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Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines

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3. The gravitational field of a stationary body

Cosmic body creates around itself a force field – the gravitational field. The main characteristic is its gravitational strength tension at any point. It characterizes the force which acts on a point located in this different body. The tension is given by:

g = F / m, (2)

where g – the field strength (tension), F – gravitational force, m – mass of the test body made to the field.

The gravitational field can be described analytically by calculating it's intensity for each point of the field or graphically, causing tension in the plot line or field lines. An example of a graphic image of the gravitational field is shown in Figure 2. Power lines or tension lines (1) begin at cosmic body (2) and extend into the surrounding space according to the formula (2) to infinity. When interacted many bodies the line tension can take a curved shape and then on the graph the field strength can be characterized by density of the location of power lines.

Fig.2. Schematic representation of the gravitational field: 1 – line tension (power line), 2 – cosmic body.

In accordance with the above concept to consider the surrounding physical environment induced in her gravitational field as elastic-viscous body can be assumed that this body has the ability to tensile strain and shear. The greatest interest is the shear deformation, which during rotation of the body can cause a concentric orientation of the force lines and thus reduce the resistance of the field orbital motion space bodies.

4. The gravitational field of a rotating body

The interaction of a rotating body with elastic-viscous gravitational field, like other elastic-viscous fluids (liquids, gases) can be considered within the theory of dynamic boundary layers. However, with a persistent finding in the literature [4], it is almost not possible to find data on formation the boundary layers the rotating bodies.

The closest well-studied case can be considered a tear flow when the fluid flow separates from the surface of the curved shape. At the front of the body curved shape (Fig. 3) the flow velocity in the boundary layer decreases from the value v

on the outer edge of the layer and to v = 0 on the body surface, At the point s there is separation of a laminar boundary layer, and turbulization of the flow.

Fig. 3. The scheme of formation of separated flow around the flow body with a curved generatrix: v

is the flow velocity, s – point margin, δ – thickness of the boundary layer.

Given that according to the accepted concept to consider the gravitational field as a viscous-elastic medium, we can assume that during the rotation of a celestial body around it will produce dynamic laminar layer δ, the thickness of which will depend on the mass and speed of its rotation and to meet space scale (tens to hundreds of thousands of miles).

Figure 4 provides a diagram of the dynamic boundary layer (2) of the gravitational field on the surface of a rotating spherical celestial body (1). The body rotates at a linear velocity v

. Due to the viscosity of the environment (physical vacuum) formed in the boundary layer, the velocity gradient. On the body surface at point s, the velocity of the particles of the physical environment is equal to the linear velocity of the body v

. As the distance from the surface it drops to zero at the surface boundary layer.

Fig.4. The formation of a boundary layer δ around the rotating sphere: 1 – rotating sphere, 2 – laminar boundary layer, 3 – turbulent boundary layer, v

– linear speed on the surface of a sphere, s – point separation, fg is the gravitational force, fc is the centrifugal force,

At point s on the boundary layer, there are several forces that seek to tear it from the body surface. Most of this is centrifugal force f

due to rotation of the body. Another force that is oriented on the boundary layer separation is a normal component of the force is the viscous resistance of the physical environment f

. Has a certain value of the normal component of the inertial force f

, although in the modern sense of the properties of the physical vacuum is hard to speak about its mass (dark matter!). These forces are balanced by gravitational force f

, so that the formation of a boundary layer around the rotating spheres equality:


= f

+ f

+ f

, (3)

For a laminar boundary layer lies a turbulent layer δ

(3). However, the turbulent layer, apparently, can occur directly on the surface of the body, if the three components of the breakout forces in equation (3) will be greater than the gravitational force.

Of great importance is the velocity gradient in the boundary layer. Thanks to the difference of the layer velocity will be concentric (tangential) orientation of the force lines that will lead to such changes in the properties of the gravitational field in which the orbital moving body will not cross the power lines and expend energy on their intersection. Due to the concentric orientation of the power lines appear energetically favorable orbit on which the appeal cosmic bodies will be without energy consumption.


