hers. When she woke that next morning alone in her bed, without so much as a note saying goodbye or thanks for the hot sex, she felt like a two-dollar trick that’d gotten stiffed.

Not to mention the hangover. She must have spent two hours on her knees with her head hanging over the toilet and making all sorts of promises to God to get her through it. After that, she damn near scrubbed her skin off in a hot shower. If she remembered correctly Roxanne didn’t come back to their dorm for damn near a week. By then, Anna had put in a transfer and ended up rooming with one of her closest friends to this day, Jade Stokes.

As for Taariq, he never tried to reach her and she certainly wasn’t going to chase him. Clearly, he viewed that night as a one-night only situation and she was fine with that. Sort of. It was more like she just grew to accept it. Seeing how she’d stopped talking and tutoring Charlie, she’d stayed as far away from the Kappa Psi Kappas as she possibly could. That is until Charlie popped back into her life and fell in love with her baby sister, Gisella.

Initially she had mixed feelings about the whole thing since Charlie’s ladies’ man reputation had grown city-wide over the years. That is until he thought he was dying and actually went through his entire black book trying to make amends with all the broken hearts he’d caused, herself included. During that time, he and Gisella met. She’d moved from France after a big breakup herself. Either it was destiny or God simply had one hell of a sense of humor by bringing Charlie and Gisella together because today was their big day to enter into holy matrimony.

“Oh, God. I look huge!” Gisella despaired, looking down at her small pregnant belly.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Anna chided, moving up behind her. “You’re beautiful.”

Gisella’s gaze shifted to her sister in the mirror. “You really think so?”

“I know so.” She winked and then gave her shoulders a quick hug. “Now let’s get you married.”

Gisella took a deep breath and then nodded. “I’m ready.”

Anna wished that she could say the same. Any minute now, she was going to be face-to-face with Taariq Bryson and she still didn’t have any idea what she was going to say if he spoke to her.

Ask him why he never called.

Anna quickly shook that suggestion out of her head. She didn’t care why he never called, she told herself. If she said it enough times, she was bound to start believing it—despite that it had been more than a decade and it hadn’t worked yet. Together, she and Gisella left the bridal suite and joined the other bridesmaids cluttered in the hallway. While everyone oohed and aahed, Anna’s stomach started looping into large knots.

Any minute now.

She sucked in a deep breath as the group started toward the back lawn. As soon as Anna caught sight of a black tuxedo, she tensed. That is until she realized that it was just their father, Leonard Jacobs.

“There’s my girls.” His smile stretched as he opened his arms wide to envelop them both. “I’ve never seen a lovelier sight.”

Anna and Gisella shared a proud look. It didn’t matter that technically they were stepsisters. She from their father’s first marriage and Gisella being from the woman he left her mother for. Somewhere along the way they’d agreed to leave the drama to the grown-ups and just cherish each other.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. “I have a getaway car souped-up with the valet.”

Gisella laughed. “I’m sure, Daddy.”

“Good. I think I like this joker.” He tossed her a wink and then turned his eyes toward Anna. “You’re next.”

Anna immediately shook her head. “That’s all right. I’m … good,” she lied.

Her father frowned. “My little workaholic. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”

“There’s nothing to be done. I’m happy. Really.” It was clear from reading their expressions that neither one of them was buying into that malarkey.

“Let me tell you something, and I hope you listen to your old man. Having a great job and making lots of money is great and all, but living and loving is the real key to happiness. Trust me on this.”

Anna smiled through the awkward silence that trailed his words and almost sighed with relief when he returned his attention to Gisella. “So, let’s get you married so that my grandson will be legit when he gets here.” He offered his youngest daughter his arm.

Anna moved to stand behind Emmadonna so she could wait for the wedding planner to instruct them when to proceed. Then the music started up and Anna sucked in a deep breath. It’s time.

A part of her wished that Taariq had just shown up for rehearsal last night so that she could have gotten this whole awkward moment over with. But since he had some business or something, he didn’t make it. So now she just had to hope that she would be able to keep it together in front of two hundred people.
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