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Classics fantasy – 8

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Laurent pottered with the last preparations of the head of Brike. On Brike’s face the extreme tension and nervousness were written. When the head was postponed for a table, Brike did not sustain and suddenly cried as she never before shouted:

– I do not want! I do not want! It is not necessary! Kill me better! I am afraid! And – and – and-and!.

Core, without interrupting the work, Laurent sharply shouted:

– Close rather air crane! Enter into nutritious solution gedonat, and she will fall asleep.

– No, no, no!

The crane was closed, the head became silent, but continued to move lips and to look with expression of horror and entreaty.

– Mister professor, whether we can make operation against its will? – asked Laurent.

– Now not time to deal with ethical problems – the Core chilly answered. – She will thank us then. Do the part or you leave and do not disturb me.

But Laurent knew that she cannot leave – without her help the result of operation would be even more doubtful. And it, having overcome itself, continued to help the Core. Brike’s head so fought that tubes nearly left blood vessels. John came to the rescue and held the head with hands. Gradually twitchings of the head stopped, eyes were closed: gedonat made the action.

Professor Kern started operation.

The silence was interrupted only by short orders of the Core demanding this or that surgical instrument. From tension at the Core even veins on a forehead were blown up. It started all the brilliant surgical technique, connecting speed to extraordinary care and care. At all the hatred to the Core Laurent could not but admire it this minute. It worked as the inspired actor. His dexterous sensitive fingers made miracles.

Operation continued hour fifty five minutes.

– It is over – at last told the Core, becoming straight – from now on Brike stopped being the head from a body. It is necessary only to blow it life: to force to be clogged heart, to excite blood circulation. But I will cope with it one. You can have a rest, mademoiselle Loran.

– I still can work – she answered.

Despite fatigue, she very much wanted to look at the last act of this extraordinary operation. But the Core, obviously, did not want to let her into a revival secret. He once again persistently suggested it to have a rest, and Laurent obeyed.

The core caused it in an hour again. It looked even more tired, but his face expressed deep self-satisfaction.

– Try pulse – it offered Laurent.

The girl not without internal shudder took by hand

Brike; by that hand which belonged to a cold corpse only three hours ago. The hand was already warm, and pulsation was probed. The core put a mirror to Brike’s face. The surface of a mirror misted over.

– Breathes. Now it is necessary to swaddle our newborn well. Several days it should lie absolutely not movably.

Over bandage the Core imposed a plaster popular print on Brike’s neck. All body was спеленато, and the mouth is strong tied.

– That she did not take in head to speak – explained the Core. – The first days we will keep it in somnolence if heart allows.

Brike was transferred to the room adjacent to the room Laurent, carefully put to bed and subjected to an electroanaesthesia.

– We will feed it artificially, yet there will be no union of seams. You should flirt behind it.

Only for the third day the Core allowed Brike «to recover».

There were four o’clock in the afternoon. The slanting beam of the sun cut through the room and lit Brike’s face. She easily moved eyebrows and opened eyes. Still vaguely thinking, looked at the lit window, then translated a view of Laurent and at last looked down down. There was no emptiness any more. She saw poorly waving breast and a body, her body covered with a sheet. The weak smile lit her face.

– Do not try to speak and you lie quietly – Laurent told. – Operation took place very well, and now everything depends on how you will behave. The more quietly you will lie, rather will rise to the feet. So far we with you will speak a mimicry. If you lower eyelids down, it will mean «yes», up – «no». You feel pain somewhere? Here. Neck and leg. It will pass. You want to drink? Is?

Brike did not feel hunger, but wanted to drink. Laurent called the Core. It immediately came from the office.

– Well, how the newborn feels? – He examined it and was satisfied. – Everything is safe. Patience, mademoiselle, and you will dance soon. – He made several orders and left.

Days of «recovery» hung for Brike very heavy. She was an approximate patient: constrained the impatience, lay quietly and carried out all orders. Day when it was raspelenat at last came, but did not allow to speak yet.

– Whether you feel the body? – with some nervousness asked the Core.

Brike lowered eyelids.

– Try to move very carefully fingers standing.

Brike, obviously, tried as on her face tension was expressed, but fingers did not move.

– Obviously, functions of the central nervous system were not quite restored – authoritatively told the Core – but I hope that they will be restored soon, and together with them also the movement will be restored. – About himself thought: «As if Brike did not limp really on both legs».

«It will be restored – as this word strange sounds» – Laurent thought, having remembered a cold corpse on the operating table.

Brike had a new care. Now she for hours was engaged in the fact that she tried to move with fingers standing. Laurent nearly with smaller interest watched it.

And once Laurent joyfully screamed:

– Moves! The thumb on the left leg moves.

Further business went quicker. Also other fingers on hands and legs began to move. Brike could already raise a little hands and legs soon.

Laurent was struck. In the face of it the miracle was made.

«How the Core was criminal – she thought – it is an unusual person. However, brainless Douel it would not manage this double revival of the dead. But nevertheless and the Core the talented person – it was approved also by Douel’s head. Oh, if the Core revived also it! But is not present, he will not make it».

In several days allowed to speak to Brike. It had quite pleasant voice, but a little breaking timbre.

– It will be corrected – assured the Core. – You will sing still.

And Brike tried to sing soon. Laurent was very struck with this singing. Brike sang the top notes by quite squeaky and not really pleasant voice, on average the register the voice sounded very dimly and even got hoarse. But the lower notes were charming. It was an excellent chest contralto.

«Throat sheaves lie above the place of a cut of a neck and belong to Brike – Laurent thought – from where this double voice, different timbres of the upper and lower case? Physiological riddle. Whether it depends on process of rejuvenation of the head of Brike which is more senior than her new body? Or, perhaps, it is somehow connected with violation of functions of the central nervous system? Absolutely it is unclear… It is interesting to know whose this young, graceful body, to what unfortunate head it belonged…»

Laurent, without telling anything to Brike, began to look through issues of newspapers in which lists of the dead at train wreck were published. Soon a note that the famous Italian actress Anjelica Guy following in the train which crashed disappeared completely got to it. Its corpse was not found, and over permission of this riddle newspaper correspondents exercised the wit. Laurent was almost sure that Brike’s head received a body of the died actress.


At last in Brike’s life great day came. The last bandage were removed from it, and professor Kern allowed it to get up.

She rose and, leaning on a hand Laurent, walked about the room. Its movements were not sure and a little gusty. Sometimes it did strange gestures by a hand: to the known limit her hand moved smoothly, then the delay and as if the forced movement passing again into smooth followed.
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