1. The considering the characteristics of the gravitational field of stationary and rotating celestial bodies proceeded from the hypothesis M Faraday that "the Sun generates a field around itself, and the planets and other celestial bodies feel the influence of the field and behave accordingly."

2. The gravitational field of a celestial body is implemented in the physical environment (ether, vacuum, dark matter) and is considered as a viscous-elastic body, which can be characterized by several properties: module tension, viscosity, anisotropic structure, the ability to shear deformation.

3. Shear strain field during the rotation of the body takes in to account the regularities of the dynamics of boundary layers formation, in its particular case – separated flow. Given the balance of forces, in which a separated flow is realized with the formation of a boundary layer on the surface of the rotation body.

4. The velocity gradient in the boundary layer leads to a concentric orientation of the power lines of the gravitational field. The area with the maximum orientation of the power lines characterized by minimal resistance to movement of the orbiting body and is treated as an allowed orbit.


1. Force field. Published 21.12.2012 | By Astronomer

2. www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/4903.html

3. A.Serkov, Hypotheses, Moscow, Ed.LLC SIC "Uglekhimvolokno", 1998, S. 73.

4. www.aerodriving.ru

Chapter 2. Gravimagnetic braking of celestial bodies


Expressed and justified the assumption that the braking satellites of the moon due to gravimagnetic forces arising at the intersection of the satellites of power lines (line tension) of the gravitational field. To calculate the forces used an equation similar electrodynamics equation of the Lorentz force. The estimated braking time for "the lunar Prospector", "Smart-1" and "Kaguya" is the same as the actual precision of ± 14 %. The scheme occurrence of gravimagnetic forces is proposed, according to which the magnitude of the force depends on Sinα, where α is the angle at which the satellite crosses the line gravimagnetic tension. For non-rotating body as Moon, this angle is equal to 90*0 and thegravimagnetic braking force has a maximum value. In the case of rotating bodies, such as Earth, the intersection of the gravimagnetic tension lines, apparently, is at a sharper angle and the braking force is substantially less (the effect of "Pioneers" and the satellites "Lageos").

Suggested that the rotating of the central body causes the surrounding gravitational field with a periodic alternation of layers with a predominant radial and concentric orientation of the force lines of the gravitational field, which leads to a different intensity of the forces and gravimagnetic braking along the radius and emergence (allowed, elite) and unstable orbits (unresolved) orbits with high speed braking.

The equation is proposed which determines the distance to stable orbits. In the equation a constant C = 2,48.10*8 cm/s is close in magnitude to the gravidynamic constant of 2.16.10*8 cm/s, which is included in the equation similar to the equation of the Lorentz force, which was calculated power gravimagnetic braking.

1. Introduction

"Does the gravitational field of the similarity with magnetic? Turn any electrical charge, and you get a magnetic field. Turn any mass, and, according to Einstein, you have to detect very weak effect, something similar to magnetism" is so popular NASA has justified the need to launch several satellites to detect effects of gravimagnetism. We are talking about the launch of the satellite gravity probe B (Gravity Probe B), in which gravimagnetic effect is expected to detect at the exact precession of gyroscopes mounted on the satellite [1]. In another experiment (frame-dragging), associated with the launch of two geodynamic satellites Lageos-1 and Lageos-2 (LAGEOS and LAGEOS II), it was shown [2] that the precession was only 20 % of the level predicted by the theory.

Gravimagnetic effect can be detected not only by the precession of gyroscopes or "rotating frame", but also for deceleration or acceleration of the satellite depending on the direction of the force lines of the gravitational field and the direction of motion of gravitating bodies. Seems anomalies in the movement of the "Pioneers" in their acceleration or deceleration depending on the position in respect of gravitating bodies are also a consequence of gravimagnetic interaction [3].
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